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Makes her reaction to Kristen all the more understandable for me personally. Who has time to deal with idiotic children who can't understand basic English? If I'm already on edge cuz my marriage may be falling apart and I ask you to not do something and then you do it.... Don't be surprised and act the victim when I react!

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Ramona supposedly going to spy on Mario doesn't change the fact that she attacked someone then made up a long story about her childhood abuse for sympathy and to leave AFTER hiring a plane to come get her. Not to mention it was clear she was going to that party along as she sponsored it and that's the reason she was pressed about getting her hair wet... While in a lake.

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You really love exaggerating don't you? First Ken "attacked" Yolanda. Then Ramona has somehow attacked Kristen? She threw a glass at the girl.....a plastic one at that. Hardly bodily assault. Its NOT an attack. Ramona didn't even lay a finger on the girl.

Porsha attacked Kenya....that's an attack...textbook definition.

She didn't make up a story about her childhood....she may have used it to get out of the trip but again with this new revelation I'm honestly don't care. She clearly looked uncomfortable the entire time they were at the Berkshires (sorry if the spelling is incorrect). And Mario's dumb reaction when Heather revealed the getaway she had planned to "steal" their wives is so obvious now....the guy was looking forward to be alone and cheating on his wife. How terrible.

You can try to paint Ken and Ramona and etc how you like but you can't just make up facts like some birther or a Tea Party Republican who denies climate change....its just illogical. Again no one is denying Ramona did something wrong. But her reaction was justified and it wasn't the biggest crime of the century....and this news about her catching Mario and having all this emotional stress during this period makes it more than obvious how dumb Kristen's decision was. Especially after she was told to NOT throw something at Ramona...

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Right. Ramona is trying to make it seem like it was some red color cup she tossed. That [!@#$%^&*] if plastic was that hard plastic fancy [!@#$%^&*]. Regardless it busted her lip. Yes that's an attack. If I throw something at your face and make you bleed I've attacked you. It's not hard to understand.

The excuses people will make for this trashpot are amazing.

But yes big bad evil Kristen. She had the audacity to splash someone while in a lake. It's too bad Ramona didn't hurt her further, after all she deserved it.

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I know girls that will bust a bitch if you mess with their hair. I didnt like how her feelings about it were being diminished. "Oh its just hair". Well it is, but its hers and it obviously means something to her. Kristen was told not to wet her hair and she went after it anyway, despite what went down the previous week. Why is it okay for her to rock the canoe and splash Ramona repeatedly, despite being told to stop and get away from her? The cup was the only thing that literally stopped Kristen dead in her tracks. There is no denying that Ramona was wrong to throw the cup (she was), but why does Kristen get a free pass for initiating the altercation and going out of her way to antagonize and provoke Ramona?

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In my mind it isn't. Exaggerations and lies from people similar to jp are why the criminal justice system in America is such an absolute joke. A gay black man could walk past a middle aged white woman (lets say Yolanda for example) and just glance at her and certain people would scream that the black guy visually raped her or assaulted her. Its absolutely ridiculous.

Like Cheap said you and payton are simply minimizing Ramona's feelings and her POV. She didn't ask for Kristen to throw water on her person or hair. She even warned her. I don't know what else to say except that's Ramona's wishes were well know. Her emotional state at the time has just been revealed. All that taken into considerationI think her reaction isn't a big deal. On a strictly legal manner when you throw words like "assault" or "attack" I highly doubt they would stick.

Ramona didn't lay a finger on her. She didn't even grab her hair like Porsha did Kenya. In the end tho it doesn't matter. Kristen might not even be on RHONY this time next year and in the grand scheme of things this whole argument is pointless. Ramona will remain the fabulous, strong, independent, no nonsense lady that she is and the haters will stay hating....its the natural order of things!!!

RE RHONJ is it two new housewives or is it 3? Melissa was surprisingly quiet in that trailer. And Joe Gorga stays a nasty man...

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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