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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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The show tried to give Rhineheart’s Jessica an actual story where Jessica and young Bonnie were targeted by white supremacists but story was a mess and ended when a car bomb went off in Kim’s car (or Kim driving Tom’s car) on the one year anniversary of the OKC bombing. Late the show actually first paired up Ben and Jessica when Rhineheart was in the role for a while as the show’s token black couple but there wasn’t any chemistry and then Camille arrived. After that all Jessica did was be the town lawyer until Tunie returned in 2000. 

Catching up to some previous stuff…

Killing off both Paul Stewart and Liz in one swoop just feels so short-sighted and reckless. I suppose the show came out unscathed in the long run but I can easily how Irna was fired for that. The show later tried to establish some connection when Paul’s son showed up in Oakdale but the character was DOA. 

Thanks again @FrenchFan for the 1968 summaries! 

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That is bizarre. I left a comment that I suppose they won't like: 

1. Another World was neither a spin-off or a sister soap to As the World Turns. 2. Another World was never offered to CBS. It was intended from the start for NBC. They were avid to have an Irna Phillips show. 3. These things & others have been debunked in "The Creation of Another World" which can be found here http://anotherworldhomepage.com/creation.htm

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Seems very much so. I seem to be encountering a number of AI generated videos lately and all have been very poorly done. Talk about data scraping.

Someone thought that soap fans would love this video and they’d get lots of views. I didn’t even get through the entire video. 

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I've skipped around 1998 and I can see what yall were saying the more I watched. I feel like It started out good when wrapping up the 97 stories, but the bulk of the year, especially the summer felt very weak. I also am not a fan of many of the newbies with the exception of Katie. It seems a little better towards the end of the year, but I'm hoping 1999 is a stronger year so I can watch a full year without wanting to skip around.

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Talk of Susan had me wondering when John Colenback took over as adult Dan. Soap Central says Jan 66 but I am doubtful on a lot of what is posted there.

There is a CBS press release photo of Colenback on line from Dec 66, which leads me to believe that's when he took over. Does anyone know more?

John Colenback was much older than Jeffrey Rowland so I wonder if Dan was offscreen for a while so the transition wasn't too difficult for viewers to accept?


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Thanks for that. So around June/July, David and Ellen were married early June 66. Would they have brought a new older Dan on for the wedding? Or maybe David and Ellen went off on a honeymoon for a couple of weeks and a new Dan (and Susan ) were there upon their return?

I'm sure we can solve this mystery....

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I'm currently in Aug 1999 - watch one a day as if it were actually airing. I, too, was not a fan of the newbies, Eddie and Georgia in particular but I have to say they grew on me over time. A loooooong time. But do I find myself enjoying their current storylines.

I think whether or not you'll enjoy 1999 is how much you enjoy...oh, I don't know how much you've seen of '98 and don't want to spoil anything. Let's just say it's a classic soap storyline reminiscent of Lily being adopted that takes forever for her to find out. The story is FINALLY really amping up here in Aug '99. But I can't say I've been bored by the storyline. I've enjoyed watching the characters get played and waiting for them all to figure out what's going on.

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The guy from Facebook made another profitable Visit to Miss Rosemary Prinz, this time He Got The First Episode of AMC and One 1965 One Of ATWT featuring Lisa and Bob's Custody Battle, And a 1958 one!

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We all thought that. But this document debunks it. Eddie Drueding wrote it & both Elana Levine & Lynn Liccardo did some of the research. When you have a free 10 minutes go to that link & read it, it's fascinating. Actually NBC had been wanting an Irna soap & approached her & she was more than happy to come up with another "world" motif! 

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