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B&B: July Discussion Thread

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I liked them together back when they were first an item but then they put her back with old ass Nick and him with old ass Jackie, who was sexually harassing him bc she was so horny and couldnt get laid. Owen and Bridget should be together

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Im not sure I feel sorry for Brooke. She made her bed. Actually she didnt use a bed this time...lol. I do feel sorry for Hope. She i paying for her mother's mistakes and thats not fair.

As much as I like Steffy, I cant wait for her to get whats coming to her. She has been runnign around being rotten to so many people this year and its about time she gets knocked down a peg or 2. Theres really no rooting value in what she's doing right now. One soap story I hate is when a woman tries to cling onto a man that doesnt want her. It would make more sense if she loved Oliver, but he seems more like a play thing, a little challenge for her. Theres no chemistry or feelings here and I cant see why she's wasting her time on him. Ive mentioned this before, but I really wish they had continued with her and Bill bc those two had potential especially considering the forbidden aspect of it and Heather Tom would bring it to make for one juicy storyline. Steffy is being wasted fighting with a high schooler and her oversexed middle aged mother

I forgot to mention but on Fridays show, Steffy and Stephanie were wearing the same shade of blue. I wonder if that was intentional. The stuff that was coming out of her mouth was exactly stuff Stephanie would say and its amazing how she is so much like her grandmother in more than just name. Ive noticed that Susan Flannery's airtime has decreased this year, probably bc of age and health and it seems as if they've transitioned Steffy to sort of take her place at least as far as the feud with Brooke goes. Steffy right now is like a mini-Stephanie

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I know Susan Flannery has changed a lot physically over the past 20 years but she was very beautiful for a long time, in such a natural, fresh way, and her acting and her presence are at times still a force to be reckoned with.

What a sad statement about the definition of beauty then compared to now if this frozen-faced mannequin is supposed to be the new Stephanie. She's not even a patch on Newhart's Stephanie, much less B&B's.

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I think the clothing choice was intentional, Steffy made a comment "nice colour" or something to that effect to Stephanie. I think the positioning of Steffy as the new thorn in Brooke's side is fine, she doesn't have the talent Susan Flannery has in her finger, but she's good at playing a vixenish pest.

I don't think they're prepping for Flannery's retirement or anything of that sort, I think Flannery is simply taking on a lighter work schedule which necessitates a place holder. Susan usually takes a long break in the summer, so it isn't a surprise. Storyline wise, Stephanie was the real threat to Brooke and Steffy knew it, it was pretty much said that what Brooke was really afraid of was Stephanie finding out.

In the last year Susan Flannery has lost a substantial amount of weight and seems to be moving better, I hope that continues.

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I'm always surprised that his rep-sheet around here is pretty bad whereas I don't see much wrong with his acting. I mean, what is he supposed to act like except being bewildered?

We'll see his real acting qualities when the story hits the boiling point...

Loving me some Steffy, but I second with Cheap21 that there is zero Oliver/Steffy chemistry though. Jackie Wood is the new Ashley Cafagna and only works well with older men so that she act her b*tchy and slutty side.

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He was a mixed bag at GL. He was on way too late to fully evaluate his acting. By the time he came on GL ..I didnt give a damn about the show...lol. So I saw his performances off and on. He did have some powerful scenes with Grant Aleksander. I don't know if I really bought him as Phillip's and Beth's son. I havent seen that much of him on B&B either. The story with him and Brooke is really bad.

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Ugh ... I know I'm likely in the minority here, but I still can't stand Dollar Bill, so this little twist in getting Pam to lie about Stephen's intentions to kill Stephanie is ticking me off. LOL! Then again, Stephanie has gotten away with worse, I suppose.

On a lighter note, the way the camera showed Pam's legs and her figure as she was approching the office, in a seductive slo-mo at that, had me thinking it was going to be some young thing ... and then it was Pam. Not that there's anything wrong with that. LOL!

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I don't like Bill either. I understand JG went on maternity leave, but I think it was a stupid move to have all this fighting going on without Donna. And I'm super annoyed that Bill's stepped up as head of the Logans. This is the doofus that lost Forrester to STuffy.

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