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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LOL, nothing I can do about that. We like who we like. Phaedra's better IMO this season but I'm not at all against her getting her ass handed to her. Kenya tried and failed (I almost want to get that Romney, You Tried meme but I can't bring myself to ever save that) and it was glorious watching her get dragged. Nene will bring it to Phaedra and I'll enjoy that as well, people better watch what they do what other's family. That sh!t will always come back to bite you in the arse. But the true lesson to be learned is don't come for The Queen, period. I don't think I've seen one person take on Nene and win either on here or Apprentice.

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RHOC s6 (end of)-

Fernanda is such a odd person on this show. She like comes and goes and her only story is a kiss with Tamra. Did she film a lot more and it was all cut because she wasnt with the ladies alot? Like she just outed her kiss with Tamra to Lynn, who just randomly returned and looks as out of it as ever.

Did Alexis Coture ever take off? LOL. I know Tasm & Vicki had a popular wine label for awhile. I tried to buy my mom another Gretchen Christine item and its all sold out, so it must be going well for her. I know Tams new gym just opened - i wanna check out but i think its for already skinny and fit people, lol.

I dont hate Peggy like I did earlier in the season but I still dont really like her yet. I can see why she wasnt invited back, she just doesnt fit on OC. She is kind of hard and aggressive while everyone else is like let me backhanded compliment you lol.

Ive noticed Gretchen is more isolated this season. Most of her storylines are about Slade and she doesnt have a lot of interaction with the other ladies, even Alexis. Kind of odd. I dont mind though because I do think she carries her own story with Slade well and when she is with the other girls its usually good, entertaining drama.

Once again Tamra and Vicki are OBSESSED with Gretchen and Slade. Its actually so amusing given who Vicki ends up dating. Showing up late to a dinner party is the tackiest, rudest thing ever. Does Eddie have his own money? Like, money money? I also just can not at them judging other peoples relationships and marriages given Tamara is still married and quickly got herself a boytoy and Vicki and onn, well we all know about that failure. Even Donn and Eddie are awful and catty with them, Gretchen looks like a corpse? OK... Eddie can get Slade a job at mcDonalds? Sure.

Why is Vicki judging other people for not attending a dinner when she skips everything for work? She is only at all these events because it is her job. She has dinner without Donn all the time? Look how that ended. Tamra would be happy to be away from Simon when they were married? Look at how that ended. Its so clear that these two women are so totally and completely miserable that they must tear down those who are happy. It makes for fantastic television. Im actually surprised at how trashy Vicki is coming off because I didnt ever really think of her as trashy, as opposed to Tmara who clearly walked out of a trailer park and into OC.

So, Tamara admits to making out/hooking up with Fernanda in a bathroom while married to Simon? This is why i love this hypocritical, judgmental bitch and think shes one of the best housewives ever. She makes amazing television.

It is ironic that Tamra and Fern are arguing over their lesbian make out session over NOH8 photos lol.

So Tamra is mad that Jeana is messing around in her private business Hunny, you put it on a reality show and had your ex husband arrested for a storyline, its public not private. I do feel bad for her though, what he did is wrong no question about it. But she needs to own what she has done too - leaving him and instantly dating a new man that you then take off to spain with for 10 days while leaving his kids with your parents and not telling him was mad shady.

Drunk, bull riding, dancing with lesbian Alexis is the most interesting Alexis has EVER been. Peggy is so combative with Alexis over everything she says, its very weird. Its like these two are competing for a spot on this show or something.

Jeana is great. I have greatly missed her and love how she is popping up in this Simon and Tamra storyline. I totally understand where she is coming from here, honestly. Tamras i didnt want him arrested but i called the cops story is just illogical. And Jeana is right, Tamra did this for the attention and because she loves the drama and needs storylines for the show and her sudden abusive marriage angle is really just odd, esp given that people like Jeana who were around a lot did come out and defend him. It is kind of BH adrinne and paul like. Well, this scene of Tamra actually owning that her actions and treatment of Simon has hurt him and he is acting out is actually nice.

Alexis' fashion line... i. can. not. These are like those cheap mini dresses girls buy in vegas to show their vaj in the club. just cheap and tacky.

ill add more as I watch more... Tamra should have just got up and excused herself if she was so worried about Vicki. I do think it was tacky and rude of Gretchen not to believe anything was wrong with Vicki, but at the same time V has been so vicious to G that i get it.

