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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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I think Brian Bloom's Dusty was still likeable under Marland's pen. I do agree, however that during Marland's regime, Dusty lost a bit of that complexity and angst that he once had.

Yes, it was probably sour grapes on Bloom's part, somewhat but I don't think it is comparable to Frank Runyeon's gripes because Dusty was not a pivotal character in the way that Steve once was with the big fat Greek wedding getting high ratings, press, pr. Dusty was always part of an ensemble story even when he was one of the focal points. Even with the Gunnar/Stenbeck story, it was just as much about John and Barbara as it was ever about Dusty-- in a way, it was more about John and Barbara.

Even before Martha Byrne, writers were sort of building a Dusty/Lily love story and then here comes Holden. C'est la vie, really yet I can kind of understand that the changes might have thrown him for a loop.

Still, when I saw Lily married to somewhat hapless simp Derrick, I wondered whether that was originally supposed to be Lily married to Dusty.

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The main difference with Dusty before and during Marland, for me, is inner life, and energy. They made Dusty much more basic so he could be the somewhat troubled, but mostly stolid preppy who would worry about Lily, but ultimately not be what she wanted. And this was his material for two full years. Even when he and Lily were split.

To me this is some of the most boring material of 86-87, and also some of the most one-note. Meg in particular is painfully one-note to watch and only becomes a real character once she marries Tonio and her dreams are crushed.

I don't think they would have had Dusty in Derek's role, because Derek was planning to kill Lily for her money.

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Well Dusty did have more story before Marland arrived…his parentage…etc..etc..and John…then with Marland he just became Lily's pet……and nothing else…..he was a boring character but great to look at….he also trashed ATWT and refused to return when they were bringing Dusty back. He thought he was bigger than ATWT a la Meg Ryan.

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I did start watching ATWT with 2002 episodes and I loved the show instantly. That was 10 years ago. I rewatch the show now starting with Febuary 2003. Iam excited again. I don't know the show from before but I think Sheffers writing fits the show very well.

I have a few tapes from the 80s. I may give them a try too. I would love to watch 2001 but don't have the whole year.

Edited by SeanM
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A few months ago, on You Tube, I watched what looked to be Bloom's last episode on ATWT and I think it aired around September '88. According to imdb Dance 'Til Dawn aired in October '88. Someone else more familiar with ATWT's production schedule can probably estimate when he might have taped the final episode or how far in advance taping was back then. It's very possible the two productions overlapped but some movies do months of post production before they're released, not sure about TV movies though.

I've never seen the HBO series Oz, but I heard he had a role as Christopher Meloni's prison lover (speaking of SVU).

Seems like he does a lot of voice over work for video games.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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LOL..he was the pass around boy between Meloni and his prison lover..and Bloom played a character who got what he wanted by supplying certain uh favors. He also had the most, if you have macabe sense of humor, hilariously sleazy and cheesy death on TV!

If you havent seen Oz, your mind will be blown its as if the show is written by the love child or Reilly, McTavish and Sheffer was on crack, stoned, drunk out of its mind....In other words, its must see TV.

Edited by Mitch
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Thank you, DramatistDreamer and Mitch. I've never watched Oz, so I didn't know about his role on that show. I do know that quite a few actors have been on Oz and L&O shows, either as leads or as guest stars.

Has anyone else seen Dance 'Til Dawn? Extremely cheesy and TOTALLY 80s, but it is still a must-see!! How can you go wrong when your cast is made up of:


Christina Applegate as Patrice Johnson
Alyssa Milano as Shelley Sheridan
Brian Bloom as Kevin McCrea
Tracey Gold as Angela Strull
Chris Young as Dan Lefcourt
Tempestt Bledsoe as Margaret
Matthew Perry as Roger


Alan Thicke as Jack Lefcourt
Kelsey Grammer as Ed Strull
Edie McClurg as Ruth Strull
Cliff De Young as Larry Johnson
Mary Frann as Nancy Johnson


Lewis Arquette as Pawnshop Owner

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Oz was about 10-15 years ahead of its time. Today it would probably be a huge show, especially on social media.

The first 4 seasons of Oz were good - the show is more serious in the first season, but they embrace pure soap opera in the second season and it was a wild ride. Meloni was a huge force of sexual energy and charisma. He'd been in TV for a number of years before that role; once he got it, his career exploded - he got a part in a Julia Roberts movie (Runaway Bride) and on SVU because of Chris Keller.

Bloom was terrific on Oz. He was utterly believable as this charismatic guy who was hot as hell, yet not quite as smooth as he thought he was. He had crazy chemistry with Chris Meloni and he also worked well with Lee Tergesen. He probably could have run a long time on the show, but the arc worked for what it was.

Edited by DRW50
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