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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lisa was on Hello Ross and I thought this part of the interview was interesting. From TamaraTattles: NEWSFLASH about the Lady Gaga video. Lisa turned Lady Gaga down when she asked her because she was not in a great place with the women. So Lady Gaga called Lisa directly and Lisa said she would need Giggy there and she said okay. She cleverly leaves out the part about not having Brandi there. She has mad praise for Gaga’s talents at such a young age.

Guess that pretty much confirms why Gaga left out Brandi. Although it was pretty obvious to begin with.

I'm excited for the new Atlanta tonight! Since it's obvious Nene and Cynthia aren't friends anymore I have to wonder if it's because of the things that have been happening the past few episodes? And if so why is it that they are just now ending the friendship seeing as how Cynthia and Nene had been hanging out just up until the episodes aired. It's kind of confusing.

Edited by MrPrezident
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Yeah I honestly don't believe it's a sure thing wpldnt be surprised at all if it didn't happen.

Cast members may be in talks with a production company but that dies t mean the network has picked it up actually.

I think they are casting a married to medicine LA. I know there was a casting call for a housewives like series looking for wives if doctors and surgeons like two months ago.

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RH of Melbourne

Andrea is such an elitist bitch, the Jody Claman of this franchise, obsessed with Gina apologizing to her.

Lydia is an irrelevant pot stirring cow.

Jackie continues to be kooky and hilarious. She and her husband seem to have a fun relationship, he seems to totally get her

I really like Janet, but she is old school in her manners and her distaste for Gina being so late seemed a bit of an overreaction.

Chyka is the kick ass mom all sons want.

Gina was rude to show up so late, but I do understand her career limitations. Classy of her to work things out with Jackie. It was hilarious seeing her dance with the short guy

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IA with all you said. Every week they STAY talking about Gina. Seriously, its like they are obsessed with her and I love that she doesn't give two f--ks what anyone thinks. I do think it was rude of her to be late without calling but whatever. I don't like how Janet is ready to drop her over it.

Jackie's talking heads are hilarious. I love when she saw Gina dancing with that guy and said "I don't know think she was hitting on him, but so what if she was? He's hot!" Her delivery was just great. I hope the two can team up and be friends bc I can see them be a fun duo.

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"When I saw Janet I was like 'WOW GURL youactually look like a BAHBIE DAWL. You go gurl in your pink Louis!'" LOLOLOLOL! The way Jackie said that just slayed me. She is so bizarre and fun. I LOVE the way she talks. She is just the gift that keeps giving. If you could combine cities, I'd pair these women with Kyle, Lisa, Brandi and Yolanda from Beverly Hills and watch the BH girls get eaten alive in every way.

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Jackie is totally bizarre. And I think totally harmless too. She doesn't seem like a nasty bitch like Andrea or a mean airhead like Lydia.

Janet is in her mid 50s and of an era, in Australian/Canadian/British culture, where manners are extremely important and fuses regarding that issue are very short. It doesn't surprise me that she is so irritated about Gina's lateness, it's a pet peeve of mine too. That said, Gina and Janet had good friendship chemistry, ditto Jackie.

I think the Vancouver and Melbourne housewives would gel so easily. Hell, they've both featured tennis parties!

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Im glad Nene apologized as soon as Cynthia and Peter addressed her calling him a bitch as I didn't expect her too. It seems though that she robbed off on Gregg bc he was saying and doing the most. Oh shut up dude


DANG at Kandi's boobs in her talking head. LMAO at Kandi saying that Porsha's demands don't match her resume. Im glad she's squashing it now due to what happened with her and Kim. Porsha has an assistant...what the heck does she do?


Cynthia is looking dragalicious. The hai would be fine if she had better makeup, but that blue makes her look like she belongs on RuPaul's show


Kandi's old teacher has some GOOD hair


I didn't like what Kenya had to say about having a white baby doll. That scene was too much for me. "I don't want them to be named Nene, bc I want them to actually be born with hair" LOL....that was funny though as is this pic of her aunt looking at her like she's crazy

Im glad Mama Joyce returns next week. She always brings some good drama

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