Now here goes Vicki spouting off about how Donn didnt love her enough or like a man should love his wife. This bitch. I just can not with her. Anytime I get to liking her or feeling bad for her she says [!@#$%^&*] like that. Interesting that gretchen went to see Vicki in the hospital and not a single one was even decent to her during what happened with Jeff.

I swear they drink more on OC than any other season.

Alexis talking about whats wrong the america today is that women are too free and think they are equal to men instead of being born from their rib just sums up everything wrong with organized religion.

So Tamra doesnt want any drama at this party with jeanna but she is going to serve her with some fake ass nothing gag order? OK.

Its so interesting to hear Bri tell Vicki to just please stay single for a little bit longer this time than the last time knowing that she didnt and hopped right into it with Brooks. Its like as strong as Vicki wants to be as a strong buisness woman, she really does depend on a man for her happiness and it fails everytime. Its so awkward watching everyon talk to Vicki and dance around the Donn topic.

ugh. Tammy Knickerboker or whatever her name is. I can not explain to you how much i hate this woman for no reason. Oh and Quinn in one of her ugly, cheap wigs... yeah i am glad peggy didnt stick around cuz she really annoys me. This Peggy vs Alexis fight is pretty entertaining though.

Why are this gay and Peggy going up to jeana to start [!@#$%^&*]? Tamra cant handle it?

OMG THIS FIGHT IS GLORIOUS! Tamra throws a letter at Jeanna and then a glass of wine in her face? I thought Tamra was so anti throwing things at people because its a form of abuse? GOD I LOVE HER! Then jeanna throws her wine but misses and his this basic blonde who shoves her so Tammy and Quinn step in then Tamras equally trashy mother tries to get involved all as Tamra runs off because she knows she is in the wrong. Then some random gay throws wine on Tammy! Then someone else throws a glass of wine just for the hell of it! WHAT IS GOING ON! Plus i spy Drunk Sarah! LOL. Then Tamra chases her down the driveway screaming like a banshee!

Now listening to Tamra explain her side to Vicki and all the lies wow.... Jeana got violent! Jeana tried to throw her in the pool! LOL. Now she is telling Alexis jeanna pushed her and was trying to throw her in the pool.

and !@#$%^&*] yes to Gretchen calling Tamra out on how it feels when people run to the press and tell made up stories just to cause pain. That was flawless and totally deserved.

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Team Kenya all the way. Porsha is too stupid for words and Phaedra considering herself a lady is a big joke. Everything about her is a big WTF from her tacky baby shower, her funeral business, her obsession with her a$$, her weird marriage, her son's christening and her horrible hair. It is crazy how Phaedra always says that Kenya has no man. Well, I would not consider being a lawyer that gets her money in the parking lot and buys herself a younger guy who spent 6 years in prison in order to give her beautiful babies as having a man. Τhe less said about Porsha's marriage the better.

I am watching S3 and 4 now and I love watching every one of Sheree's adventures end in a big disaster. I am not quite sure I like the fact that Nene considers herself a co-hostess to the program and I was not that crazy about her money/Louboutin/fame talk all through S4. That's one of the reasons I really like Cynthia. She is the most beautiful woman ever on a RH show, she never says such things and I don't mind the fact that she is not as loud as the others.

Next year Andy has to find a lady or two who will not try to start two or three crazy projects in order to "take advantage of the platform" once they join. Kandi's sex toys and her trashy webshow and all of Phaedra's weird projects is not what the show should be only about.

I've grown to love Kim. She has a genuine smile and she loves her daughters, not to mention that she seems like a fun person to be around.

Guilty Confession #246: I miss Marlo

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My favorite reunion.... finally here. Its so clear that Tamra and Vicki knew how horrid they came off after years of trashing Gretchen and doing things that accused her off that they had to come prepared for war because she could ruin them.

I am loving Alexis calling Tamra out on that cheesy, trashy porn bathtub scene and her claims to shelter her kids. It KILLS Tamra that she cant get to Gretchen anymore. Vicki stop lying, you found that scene completely trashy and it showed when they played the clip. DAMN these audience questions are going in on her, calling her out on doing all these sex scenes with Eddie to hurt Simon. seriously Tamra is being dragged at this reunion - how glorious that she alleged that gretchen cheated on jeff during their relationship and it was a fake relationship then it comes out she was miserable with Simon for five years and cheated on him with Eddie.

