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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm curious what Brandi says to Maurico cuz he truly looks stunned and ashamed which I totally wasn't expecting. Anyways Ken and Lisa def had me in tears (especially Lisa's vows) and this season has been great from start to finish. Perfect mix of humor, drama, fights, make ups, break downs, parties and Beverly Hills glamour! It's gonna be hard to get a season 4 which matches season 3....

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And if Kim was sitting their minding her business and not being a Class A bitch when either-or situation happened maybe Kim continuing to be a whiny "(you did this to) me, (they did this to) me, (everything that happens to) me (is you, your and her fault)" idiot would be excusable. Pfft. Anybody with eyeballs could see Kim was addicted to something. It wasn't Kyle or Brandi who gave that away. It was KIM who sold herself out. It was Kim who chose to be an embarrassment to herself and her family on national television.

I only watched about ten minutes of RHOBH (I caught Kim's rant at Kyle) & RHOBH Reunion Part 1 (Andy trying it with Yolanda like he did with Lisa last year & Kyle/Yolanda trying to throw each other under the bus) each. Will have more pointed comments on each later or tomorrow.

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I guess Andy doesn't believe in second chances. Marlo's stupid derogatory statement was not indicative of hate or disgust. She was trying to get at Sheree and let her mouth get ahead of her. She admitted what she said and apologized to Lawrence for it. I really hate that Andy believes that people should not make mistakes. It makes no sense to blackball Marlo as he could have had her on WWHL and allowed Marlo to apologize. They allowed that mutant, Lily, from Shahs to do it with that AIDS statement, so why not Marlo? This disappoints me greatly!

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Where to begin?

Lisa's influence on Brandi really was showing tonight when Faye was desperate to get to her she remained calm, cool and collected and shut her down. Lisa of course is the master of this and seriously showed what a desperate, washed up nobody Rancid is. It was hilarious as it tried to say Lisa uses Brandi as her mouthpiece when brandi has been like this from the start of her time on the show. Lisa doesnt use Brandi, she doesnt need to. If anything Lisa tried to calm her down and make her act better, lol. The best part of this was it is a mouthpiece, to her master Adrianne. Loved it when Marissa half heartedly tried to say it was just sticking up for her and then was made to see the truth when it was pointed out that she just came over to attack Brandi.

Also, notice how it wasnt around when Adrianne showed up? Speaking of that, what a bitch move. It would actually be a glorious bitch move if it was from anyone but adrianne, lol. She totally hear it was a vow renewal and decided to crash it and try to steal the spotlight,but once again Lisa wasnt playing into desperate bitch moves and just ignored her.

Lisa & Brani up in her room pre-renewal was just divine. Love this friendship. The vows were wonderful and i loved the shout out to Brandi at the end, and how we all know a piece of Vile Richards died inside when that happened. I also loved the way Yolanda told David to go say hi to Brody Jenners mom and told Lisa she makes him get along with her, lol. I just love Yolanda and her whole outlook on life. Now here is a wife I want a book from. It would become my lemon scented bible.

I get Kims anger, I just dont think she has the ability to communicate what she truly means. I dont think her issue was Brandi and she was let that go and moved on, but the way Vile is so offended and pressed for months and months after what brandi said about it and brings it up as a reason she isnt a good person and just dismisses what she put Kim through, but then at the same time its like... did brandi lie? I honestly kind of feel like this episode, paris, and the reunion kind of leads one to believe the crystal meth comment was spot on, esp with the comparisons to vile outing her drinking the previous season.

Taylor? Bye.

The reunion was glorious. The wives were all stunned when Andy fired it right there in the opening and basically called her a coward then Brandi just destroyed her and they moved the !@#$%^&*] on. All the wives but Vile were dressed great. I liked the mixed up seating arrangement too. Another great point was Brandi saying you dont get to be on these shows and have secrets and Kim backing that up.

Oh, Sisters Richards clearly got together to try and band together to take down the Holy Trinity. They failed, as they always do. Absolutely the best moment was Lisa being on point and calling Vile out on her friendshsip tactics accorirding to what houses the Mr can sell. I foudn it interestiung that Kim tried to defend Kyle after Housegate of season one, lol. I think Lisa has a valid point and Kyle even showed it by stating her and Adrienne are not and never were very close. For someone she wasnt very close too she sure was a strong defender of.

Then they try to attack Yolanda? I think its likely that Kim had a slip up or something in Paris and Yolanda knows it and they are terrified of her outing that. She is also the weakest of the trinity due to her health issues and still having a bit of a language barrier. I absolutely loved Kyle twisting what she said in Paris (some of we saw, i think) to make it something it wasnt and Lisa not buying it.

Taylor? Again, bye.

Edited by JackPeyton
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