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Did they say that Chris had earlier studied to be a lawyer, then put it aside?

Was this a retcon because they needed Chris to be a lawyer for a particular storyline?

If so, what was it?

If not, then what was the point?

Surely Chris was more useful as a bar or gym owner.

Weird that Chris had relationships with two women named Leslie.

Chris was one of a few long running characters on soaps that never married.

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Thank you so much.  I guess they could bring Melissa back to run it, but she seems to inept to be in charge of a company like that.  Melissa would be a nice addition with Jennifer and Hope gone. Does Melissa have any other kids besides Nathan that could run it?


From what I can tell Chris became a lawyer and disappeared basically, so there was no reason lol.

Everything I have seen of JT's Chris I have liked.  He's so charismatic.  What happened?  I think Chris was just never married because he never had a really popular love interest.   Except Savannah, I guess.  I think he was just a swinging bachelor and it actually did fit his character.

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Mickey became a prosecutor in the DA's office at the time, so they may have been trying to establish Chris as Salem's new go-to defence attorney.


Chris represented Kim (for Emma's murder) and Steve (for Duke's murder) before being written out, with Josh Taylor going full time on Valerie/The Hogan Family; previously he'd been doing that show part time while he was still on DAYS.

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I mean, he was pretty popular with Barbara Stanger's Mary (though that was never gonna work considering how much the two actors loathed each other), and I recall someone mentioning his pairing with Mary Frann's Amanda was beginning to take root when Mary Frann quit an they scuttled her back to Chicago and her tw@tty husband Greg. But...other than that...yeah, he never really did, did he?

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LOL, not QUITE. They had a fight over his relationship with Amanda when he came to her place to pick up the rest of his stuff after their breakup, and as he drove away, Mary ran outside and threw a bunch of his clothes at the car in a rage. Chris lost control of the car and hit her.

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Something like that. I appreciate Mary as a character in one regard, because she's so complex, and so many possibilities. I still kinda wish they'd gone further with pairing Mary to Steve Olson in an attempt for him to get at Anderson (a plot he cooks up with Linda, of course), it would've been a much more interesting story than Steve's antique canes filled with diamonds.

Going back to what we were discussing with Melinda Fee's Mary, it's almost as though they wrote her Mary as an entirely different character, because it makes so little sense to me that she would fixate on a slime like Alex when Chris, who she patched things up with, and continued to care deeply for, was right there. You can say a lot of things about Mary, but she was never stupid. Until then, that is.

But absolutely she could be a stick in the mud, yes LOL

Edited by beebs
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Steve Olson is literally an entire missed opportunity of a character.  What happened to him?

Her stuff with Alex was not good.  And the swipes MF's Mary would take at Marie, Marlena, etc. were just so annoying.  MF's Mary seemed very vapid and honestly looked like Marie's contemporary.  It's not that MF was old, per se, she just looked very mature.  And who would run after evil Alex when Chris was hanging around?  JT could definitely still get it in 1982 which is gross for me to say lol.

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He just sorta...vanished back to France to hide from his shady underworld boss at the end of 1979, so his girlfriend Mimi came to Salem a couple times in early 1980 to harass Trish about some diamonds she'd taped to the bottom of her desk or something? And we never heard from him again.

As for MF's Mary, yeah. It really made no sense. Tomlin/Lisanti did her SO dirty that I honestly think that, combined with the lousy recast, made PFS decide the character was too damaged to keep around. Unfortunate, really.

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Thanks for all the replies.

I think Chris just vanished.

When PFS returned she wrote a series of episodes where Chris and Maggie were thrown together and had to spend the night at her farm but nothing came of it. Maybe Pat was toying with putting them together.

Poor Maggie was bounced from one bad story to the next. Amazingly she outlasted so many others.

Killing off Mary was mercy killing by that stage but it also served the Strangler plot as she was an important character.In fact she was only major character the Stangler killed (apart from Samantha)


Over time Alex and Marie's relationship was completely dropped, especially when Jessica was backburnered.

I think if you were watching from 83-85 you might not know they had any connection.

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Would have been interesting had Stefano been involved with Steve, considering he had eyes ("plans for her") on Julie when he first came to Salem. I wish they had done more with Stefano/Julie/Doug (obviously headwriters changed so I get it but still; missed opportunity for sure, though Mickey and Maggie got what Doug/Julie should have).


I love the supercouple era, but I really would love to see what PFS could have done longer term (I see why long-term fans might have been turned off; it's very different).


I also liked Diane Sommerfield as Valerie. PFS seemed to bring all the right people back but they were all dumped two/three years later.


Also was a mistake to kill off Renee.

Edited by KMan101
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Well, if PFS had stayed, we could assume that there would have been no masks lol and a lot of internal psychological conflict between Stefano/Julie/Doug.


It was similar to what happened back in 1980. Kellam was obsessed with Julie, but then when Gary Tomlin and Michele Poteet Lisanti came in, his obsession switched to Marlena

Edited by AbcNbc247
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