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I hear ya - I'm a broke performer. However, I'm mostly broke because I spend all my money watching other people perform.  

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 I can't help myself. I could watch people act and sing all day long. Even when it's not the best performance, it absolutely fascinates me.

I'm sure this will get merged with the above post I made; however, it's a completely different topic.


The Laura Simmons storyline is missing the FREAKING RESOLUTION!!  (I'm laughing at myself at my frustration.) I sat through that entire crap storyline and can't even see her freakin' downfall. The scab writers didn't let up on it. Every. Single. Day. has been nothing but Laura Simmons, Laura Simmons, Laura Simmons. The episodes go right up to her tricking Bob into leaving Hal & Barbara's wedding and when he gets home, she is wearing a nightie (I hope it's not supposed to be Kim's nightie that she ripped to shreds) and holding the letter opener, demanding he say that he loves her. The following episode (May 24th) is not online that I could find. May 25th begins with John recapping what happened to Susan.


Fortunately for me, some lovely person on this board posted a link to a tumblr page that has the recaps out of SOD. I was able to pause today's episode and read that to catch myself up. I'm also so thankful for all the people who have collected all of these episodes and have shared them for free with other fans. I'm incredibly appreciative...but I still wanted to see that psycho bitch get what was coming to her.

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Maybe it was preempted in some markets that day. Seems odd that whoever's posting wouldn't have that pivotal episode. I seem to remember it involving Pam getting baby Chris out of the house, so I must've seen it.

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At least the Tad Channing one had the resolution - Hal standing in the closet with the shoe confronting the murderer. The set up to it wasn't there, IIRC, the story jumped right to the end but I at least go to see it.  (Oh, and side note, I LOVE how they used that character once Barbara was in prison, too.) Thanks for the heads up about Brock Lombard - that's a name I will not soon forget and, when he comes on, I'll keep in the back of my head that the resolution isn't there to see. 

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Yeah, see, the set up going missing is a big problem for me trying to watch on You Tube.  I'm just thinking about the absurdity of me writing anything with the rising complications and reversals and twists missing (occupational hazard, I guess).  I kind of remember episodes from when I watched when it originally aired but I was a child back then and I would love to see the complete story as an actual adult, LOL. 

Also, the episode when Barbara gets exposed for her affair with Tonio Reyes (not the fake affair with Tom that she invented) is gravy to the A storyline.


The thing that has always tickled me about Marland's writing is, often as you're seeing one story begin to conclude, you are seeing another (or two) take root.

Some of the B and C stories will eventually become the A story down the line.  So when you miss those episodes that are part of the set up, you're actually missing the beginning of a new story.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I do remember being upset that I didn't get to see Barbara exposed for that, too. Her comeuppance would've been nice to see. But I also adore Barbara with every fiber of my being (even when she's being horrible - so really, it's my love for Colleen Zenk overriding my annoyance at Barbara's actions) and seeing it might have wounded my soul a bit. 


Looking ahead to the 1988 playlists on YouTube...it looks as if most of this year will be frustrating ATWT watching. Most of the writers' strike episodes are there; however, by the end of October, when Marland and crew are back, the rest of the year is mostly missing. Blerg! (Haven't delved into what exists of '89 yet.)

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See as a writer, it's so unsatisfying to know there are missing parts. Grr.


The funny thing is that Barbara actually comes clean to the family about her part in Tom and Margo's separation in an episode later that year (after Stenbeck returns to Oakdale after three years being presumed dead), is forgiven and her character experiences a kind of redemption but those episodes are also missing...so...

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Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I still have hope that one day all of those P&G soaps are going to be available for all to see somehow on some platform. Somehow, someday, the right person will be in charge, and digitizing old episodes of TV will be so easy and cost such a minimal amount, that we'll get some online soap opera channel. Mark my words - coming to us in 2032!!

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Maybe if the "World" is still here and the planet hasn't imploded, P&G might be under sensible stewardship but I've left hope behind on that possibility.

At this point, I can only get my hopes up that someone somewhere will find a treasure trove of never-before streamed episodes from the 80s and uploads them onto You Tube.


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Weirdly, the start of the resolution of the Laura Simmons story came at the same day that Laurie Dan murders happened in Chicago. Dann killed two girls in a Winneteka school and shot a boy and then went into a house and took a son and his mother hostage until she shot herself..this was big news back in the days before shootings happened constantly and I remember watching ATWT and goofy Laura Simmons when the interuppted for the news on this.

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Pam did get the baby out of the house - I saw that day - that was May 23rd. I hadn't thought about the fact that it might've been pre-empted that day in that market. I'm just glad she's gone. Now, if only Beau would go along with her.....

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