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Found these two interesting tidbits when checking on Pat Falken Smith. Never heard these two tidbits about Roman or Tommy before!


3/6/82: Pat Falken Smith: "Roman is from the mountains of Tennessee...We intend to explore the whole Brady family."

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9/27/82: One time, Tommy Horton sat down for a pancake breakfast, disappeared for three years, and suddenly reappeared, eating the same pancakes. When Tom Horton asked where he had been, Tommy replied: "In another part of the house."



Here's a few of the Pat Falken Smith lawsuit items that I found:





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then, of course this happened

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I'm guessing PFS aced every executive interview to get the job, and then couldn't manage the office politics, because I've never heard of anyone who had such short tenures at so many shows...





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According to this, he's listed as one of the writers in the credits for the first daytime episode of Capitol, though I don't believe that episode is on YouTube currently. It's my understanding that Capitol experienced some abrupt changes in writers that first year, with the Corringtons replacing the Karpfs as headwriters before the end of 1982, so I wonder how long he lasted.


I know he was first credited at Ryan's Hope in late May 1984, a little over six months into PFS's tenure there. 

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Or she was just very pricey!? That one article mentioned that she made 1 million a year, plus another 1,5 million for her writing team - in 1979!? This should equal to 10 million today or so... if the ratings did not improve why tank so much money on a writing team when you can it for 25% of that sum...

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Her second stint with Monty also really was another excellent period on the show.  She created Anna and Robin.


We all know the script and direction of the plot were an outline to Monty, as she often had the actors improvising and adding dimension, sometimes ignoring the scripts altogether.  That had to be hard for writers like PFS and Marland.  Not so much probably for Norma Monty.

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This is all so interesting! Thank you @JAS0N47 and @j swift for the articles!


So had Pat Falken Smith stayed at Days a little longer, Bill and Laura would have been brought back, Stefano would have been obsessed with Julie and not Marlena, and according to a script that Jason47 posted on his amazing Days site, there most likely would have been other Dimera brothers introduced along with Tony. 


As much as I like all the stuff that DePriest, Anderson, etc. wrote, I would've liked to have seen some more of PFS's work too.

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I just checked John Lupton's appearances, and his longest stint away from the show was 2 years, 5 months: Last Appearance: 5/11/73, Returned 10/24/75. So, if the pancake story ever actually happened, it would have happened on those two dates.



And now checking, I have a synopsis for 2499 (10/24/75), and it states this: Alice enters Tom's office and is startled to find Tommy waiting for her. He begs her to attend the memorial services. She refuses and tells Tommy he is betraying the memory of his sister, Addie. Tommy, grieving, tells Alice she is letting Addie down by not standing by Julie. Alice cries and is comforted by Tommy, and agrees to attend memorial services. On the Anderson Terrace, Tommy comes to tell Julie her grandmother will attend the memorial services.


So, being this was a serious episode dealing with David's "death", they obviously did not have Tommy eating pancakes on his return date!

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Tommy did disappear for a few years there, and went unmentioned by other Salemites (which always annoyed me because you'd think he'd at least deserve a throw-away line or two along the lines of, "Tommy is in Hawaii on a research project."). But the pancake story is made-up BS, conceived by someone who just pulled that nonsense out of his hat.

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Sort of changing the topic, I am watching early Roman/Marlena and I love them!  WN/DH are fabulous together.  They lack the passionate chemistry the DH's ended up having, but they are adorable.  Roman is so wonderful to Marlena after Sam's death.  WN is charming as hell.  I don't know what happened in the 90's.  Also, Anna's intro is ridiculous.  "White slavery"?  What?  I can't even picture LH's Anna falling for WN's Roman.  Glad they moved her on quickly.

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