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When Marland came on (or right before) and Bob was with Kim and married just married her...Lisa had one of her "in between men," thing with Bob. Bob didn't even know it but she would make plays for him and kind of caused some trouble for them after Nancy came back and Lisa would give Kim bad advice on how to deal with her (the writers brought Nancy back as her tough old self but Marland softened her) like making a dish she hated etc. (though it presupposed that Kim didn't know that much about Nancy, which was goofy.) It was kind of fun. But Marland ended it...(I think I remember the scene where Lisa cried and admitted to Babs that she still loved Bob and then the both decided she had to put it behind her.)

It was fun to see Lisa being kind of a bitch again though they played it more like her just being jealous of the attention Kim got and her not wanting to intrude in her territory with Nancy and Chris. But I liked her better as their best friend, part of the family, colorful aunt thing, so Marland was right to end it.

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Y'know....I don't really hate the idea of a Bob/Lisa story. If you didn't watch during the '60's, you didn't really get to see them as a couple. Other than Grant, I really do consider Bob as Lisa's great love.

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I'm the last one to discount breaking points (my last straw with Y&R was airing a recap episode the Monday of Memorial Day weekend, delaying the verdict in Nina's trial....but there were a lot of other things that pissed me off too---Cricket and her constant harem of men, Sheila overload)....but there had to be ten years between the affair and them marrying.

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IA. I could understand the resistance if Bob and Kim had married, say, immediately after Jennifer's death. That would have seemed callous on the part of both. However, as you say, P.J., there had to have been a decade, at least, between the end of their affair and their wedding. In the meantime, both Bob and Kim had moved onto other relationships, giving viewers the impression that any romantic feelings toward each other were long in the past. In fact, IIRC, as Bob and Kim began circling around each other again after being apart for so long, Kim was actually hesitant to renew their relationship on account of long-standing guilt over what she had done (namely, arranging to be Florida on a singing engagement at the same time as Bob in order to seduce him) to interfere with his and Jennifer's marriage. IMO, that might have gone a long way toward helping those who still remembered what happened among the three of them to "forgive" Kim and Bob for their indiscretion.

I must say, though, I did enjoy that brief moment during Gillian Spencer's one-day return as "Ghost Jennifer" when either she or Kim, who was hovering between life and death after heart surgery, brought up the affair and GJ was on the one hand still reluctant to talk about it and yet reconciled to the fact that it happened and that Bob and Kim found their way back to each other nonetheless. I mean, it's unrealistic to assume a ghost would still be hung up on past grievances (doesn't "going toward the light" mean letting go of life here on Earth with all its' pain and sadness?), but at least TPTB still thought enough of fans at that point to touch back on past events.

Edited by Khan
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Yep, he is. He's talking about the story of Bob and Kim's infamous affair (which resulted in baby Sabrina, who was presumed dead until Marland brought her back) -- infamous, b/c Jennifer was also pregnant at the time, and b/c Irna Phillips had intended for Kim, and not Jennifer, to end up with Bob.

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Yeah, they had played the "friends" aspect of Bob and Kim for so long, it was a little weird to go "there" in the relationship for viewers who had only had it referenced for years, and not seen it. I always saw Dan as Kim's great love, not actually because I remembered it, but because it was continually referenced on the show. If not directly, by the fact Kim was Betsy's de facto mother for years and the rivalry with Susan.

I had no idea IP intended for Kim and Bob to be endgame.

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Irna was reportedly disgusted by the Dan/Paul/Liz story, saying it was immoral (or something along those lines). Yet, when she returned to AS THE WORLD TURNS, she had both Jennifer and Kim (sisters, mind you) pregnant by Bob, with plans for Bob and Jennifer to break up for good and for Bob and Kim to end up married and happy. (Sort of like how she envisioned years before, shortly after the show's premiere, Jim Lowell leaving Claire to be with Edith Hughes.) P&G put their collective feet down, though, claiming that Kim should not be "rewarded" for breaking up her sister's marriage. I can't recall whether Irna was fired (yes, fired) immediately afterward, but that was when the story changed from the initial plan.

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Oh god that clip is bad. Nowadays there'd be a drinking game of how many times Eddie says man, and we'd all be alcoholics.

I loved Jack and Carly back then, before they turned him into Officer Jesus.

I'm still puzzled as to why they thought Scott DeFreitas wasn't hunky enough. His arms looked amazing in that clip.

Whose bright idea was the Reid storyline? God awful. As much as I remember the Laiman tenure as being awful, thank god they pruined the cast because there were some real duds in the Broderick era as this clip shows.

Edited by juppiter
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I think Irna was fired as she refused to change it.

Irna supposedly saw herself as Kim and I think she wanted Kim to have the happy ending she never did. It's kind of sad when you think about it :(

I'd like to believe she somehow helped influence their later reunion...from wherever she is now.

Eddie Man truly was the ideal name for him.

The Reid story was Broderick. What a crapfest. Daniel Markel was good as David (and very easy on the eye).

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