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Y&R: Episodes discussion, week of October 4

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Kevin, Gloria, Bardwell, Jana, Chloe, Ronan, Deacon, Phyllis, Jack, Meggie, Victor, Skye, and Adam are all sociopaths (it's scary that there's actually that many on one show)

***runs and hides.....*****

***runs back***

And Y&R right now is an absolute mess, a clusterf*ck of sh!tasticness, is the worst show in daytime, and makes me pine for the character-driven, high stakes drama of Passions.

***goes back into hiding***

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I could have done without Sarah Smythe (arguably Y&R's worst and most boring SL ever) and Patty-cakes going crazy. But I love the fact that Meggie is evil because it is developing slowly and she has a motive. She wants Victor and his wealth. She also has something to hide and she's trying to neutralize anybody who might expose her. Added creepiness, for me, is the fact that she has a similar hairstyle to the one she had in Blade Runner (which is an absolutely 1980s AMAZING movie -- rent it if you've never seen it before). It's like the proactive flipside to the blank robot she played.

MTS -- there are no words. I could watch her all day.

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BINGO!!!! I was going to ask yesterday who wanted to lay odds that Braeden's walking out of the room wasn't in the script, but I forgot to. I think Rylan's comment, "Your'e gonna just walk away?".... I think that came more from the actress than the character if you ask me (This is one of those time I would LOVE to lay my hands on the script and look at it). And you know what also has made this show so much better in the last week? No Reigel. She's like a wet dishrag laying over the entire show when she's on. TPTB have GOT to know at this point how much she's reviled, I don't think I've seen ONE good comment about her on the message boards. Just cut your losses, and bring Vail back, if she'll come. She looked like she came from Paul and April after all:


and I agree about Nikki... I could watch Melody all day long as well, she's just masterful in every scene she's in. And once again, I want to say how good Michael Fairman has been in this. Now we know that Katherine is going to keep him alive, because he told her that's what he wanted.. and creepy Meggie will be trying to off him for good. I smell another Molly Carter type storyline. And Saving ATWT is right... "Thrilling coldness"is the perfect description for Meggie.

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LOL Paul....you're getting me into all kinds of trouble. I don't have anything bad to say about that sequence. I'm pasting below my "in the moment" tweets from the Sean Young reveal. They're filled with the high emotion of a bona fide surprise, but I was really delighted to see something that exciting again. And to see a perfect match between Sean's dark, brooding, portrayal and the backstory she now apparently harbors. So, just remember that I was posting this as I was watching.

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PHyllis isn't a sociopath, selfish? yes, bullying? yes. cunnivinng? yes. dangerous? can be, but not socio pathic IMO. Yes she set fire to Sasha's room and ran down Paul, these things are nver explore so I can't conclude that it is sociopathic motives or behaviour. I don't know if Chloe is suppose to be a sioptah either. The rest I guess I see the argument

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Definitely. It's atrocious.

Even if they get that one storyline right for a moment, everyone needs to keep in mind that the story accidentally fell in the lap of the writers, and that it won't last long.

Ugh. :rolleyes:

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I think many have just given up, I know I have. I thought life without ever watching the show again would be an adjustment, but it's not. The habit is broken and I can't honestly see myself watching this dreck again.

I have no interest in whatever Sean Young is passing off as acting these days. Most of the time I've seen her recently, she looks like a battered old Italian hooker that's just been beaten up by her pimp.

Nothing short of an announcement that Heather Tom is returning as Victoria will get me to tune back in.

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