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GH: November Discussion Thread

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I agree Vanessa as an actress did well in The Bannen Way where she was written as a KickA rideNdie chick that would put GH's to shame because the writing is so excellent she drove her story and it isn't misogynistic writing

...She can do it and my guess is there is a reason Brenda is sequestered in pimphse2...and I see it...IMo it is to finally dispel the BrendAbot comparison of Frons' "it" girl that really has had it.

I see a whiney, needy, pathetic creature in Brenda Barrett and this isn't the Brenda her fans claim she has been and they see a character assassination (the ones I post with) juxtapose her against a strong-able bodied has it all together Sam McCall make no mistake Sam is pimped in this big time and its not subtle. He does this all the time its not new he's diminished character after character to pimp his pet...Alexis, Elizabeth now he brings Brenda back same deal..I'm not surprised to see a weak Brenda up against Sam McCall.

There is a reason Brenda has had few scenes with her best friend who is in the hospital and haven't been introduced to Emma but managed to meet Spencer, or seen her god daughter. She's blatantly pimping and propping "Jason's girlfriend." I hear it in her dialog. This is just petty angst for a couple that has had none in two years...


History repeating with Robin ?

I'm not familiar with this storyline but I remember GH's 1988 Fatal Attraction storyline with Anna/Duke/Olivia/Robin/Robert

I don't know if its similar but Guza marketed Robin's current storyline as Fatal Attraction there were differences in the writing and the Jerome's Family/ Cheryl were including but IMO the 1988 version is a better told tale. I totally agree Brenda should have been brought in on Robin's storyline re: Lisa the Balkan connection could have still been played out but not the way it has. I don't recall Brenda meeting Emma or having scenes w/her goddaughter (BrookLynn).

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Lucy Coe is the sh*t. But I don't want her anywhere near this GH, worshipping Sonny, begging for handouts from the mob, being a prop to Luke and/or Mike Corbin, having Carly interfere in her marriage to Kevin...

I want to imagine Lucy's still on the hospital board or having off-camera influence in Port Charles no matter where she is in the fictional soap world.

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Brenda comes as needy and pathetic when compared to Sam McCall? Really?

Brenda may be traumatized, but the show portrays her as a brave woman who has sought out her fame and fortune and used that to aid children as her own entity with her own importance. The danger to herself does not stop her.

Sam's goals, when last checked, was to get herself and her boyfriend into some bed bug infested trailer to they can have sex while he was in jail.

When it comes to relationships, Brenda has the power to say no to Sonny or Jax, and she has her own agenda in those relationships. When last seen, Sam just sits there on Jason's couch saying "whatever you say I agree with Jason. Would you like coffee while you decide every move I make?"

Even just as a victim needing saving, Brenda gets attacked because she is Brenda. Sam gets attacked because she is Jason's girlfriend.

Nobody comes off as pathetic when contrasted with Sam, because Sam has to be the most pathetic character in GH history (with the possible exceptions of Olivia and Claire)

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what the hell is Suzanne still doing in Port Charles? Doesnt the bitch have a charity to run?

Carly finding out Dante and Brenda MIGHT have slept together is like the Fourth of July, her birthday and Christmas all rolled into one. Its literally the highlight of her day. Pathetic.

Jax: "Carly's not usually insecure". Since when? She gets territorial and insecure whenever a female goes near Jax, Sonny or Jason

Sonny still has strippers and prostitutes emplyed for him. Did not know that. Makes him even sleazier than I thought

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