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December '79 time!


I'm super glad they didn't make Alex into Cathy's birth father because OMG THE SLEAZE.


Cathy the 17-year-old runaway has dinner with Alex for some reason, and tells him afterwards she'd LOVE to spend the night curled up in his arms, because he makes her feel warm and safe. 


**if you feel the urge to hurl, it just gets worse from here, so you might as well hold off til' the end of the paragraph**


Alex responds by kissing her, and trying to take her top off. Cathy, still a virgin, doesn't want to, and tells Alex to back off. Alex doesn't like being told 'no' and tells Cathy to leave and never come back. I guess that means she's also fired? Cathy immediately runs to Chris' for comfort. There, she's comforted by Chris' newest dayplayer family member, cousin Stan! (I tried to figure out how grossly inappropriate the age gap was between them, but this guy has literally three credits on his IMDb including his 5 episodes on DAYS, so I don't have much to go on.)


She's soaking wet from being out in the rainstorm, and Stan gets her into a bed and warm under the blankets. She talks to him about whether it's bad to be a virgin, and Stan tells her that, after a certain age, it can become a liability of sorts. He then tells her all about what a "beautiful experience" sex is, and then they end up sleeping together. What the actual...


The next day, Stan asks Cathy out for a date, but Cathy tells him she NEVER wants to see him ever again, because sleeping with him was a SIN! Stan then tells her that's cool cos he's leaving town anyway, but if she stops being a neurotic basket case, he'd love to see her again. And we never hear from him again, so I guess she never did.


Alex tells Cathy he misses her and wants her to come back to work for him. Cathy, this month's big dumbass, leaps at the chance to work for the abusive old schmuck again, and Alex assures her their run-in at the apartment is all in the past.





Marie is contacted by Mother House in Canada, and Mother Superior wants her to come up for a "spiritual refreshment", and a reassignment to a new missionary. She visits Alex before she leaves, and they discuss his brother Harley. Alex insists Harley's death was an accident. Marie leaves, and Alex recalls getting so pissed off at Harley, he pushed him off a ledge. He didn't MEAN anything by it. It was gravity's fault!


At the convent, Mother Superior talks with Marie about her pregnancy years ago with the child of "the man she feared and despised". So obviously Alex, then.





So, watching the available clips of the Sam kidney failure storyline, it seems Sam went to Joe's bar after witnessing Don, Marlena, and Donna discuss having to stay home for Christmas because of Sam's dialysis. Sam feels like a burden, and leaves the clear her head in the storm. Marlena and Don stay up, waiting for Sam to come home, but get a call from Chris. Chris ran into Sam at Joe's bar. They had a good talk, when some drunk recognized Sam from the TV and spilled beer on her. Trying to wipe it off, he knocked her clamp out, and Sam bled out and fainted. Chris picked Sam up and drove her to UH. Neil puts the clamp back in, but Sam is too depressed to leave the hospital, miserable about losing her acting career, and a lifetime of dialysis, and feels like a burden to Marlena and Don. Neil also tells Marlena to back off, as she's babying Sam, and making Sam feel like an object of pity even more than she already does. He asks her to turn Sam's case over to Jordan, if not for Sam, then for her baby. Marlena reluctantly agrees.


Sam wants to move back to LA, and continue dialysis there. Marlena looks further into kidney transplants with Neil and Jordan. They are both somewhat dubious, but Marlena points out that the one thing that will keep Sam going is hope to return to acting. Jordan thinks it would be great her for morale, and brings her to Marlena and Don's to discuss it. Sam agrees, and is happy to stay at Don and Marlena's until they find a transplant. Jordan insists the transplant NOT come from Marlena, whose kidneys are already compromised from her pregnancy.





Lee resents Doug working long hours at his club, and wants him to sell off the club as soon as Byron's inheritance comes through, hoping to cut him off from everything and everyone that reminds him of Julie. Well, good luck with that, because Doug confesses to Maggie that he's still just in much in love with Julie as he ever was, and only married Lee to give Julie the clean break she insisted every ten minutes she needed. Doug was made to feel as though he was standing in Julie's way to happiness.


Robert decides to blow this popsicle stand, and take Dougie to France. Doug tries everything to convince Robert to stay, including offering to make Robert a partner in Doug's Place. Robert feels he needs time alone with "his son" to get to know him better, and feels Doug spoils him (Doug, after all, set up a trust fund for the boy). Doug tells Robert he won't "allow" Dougie to be raised by strangers. Robert snaps back that it isn't Doug's responsibility, because he isn't Doug's. Doug tells Robert otherwise, and says they BOTH share the right to the boy. Hoooo boy, here we go. 