I am not surprised that Bri flipped on Vicki after watching the season play out because she treated him like [!@#$%^&*] and then tried to blame it all on him and then started dating Brooks. God, i can not believe she filed for divorce and didnt tell him - it just shows her disregard for him, as there was absolutely zero reason for that. How interesting to see Vicki actually own her bad choices and take fault for this ending.

I am loving Gretchen calling Vicki out. Vicki says she made a bad chocie in filming while Jeff was dying and that he wasnt her priority so she comes back with her letting her marriage fail and Vicki goes ape [!@#$%^&*] because it is true. Tamra cant take it either that her allegations of her faking a relationship with jeff and cheating on him became her reality this year. OMG this argument is great they are all just screaming at eachother. I can not believe that Tamra didnt go see Vicki in the hospital and Gretchen did, and Tamra just stayed at the bar drinking. Wow.

Oh yeah Tamra i am sure Michelle called you and you were just surprised and you didnt seek the woman out to get dirt to throw at gretchen and Slade after her coming off absolutely terrible. Slade is right, he would be in jail if he didnt pay child support - in CA it is that quick unless he has a valid reason. i am dying at Slade saying tamra sucks guys off for money! That was low and uncalled for but AMAZING. It is interesting that Michelle says Slade doesnt pay any expenses, but doesnt say child support. Those are two different things.

Jeanna raises a good point about tamra always making a scene at the finale parties... and Tamra went to a patent attorney? LOL.

Now i LOVE Tamra, through all her [!@#$%^&*] and gretchen hatred I love her still. But damn she looks terrible and acted awful at this reunion and I think thats why she was very different the next season.

Peggy was such a non factor at this reunion outside of the Jim thing.

WOW! Fernanda was at the reunion for a segment and they didnt even air her? LOL! WOW!!

Gretchen reunion blog is full of so much truth. http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-6/blogs/gretchen-rossi/just-the-facts

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Kelly is bipolar IMO. And incredibly self-deluding and self-obsessed. She loves the sound of her own voice and can't stand anybody outshining her. That + the mental issues = a toxic combination.

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I love how Andy opened up the show calling it the Gone With the Wind Fabulous Reunion
Phaedra was throwing so much SHADE at Kenya starting with that line about lady. In fact this was the SHADIEST reunion ever.

LOL at Kenya almost cutting Kandi with her fan numerous times. Andy was straight up trying to instigate drama between them. Kandi: "Girl can you flick that thing with your left hand?" I loved Nene's reaction to the fan

IA with Nene that Kenya shouldnt have expected anything from the ladies in terms of reaching out to her after seeing the cancer scare. And Porsha needed to shut up about Kenya about changing her character bc Kenya did try to change, starting by her biting her tongue and not going in on her multiple times during their drama.


DEAD at Nene throwing shade at Kandi and food. When Andy read the mystery tweet, Nene was like "Now we all know that was about Kandi. She was asking for food when I tweeted that"

Porsha saying that Kenya is jealous of her bc she's married. Girl, open mouth, insert foot

The reader comment to Porsha: "Better hope Kordell didnt marry her to just be a trophy wife or else she'll be dumped at 40 like Sheree was." Nope, dumped at 32! LOL

I just realized that Cynthia's sister was nowhere near show this season. Shows that she didnt need her family to have a storyline. She was more interesting without Mallory and her mother throwing shade at her marriage. Cynthis was very beautiful here. Very simple, yet effective and elegant


Behind the scenes for Chit

she was asked back. It was her decision to leave

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Kenya did well against Porscha who literally has the insults of a child. Say what you will about Phaedra but she owned the hell out of Kenya, without even getting riled up.

Andy and Nene were enjoying the hell out of the reunion. You can clearly see this is his favorite cast.

I loved when Porscha would come for Kenya, and just wouldn't say anything cause it was a waste of her time.

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^^^ sometimes the best response is no response. Kenya refused to give Porsha the reaction she was looking for. She probably rehearsed the comebacks she would dish out for what Kenya would say in retaliation but I like that Kenya didnt give her that satisfaction

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