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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I thought it was a good reunion too, and I'd welcome another season with open arms. IA that while Part 1 Brooks stole the limelight, Part 2 saw more of Ayan. I was also pleased that Nina got a chance to shine and speak in Part 2. I know some don't think Sara and Nina are 'strong' cast members, but I enjoy a little nuance with my HWs, lol. Reunion briefly touched on whether Nina manipulates behind the scenes or not, but we never got a straight answer. My feeling? Nina is not a sniper from the side. She may jump where the wind blows sometimes, and she's smart, but she's not a master manipulator. Overall, it was sad to think that Lesa & Nina, with a seven-year friendship, have fallen out.

Maybe this is my own bias showing, but it's interesting that you saw 4 against 2 at the reunion. Yes, there is a definite 4:2 divide in the cast now. But honestly it seemed like Lesa & Ayan came out of the gate hot and it kind of shocked the other women and froze them. I mean, Brooks was prepared, and Caroline knew it was coming, but Sara and Nina seemed to pick their jaws off the floor. As a result, the '4' are a motley crew bound by circumstance and didn't strike me as an organised gang-up group. Personally, I thought Lesa and Ayan did not come off great at one or two points; Ayan saved it when talking so openly and honestly about FGM. And Lesa? Lesa earned her spot for season 2 for sure. I'd love to see all 6 back. Yes, that includes Stanbury who, with her own personal story, has also won me over.

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How sweet to see the Coven be given a dose of their own foul medicine and turn on each other. After the constant tag-teaming on Sutton and Garcelle, these two queens could finally sit back and enjoy the trashtastic spectacle. 

Kyle sobbing in her bathroom about Dorit taking Erika's side shows how f***ing terrified Kyle is of the FF4 icing her out and turning on her. Ironically, she was only trying to 'protect' Erika's trashed public image and was bending over backwards to offer her an out. Unfortunately, there is no out when you have a personality as ugly as Erika's. 

Dorit as usual straddling fences and playing all sides. I am waiting for viewers to wake up from the fantasy that Dorit is some kind of independent thinker/secret Garcelle ally. 

Diana filmed a new VT after scrolling through Housewives Twitter, and is suddenly feelin sad bout orphans and widows. 

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 Too little too late, BudgetGhislaine.


$9.75 million?? I mean, obviously for a pleb like me, it's a nice space. But by BH standards, the place is small and it ain't all that. I guess it's all about location.


Has he responded to Kandi's allegations yet? I find I can only take CK in small listening doses. I much prefer Danny Pellegrino's podcast which is warm, light-hearted and LOL funny at times.

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Not that I've heard. I can't bring myself to listen to all of his episodes, but I tend to put on the Housewives-centric ones when I've run out of other stuff to listen to. It's sooooo much obnoxious self-promotion and bragging about how he's an in-demand producer. He really lost me this week when he had a guest on to discuss the "truth" about She By Sheree and said "truth" was that... she's a marketing genius because her nonfunctional website and stolen/licensed fashions had people talking! It's so clear he won't talk sh*t about her because they're friends, but it makes his commentary on the shows (which usually boils down to "the seasons I produced were the best!") even less credible.

I love Danny's podcast. He pokes fun and can be critical but he's fair and you can tell it's done out of love for the shows. He also acknowledges how ridiculous it all is.

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Totally agree with this sentiment.

However, I think he indirectly provides an interesting peek behind the scenes.  Many Bravo fans and podcasters portray the production team as evil geniuses manipulating these guileless women into vicious battles.  But, what we experience from Carlos is that they are more like fan girls who are easily impressed by the trappings of wealth, and want to either be accepted by the crowd of cool girls, or find a fantasy mother figure.

The creatives in terms of crafting stories are the story editors who need to take months of filming and distill it into a narrative to last over 20 episodes. 

I think King betrays his own grandiosity when it becomes clear that the on site producers have very little say in the final product that goes to air, in terms of what stories will be emphasized, and how the women will be portrayed.  In fact, given the line producers primary roles are maintaining the women's daily schedule, arraigning the cast trips, and getting clearance for shooting in restaurants and public spaces, they're really just glorified travel agents or concierges.

Finally, I enjoy Danny, but if you're not listening to the Watch What Crappens boys, you're missing some brilliantly funny analysis. 

Edited by j swift
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Count me in as a big Danny Pellegrino fan. He has a warmth and light heartedness that no other Bravo podcaster has.

Totally concur @j swiftabout Ben and Ronnie at Watch What Crappens - I've seen them live and they are absolutely hilarious. 

I'll also give some love to Heather McDonald's Juicy Scoop. She interviewed Carlos King recently and he was far more palatable when he was answering someone else's questions. 

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I like Carlos King and I don't mind him overhyping himself. I think that's what he needs to do to take things to the next level. I mean, he's had his own production company for years and he's trying to build his brand. I can't knock his hustle. As a Black creative, it's obviously a more difficult road to travel than his White counterparts. If someone had the success he did with housewives, NBC Universal would've signed him to an overall deal by now. I find it tacky that Bravo asked him to take over RHOD as show runner in season two and has also asked him to return to RHOA in recent years and both times they were only willing to hire him as a contractor and not use his company. It's especially glaring with Dallas whose production company completely failed at launching that series. I hope that with his heightened profile and the success of Love and Marriage he gets more opportunities. 

On another note: Another Day, Another RHONY rumor:

Bravos and Cocktails is reporting that they did test filming with a new group of six women and the plan was to announce the new cast at BravoCon. The footage was terrible and three women have dropped out. They've had such difficulty casting that they're considering rebranding the show and just moving forward with the Legacy cast. They'd also be moving the Legacy show from Peacock to Bravo and it wouldn't have Legacy in the name.

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If true, I find it interesting they’re having so much trouble casting in the nation’s largest city (where Bravo is based), a capital of entertainment, media, finance, art, etc. I wonder what their criteria are and if they are casting too narrow a net just scouting influencers and celebrity-adjacent types.

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