Robert finally learns the truth about Dougie's conception by artificial insemination, and is incredulous, but refuses to budge, and the fight's on. Doug and Robert go back and forth claiming that neither of them can lose "their" son, and here comes another custody battle that probably won't actually happen.


Robert then tells Julie about Dougie, and Julie is just as surprised as Robert was. Robert is shocked that Julie didn't already know, and decides he doesn't trust Doug OR Julie now for some reason. Because Julie's apparently known for being a brilliant thespian in the name of deception. This story is getting stupider by the minute.


Doug goes to Mickey and asks if he has any legal recourse. Mickey tells him he's s#!t outta luck. Part of the sperm donation process involved relinquishing parental rights. Too bad, yo! Doug returns to the club, and proceeds to argue some more with Robert. Dougie hears Robert and Doug fighting over him, and immediately runs out of the club, and into traffic. After nearly getting hit, he heads further into town, manages to find Chez Julie, where he sobs that he doesn't want to go to France to Julie, who comforts him until Doug shows up, grateful that Julie saved the day by being at work and talking to children.


Doug gets increasingly desperate, offering to GIVE Doug's Place to Robert, and even stay away from him and Dougie if Robert will just stay in Salem. Robert says he can't, his brother in law is sick (that's some wild relationship he's got with the in-laws, I'll tell ya! I wouldn't even cross town for mine). And then hours before the flight is to take off for Paris, Dougie gets sick, and Neil tells Robert he's got pneumonia and can't fly. GO FIGURE!




Linda notices Melissa has been snipey with her, and demands an explanation. Melissa tells Linda that she knows Linda has been faking her pregnancy. Linda lies through her teeth, and tells Melissa that she just was really late getting her period and it was an honest mistake that she WILL get pregnant, she HAS to. It's too important to everyone's future that she do! Melissa sees through Linda like a storefront window, and tells her she only wants a baby so that Bob won't leave her, and that she'll tell on her to Bob. Bahahah, the kids on this show are fekking amazing.


Linda, now desperate, has Neil over and asks a tiiiiiny favour. Can she have him rush her to the hospital after an "accident" and tell Bob she miscarried? Pretty please??? Linda will even throw in some money for his trouble. Neil won't bite. Linda kicks him out and demands he never come back.






Alex grills Stephanie, who's once again high on her migraine pills, pumping her for info on her background pre-Anderson. Freaked out, and woozy from the pills, Stephanie pretends to forget dates, hoping to throw Alex off. When that doesn't work, Alex reveals that he got a PI to look into her past, and knows she's actually Brooke. Stephanie, backed into a corner, confesses to Alex that she did come back to claim what's rightfully hers and Bob is gonna give it to her. Alex resolves to find out what exactly Stephanie has on Bob. Stephanie, when Alex reminds of what she confessed to, says she made it all up, she didn't know what she was saying. Alex then goes to Chris and suggests that Stephanie isn't all she's cracked up to be, and suggests Bob do a security check on her.


Bob spies Stephanie popping another of her loopy pills, and asks if she's sick. Stephanie insists she's okay, but can actually no longer function without them. Thanks, Alex! Julie asks Stephanie to see Jordan about her pill-popping, worried it's getting out of hand.


At her first session, Stephanie tells Jordan all about the accident and the migraines, and the fact that Alex just offered her this pill for the migraine and now she can't live without it (why anyone would trust some random pill a guy they barely know gives them when they're an incredibly savvy woman is beyond me, but ok). Jordan tells her to....try NOT taking the pills? Why hadn't SHE thought of that? Duh!





Earl has Terry keep the crappily-edited photo of Donna's head on a woman's body to hand just in case Don's crusade starts actually working. As added insurance, Terry somehow manages to use Donna in a porn movie without Donna realizing it's a porno?


Don visits Terry's "Glamour Gallery" and asks him who's supplying the porn to all the adult bookstores in Salem. Terry plays innocent, and claims they're all coming from LA and New York. Nothing to do with him. Nope!





After Maggie tells Julie about her suspicions about Steve and his canes, Julie confronts him about it, accusing him of filling the canes with coke....a....COKE-CAIN, if you will.


I'll show myself out.


Steve responds that he'd NEVER risk his "reputation" on something so dangerous. So, presumably smuggling diamonds are just child's play, then. Noted. Steve opens one of the canes he's already emptied to show there's nothing inside. Julie is embarrassed and apologized for doubting her perfect brother.


