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LOL..I was actually watching these scenes and remembering that I thought he was sexy back then and still do when I rewatch. (maybe he always needed the facial hair...) but his Tom is a great combo of Bob (idealist, upright and defending the ones he loves) and Lisa (unconventional, sexual, and willing to bend a rule to get what he wants.) 

I will say he was yelly, OTT and "LOOK at me..." on Day 1 of GL. I think as Marcy Walker said, his acting could be self indulgent and I think his ego, combined with JFP's propping, and one of the writers propping of Buzz (he saw him as his own dad...) the industry delusion that he was the BEST, all made him untouchable and out of place in SF...(though I did like him when he first came on and everyone thought he was bizarre and he was a con artist...) 

I think on ATWT he was constrained by the character, the writing and the vets who surrounded him (plus Colin who gave as good as she got...) ON GL it was as if they wrote a scene ( Buzz yells, flaps his arms and the rest of the characters stand there and take it.) 

That's actually when I started to, at least tolerate him (as I knew he wasn't going anwhere...) Once Bruce Barry told him to settle it down, and Deas got butt hurt over that....his quiter and almost sadder Buzz made sense (he was a guy who abandoned his family and really was as selfish a prick as Alan...) Buzz seemed tired world weary but still in it because of his family. That made him a better fit in SF then...flapping arms and running around the Spaulding mansion set while poor Fiona had to stand there and watch.

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I think GL blundered in domesticating Buzz and Jenna.  You don't take someone as vixenish as Fiona Hutchinson and tie her down with a husband and kids and a business that she runs with another soccer mom.

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I agree...but what are you going to do when you have nutball fan cases who love Juzz? Bena??? I thought RN and Fiona had great chemistry and imagine Reva having to go toe to toe with a hottie who aint nuts? As I said, Buzz was fun as a conman that everyone thought was a weirdo..he would have made a better character on Edge of Night actually. 


Sorry, more of a GL discussion here. 

Edited by Mitch64
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If you are a woman of a certain age and status in Oakdale you WILL wear a fur coat.

Another thing common to ATWT and other soaps is that the hospital is absolutely buzzing. Doctors and Nurses are hurriedly moving back and forth , but there never seem to be any civilians except the main cast. It's like they were so delighted in the 80's to finally have a bigger budget for extras, they went over the top. IRL a hospital floor can be fairly quiet.

Same with the police station. There seemed to be 5 or 6 extras almost running into each other . I'm glad those guys were getting some work but they could have easily cut down on the extras budget or at least slowed things down-maybe 2 guys talking at a desk?

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Jenna circa 1992 to 1995 was very India esque.  

When she came back in late 1996, she was almost a different person. 

Only when she visited everyone in that well written 1998 episode after her death did she regain some of that early spirit.

And the script knew India and Jenna were alike because India said she wished she had gotten to know her and Alex laughed stating they would have had a lot to talk about.

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From what I have observed, it seems as though, after Margaret Colin’s departure from the show, Deas may have either developed some bad habits or became a bit lazy. Hillary Bailey Smith, in one of those reunion discussions done during the pandemic, was very diplomatic when describing what it was like to replace Colin in the character of Margo. She basically said that Deas wasn’t too happy working with someone else. Episodes of HBS’ “Margo” and Deas’ “Tom” are pretty rare on YouTube but you can definitely tell that Deas’ energies are somewhere else, definitely not with his onscreen partner.

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Which is a shame, because I think he would have been just as good with HBS as Margo as he was with Margaret Colin.

I don't know what it is, but I've always been more fond of the quirkier, more off-beat actors on soaps than I am of the ones who played heroes and ingenues.

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