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GH: August Discussion Thread

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Jax and Brenda were great together. But after last time? I know they're going to put her with Sonny. I liked her with Sonny, but I liked her more with Jax..I just think it sucks. I mean last time they sh*t all over Robin Christopher, ripped her front burner storyline romance with Jax away, and never gave her another one...All for VM. It just sucks because they totally f*ck over actresses who are loyal to GH for this one woman who comes whenever she feels like it, but leaves as soon as she books a guest spot on Brooke Shields latest toothpaste commercial primetime show.

Oh, I like Brenda and Jax together. I do. I used to like CarJax, but she treats him horribly now. I'm not a big fan of Jax in general anymore, and think it's time for him to go...But, the only reason it would make me completely pissed if he went insane for Brenda is because less than a MONTH ago he couldn't give Skye a second look because he loved Carly too much. I mean, how many times does poor RC have to get sh*t on for this woman? She's lost her man (twice), her role as a frontburner character, AND her emmy to the bitch!

I definitely want to see Jax with someone new, but it should have been Skye IMO. Jax will look like a hypocritcal ass if he jumps all over Brenda right away, after using Skye to get back in Carly's pants. Poor Skye :(

I don't like her with Sonny AS MUCH, simply because even though I did like them at one time, Sonny was verbally AND physically abusive to her (shone in those episodes from 1997, where he CLEARLY grabbed her throat), and I don't want to see Brenda be dumb enough to go back to that.

I do like Jax and Brenda, a lot, but after his blatant rejection of Skye because he "LOVED CARLY SO MUCH"? It would make it look pathetic to crawl back to ANOTHER woman whom he will always be second with.

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Wow so much VM animosity. I like VM I agree she is not the best actress around, but Brenda is one of my favorite characters and her charisma throughout the character's presence has much to do with it. As well as her chemistry with the other characters where it matters. She was a big part of Brenda working and garnering as much attention and love as she does. How she will do this time around remains to be seen, but I will give her a chance. I am now officially tuned back in to GH. Yes I am one of those.....

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I gave him some catnip shortly after to help soothe his nerves. He was rolling around in sweet reverie, forgetting the trauma of such scenery chewing.


My problem is, not necessarily Vanessa Marcil or Brenda, but the concept of her being this FORCE of an actress and/or character. I never "got" the Brenda character (and listening to VM go on and on about how much she loves this character more than any other she's played has me like, "uh... WOW!"). As a person who grew up studying theater, acting, writing, etc., I've learned to separate the character from the actor. Sometimes my dislike for both bleed together (Carly/Laura Wright), but most often, I can grasp who the character is apart from who the actor is. I get who Maxie is on paper and I like her presence on the canvas, no matter how much I can't stand Kirsten Storms. I never got who Ric Lansing was, no matter how much I enjoyed the work of Rick Hearst. To me, Brenda isn't really a solid, fleshed out, defined character. She's more like a personality. She's the pretty girl who giggles a lot that everyone loves because she's pretty and giggles a lot. Nothing terribly unique or necessary.

Oh, and I stand by my assertion that she looks as if she had some cheek scoopage done (yup! that's the clinical term).

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I'm really surprised LW wasn't bumped in the credits. For all the media blitz they gave VM, she's still trailing both LW and KM. LW must be breathing a huge sigh of relief. IMO it would have been pretty embarrassing for her.

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I agree about Sam. What happened to her?

Olivia is pushing Dante to marry Lulu because it involves her being up in someone elses business, which is what she lives for. And she's hoping she'll get to charge down the aisle in her "walk with a purpose" way, as a bridesmaid.

Yes, Brenda please get your ass to New York.

And me too!

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