He then proposes AGAIN to Mary, this time with a ring. Mary says "no" AGAIN. Mary tells him she's never even TALKED to him about love, and the charmer tells her that if she says 'yes', he'll TEACH her how to love him. Mary scoffs at this, telling him that's impossible.


He then disappears, with Bill telling Alice that Steve received an urgent phone call from Paris, and left town.


And I think that's the last we hear of Steve.


What a....non-ending. WTFFF!?

So...other than Sam's story, which, I confess, makes a lot more sense because it's the only storyline we can actually SEE play out, this month is yet another disjointed mess. I keep getting the sense that Harrower has spread herself way too thin, and she really doesn't know how to give any of her stories an ending. They just sorta build up and up and then....stop. Then build again and then...change direction. She's really confusing me here, because like...wasn't Alex trying to bankrupt Magnis last month? Now we don't hear a damn thing about Magnis, he's just busy trying to sleep with teenagers and rough up women he's drugging up.


Last month was this big build for Margo and Mike's mob story and now...Margo sits in the hospital...and...nothing happens all month.


Really really bad story structure on Harrower's part, and for someone that wrote under Bell, incredibly surprisingly haphazard.


Also, can't say I'm at all sad that Cathy didn't turn out to be Marie and Alex's daughter, especially after Alex trying it on with her. I get that genetic sexual attraction is a real phenomenon, but this is just SO CREEPY and GROSS. I think it speaks volumes to Quinn Redecker's immense talent and charisma that he was able to last more than 6 months on this show without being killed off, because there is absolutely nothing at this man so far that gives me any indication that this will be a man leading story for the next eight years. WILD!

Edited by beebs
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Watching the videos posted so far on https://dayofdays2020.com/ I will say that Isabel Durant comes across as far more charismatic as a person than she does as Claire (I also had no idea she was Australian!); too bad they can't translate that into her portrayal. Maybe if they got her to relax a little more and not worry about doing an American accent she'd work better. Hell, they could write a storyline about Claire dissociating and changing her voice as I think that's a symptom of DID?

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Word. As varying as the quality of the breakup Doug and Julie storyline has been, I'd love to see these scenes. I'm certain SSH (and her boobies) rose to the occasion.


Oh my god, this sounds hilarious.


And Don. Alex as a boy toy could have worked nicely against Sandy Horton.


I feel like it'd play much better than the Mike/Janice Barnes/Bill triangle that played out eight years later.


Fascinating stuff. I guess the continuity person was on several coffee breaks.


Well, I see the whitewashing is beginning ...


This, last month's scene with Hope and, a decade later, her interactions with Eve, Tanner, Molly and company make me think that it's a shame DOOL didn't go further with Julie/SSH assuming a role like Lisa/Eileen Fulton on ATWT, taking a whole bunch of young 'uns under her wings. I know things didn't work out with Charlotte Ross, but imagine Susan and Alison Sweeney sharing scenes together during Sami's '90s heyday. 


If Alex knows Stephanie is Brooke, than wouldn't he know that Brooke is Bob's daughter? I guess the PI wasn't that thorough.


Isn't it obvious? Terry keeps intercutting between Donna and a mannequin for all the sex scenes. Also, TIL Salem had a red light district.


They're gonna really need to kick Alex's rebooting into high gear soon, cause right now, he's got no appeal whatsoever. 

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I think Sam was brought back just as a complication for the Craigs in their newly married phase. Andrea Hall was only ever recurring and did short stints. The whole kidney transplant thing keeps getting played but goes nowhere. Harrower only has a short time left so just about everything gets modified or tossed aside.

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If I'm being honest, it feels like none of Harrower's stories go anywhere. It's a lot of setting things up, starting to build them, only to have them abruptly change direction or resolve themselves in an unnatural way that screams of interference from above or a last minute actor departure (in Mary Frann's case). 


In fact, the only story Harrower has written that has had a natural beginning, middle, and end was Laura's meltdown, and technically, that was an Ann Marcus story that Harrower inherited. Julie's story has technically resolved as well but it sorta just... Ended with a thud instead of a bang, let's be honest. And besides, it sort of... Transitioned into the Lee/Doug/Julie triangle anyway, so it doesn't feel done yet anyway. And it sounds like it won't be for some time. 


Honestly, if I didn't know any better, it sounds like Harrower's ideas were being vetoed by someone above her head, because this smells a lot like the pattern MarDar had during their run, where stories would start, vanish, then end in a single episode, never to be mentioned again. 

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