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AMC: Friday May 28, 2010

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They surprisingly had chemistry, I remember that scene under Charles Pratt Jr. they made it seem like Frankie was jealous at some guy touching her while he was at war.. dumb SL btw...anyway he found out it was Scott and went all...oh it's just Scott...laugh.gif I'm thinking more potential here b/c w/ Frankie prbly talking to Madison, Randi will look to do the same and Scott is so gullable that he'll prbly fall for her and Frankie vs Scott might get juicy.

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Randi would have been perfect as Erica's U/5/dayplayer second assistant, nothing more. Just think about how different our reactions would have been, we'd have made kind comments about Erica's beautiful assistant who was on again today and whatnot, her presence probably would have been met with totally positive fan reaction. We could have seen how she grew (if she grew) from there, but thrusting her right into a frontish burner s/l with Frankie? No.

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Really? :lol: And just to be clear, of course I mean the actress in question, Randi could have turned out differently with someone else in the role. It's funny though, if DV had in fact played a role like I described, we'd have probably been complaining that her role wasn't beefed up. :P

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Meagan on B&B was on the show for years as Brooke's beautiful blonde assistant. She never really did do anything except be a body to stand there for Brooke to talk to and cover up her affairs. Fans liked her nad thought she was so pretty and wanted to see more. She was finally placed on contract but was barely used and barely made an impact. To her credit, she was likeable and was never hated like Randi, probably bc she had the chance to build a fanbase after years fo doing nothing and being a beautiful face in the background. She wasnt thrown into the frontburner mix like with Randi

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Chemistry is subjective. I see something with Madison/Frankie. Not crazy, wild, hot "this couple is on fire" chemistry but they work well together IMO. I'm not up to speed on Madison's history with the Hubbards so I guess I need to visit YouTube and I might change my mind after that. But no matter what Randi must be recast and Frankie needs to be FRONTBURNER. I don't care if he's shagging Erica Kane.

As for Scott, he's completely meh to me. I have nothing against the actor but I don't feel anything when he's on screen either. Hopefully that'll change.

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I dont think theres anything wrong with Vasi. She was wrong for hte role as they originally envisioned it (tough hooker from the wrong side of the tracks) but fine with for the glammed up Fusion girl she is now. The character just sucks and I dont think she's worth attempting to save. For what? Its not like she has any strong ties to anyone on the show besides Frankie. I saw kill her off and let him move onto someone else

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I don't really see why Miranda would have issues with men just because she was raised by two women. If she did I would think it would have much more to do with her father being a rapist. I would made exploring the whole rapist thing but I don't want some story emphasizing gay issues. They've done more than enough of those and usually did them badly.

I'm surprsied they did not use the move to LA as an opportunity to get rid of Randi but I guess they think Frankie needs a love interest and they are not about to pair him with anyone else already on canvas.

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