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Y&R Stars (or any soap really) who don't get along in real life.

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Well, Geary denied it ever happened, so... He said there was a meeting, but it didn't get physical. He claimed he told Culliton that he was about to go on his summer vacation and urged him to use that time to get the Luke characterization together by his return. After that, Geary said about a later, it was announced Culliton was gone.

You're welcome, Khanny! :wub:

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According to Eddie Drueding's ANOTHER WORLD fansite, a source he considers reliable told him that although RC has a good sense of history and character, "he hates actors and likes to play God." More than likely, RC didn't like Geary questioning him, so he either quit or was forced out of the job b/c ABC would not side with him over Geary.

Especially when you realize Kim Onasch wasn't long for ATWT either.

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I believe Melissa Reeves and Alison Sweeney didn't like working with him either. I think he's a perv and that's why no women working at Days at that time liked working with him. . The fact that he ended up married to the girl that played Sami's best friend backs that up.

James Kiberd and Kate Collins didn't get along at AMC. I believe the rumor is that it was so bad that they used fan mail to determine who to keep. James got more fan mail so Kate was fired.

Apparently on GH when Tamara Braun said she wanted Carly to move on from Sonny, her and Maurice Bernard's relationship took a nose dive and they didn't get along after that.

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RKK supposedly liked to feel up the actresses during kissing and love scenes and made sexually inappropriate comments all the time. Kristian Alfonso eventually balked at working with him and pleaded with Peter Reckell to return. Lisa Rinna also complained about RKK. He started dating the actress who played Miriam when she was underage though he claimed they waited until she was 18. Ali Sweeney was off the show for several months under the guise of school or something, but the real reason is that her mother didn't want RKK any where near her while all this drama was going on.

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Too bad RKK didn't get to work more with Crystal "I Love the Lesbos!" Chappell. Between his groping and her clit tickling (another thread), they would've had a high old time!

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Guest dc cubs

Chappell did work with RKK for 18 months. She was the first one to complain about him to Days execs. Days response to her complaints was to fire Chappell's boyfriend, Michael Sabatino. This all happened before Crystal and Michael were married. CC asked to be let out of her contract when Sabatino was fired and the request was granted.

Rinna then had problems with RKK as well but wouldn't say anything because she saw what happened when Chappell complained. Finally, when Alfonso came back and had issues with RKK too, she and Rinna decided to go to the producers together and lodged complaints. That is when Days fired RKK and brought Reckell back.

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Reckell and Alfonso had also had issues the first time they were on the show together, but nowhere near as severe as what was supposedly going on with RKK.

Regarding another show, their issues were also nowhere near this serious, but the Soap Book of Lists mentioned Jessica Tuck and Joe Lando as not getting along at all when they started working together at OLTL. I think this was the couple, I can't remember for sure though, where he brushed a piece of lint off of her shoulder and she slapped him.

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I'm pretty sure that Rinna was planning to leave when she went with Alfonso to complain about RKK. Rinna probably felt she had nothing to lose by then. It is incredible that Days kept RKK for so long despite all the complaints about him. If Peter Reckell hadn't agree to return, RKK would have still be there.

I think Jensen Buchanan also complained about him on Another World which is why Vicky and Bobby Reno was ended in favor of Vicky and Jake. Of course, then Phelps brought him to GH as Stravos. I don't know if Genie had problems with him, but I wouldn't be surprised.

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