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From my understanding, and I believe it comes from Drake interviews, Isabella was to be a part of the affair storyline.  SG asked for a ton of money and they let her leave thus the Isabella cancer story and the affair was put on hold for about a year.

I believe there were concerns that Deidre looked too old for Drake, which maybe she did, but it certainly evened out over the years.   I think once they gave them a kid it was endgame for them, but I think Days/NBC was open to trying John out with others because they could always just re-hire Wayne and do RoMar again.

I feel like there were periods in the early 90's where the show really went with Isabella/John and Marlena/Roman.  Marlena/John didn't really interact much after the Tale of 2 Romans until the Pit.  I like Roman/Marlena because Wayne and Deidre had a nice comedic chemistry as opposed to the angst that was always Jarlena.  Roman was written into a corner though.  He just treated Marlena badly and his kids to the point you were okay with Marlena banging John. 

I think Roman's anger over the affair rang true, but I don't think his departure did.  I don't believe he would have left his kids again and I do think he would have forgiven Marlena eventually.  Those were pretty extraordinary circumstances they were all playing out and I think Marlena would have done anything to keep Roman and totally keep John out of her life.

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Seriously, I used to think Sami/Roman were hella creepy.  She was acting like his new wife and it was just almost  incestuous.   I also think it was really crappy of Roman to allow that behavior.  He was 100% justified in being angry at Marlena but he seemed to take joy in Sami/Marlena's fractured relationship and did little to help it. 

I didn't hate Sami (and I mostly have always liked her), but she really only gets a year or two limit on being mad at John/Marlena.  After that it's annoying.  Like where's your daddy when you gave birth? Will was kidnapped? Multiple Austin/Carrie/Sami weddings? Near death via Austin's car? There were no cards, letters, or phone calls, but Roman is still the best!  Ugh..

And I never called my father "Daddy" and it creeps me out when adults do it lol.  It might just be a personal thing for me. 

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So I am continuing with the Possession and tbh it is starting to drag a bit.  

I do love how everyone tells Marlena she looks like crap and she does, but RUDE.  And her ridiculous glasses ha ha!

Marlena slinking around town so un Marlena like trying to seduce Father John is pretty hilarious.  John really can't figure this out.  Those two crazies!  MarDevil would have gotten his soul if Kristen didn't cock block it lol.

The one thing about the Possession that is slightly unclear is that is the Devil manipulating John to remember his sexy times with Marlena or is he just realizing his love for her again?   It seems like clear manipulation, but I think JER is going for rediscovered love.  I just don't know if I should believe John is still attracted to Marlena or if the Devil is making him attracted to her again.  Obviously, history would say he's still attracted to her, but the show makes it confusing right now.  Kristen still has a chance!

John found a new nanny.  Don't like this baby Belle.  I like the one from Aremid better.  OGBrady is still adorbs even though I don't think he talks.

It came out Mike gave away Marlena's security code!  I thought that just faded away, but it didn't.

I think I might skip ahead to the exorcism because I am kind of bored with all these false alarms.  Idk, Devil, is a Fake Priest's soul really worth all this?   Why does the Devil even want John's soul?  He in general isn't very religious at all except for these 12 months while Marlena is possessed. 

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Reilly always had a fascination with John the Priest, so I think it's supposed to be the Devil's manipulation. They did briefly really lean into that background after Kristen figured out the password to Stefano's computer (than Tony went blind retrieving). John the Priest was supposed to make him sexier for Kristen since she was guilt-trapped into being with Tony, which was actually pretty good thinking to have it reestablished for Possession.

I don't mind they brought Wayne back. John's missing past had so much potential, but it unfortunately became a prop for every head writer to use in another story.

I started watching Days in the summer of 1993. Every story from then until Possession was absolutely on fire. 

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I feel like it's the Devil's manipulation but he does love Marlena so Idk?   Maybe he's just horny.  I have a hard time believing even PriestJohn would stop wanting to have sex.  But it started with Devil as Kristen seducing him then moved to DevilMarlena seducing so I think there is something behind that.

The idea of bringing back Wayne was much better than the execution of it all.

I would say the bottom dropped out when they brought JT's Roman back.  It was okay when the Sami/Austin/Carrie stuff was revealed a bit later but that was the beginning of the end.

I still think the early Kristen/Susan stuff was good.

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Sorry, @Vee. But I hated Billie - HATED. (Loved Bo/Carly 1.0 and Bo/Hope.) So the fact that Hope came back (and Peter Reckell's Bo!) filled me with joy when Billie flew away. And the Billie hate persisted with Krista Allen's (villainous) version as well as Julie Pinson's, so it must have been the character as a whole.

The puzzle box scene with Bo/Hope with Billie looking on still makes me grin like a maniac when I watch it. 

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 I think Marlena was a bit flustered and all over the place due to lack of sleep from Stefano's nightly visits and was also already possessed (The Desecrator - Marlena - burned the Horton Centre Christmas presents after Marlena finished talking to Alice).

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I too actually liked RKK's Bo and Billie better as a couple than PR's Bo and Hope. 
Oh and since we are on the subject of unpopular opinions in that other thread, here is one: Krista Allen's Billie was not the same character as Lisa Rinna's and Lord knows that wasn't an Emmy-worthy performance but... I kinda liked her. 

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Well, I'll give Marlena the pass on this, but not John.  It's stupid that John has two nannies anyhow since it appears Belle/Brady live together whether it's with John or Marlena.  It doesn't seem like the kids stay apart so John stop wasting money!  But I am already at the Possession part where John hires Chelsea who really is underrated.  The amount of times John/Marlena were kidnapped/in jail/possessed/etc I assume Chelsea had to put in a lot of overtime and then the poor girl got retconned out of history for the Nanny they briefly brought back that was related to Celeste and not the nanny we saw on the show.  Anyhow, I need to stop thinking about Jarlena's childcare decisions lol.  It's just more exciting than the Possession I am watching right now.  It really does drag in the middle but I am committed!

Yes.  Most of the main stories ended and then it veered into John/Hope stuff and wasting ED and JOSH TAYLOR as Roman.  Jensen Ackles might have been the highlight of that season.  I think fake Jack/Jenn were on the run in the circus.  Nothing really entertaining happens until "kristen" dies and then Franco's shooting.  Everything just sort of stalls with no movement for awhile.


COUNT ME IN as a BO/Billie fan.  I was so pissed when Alice/Hope/the Devil screwed up their wedding.

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