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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Dorit is gonna be in the HOT SEAT at reunion!  Lol.  Last year, I couldn't believe how much she won me over by distancing herself from the Denise gang up, but she has lost all goodwill x 100 this year.  Going after Garcelle was such a mistake.  And did she think they were gonna edit out her Erika stuff or something?!?  Lolol.

Kyle is the worst.  And even though I've been enjoying Kathy, I can see past the character she and production are cultivating.  Someone on here said that if you look past her edit, she's dangerously similar to NY's Ramona . . . and while I loved sneaking a peak at her insane family dynamic with her sisters last week (this is where BH's real drama has always laid), it was evident that Kathy can be an unflinching gaslighter.  Not that I ever feel bad for Kyle or anything . . . lol.  But I'll never be on Team Kim, either.  She is a problematic sociopath and I can't even empathize with her addiction because she's either unwilling or unable to be accountable (forget being held accountable).

I'm still on the fence with Crystal.  I hated that she tried to irresponsibly label Sutton as some kind of predator, but she proved she could BRING IT in a confrontation at Rinna's pasta party and I like her home scenes.  But she's been a big nothingburger since her feud with Sutton cooled down.

Rinna obviously hates Garcelle because she holds her accountable and stays holding her accountable . . . she clearly is paranoid about her "rivals" (LVP, Denise, now Garcelle) hijacking her narrative and turning the audience against her.  She should have learned from her mistakes.  And while I understand that she and Garcelle (and Denise) may have been "Hollywood friends" (© Yolanda), she needs to STOP burning bridges for the sake of this show because it shows such a lack of character.  And while I can appreciate she's ride or die for her friend/ally FINALLY, Erika is NOT the hill to die on.  Losing Eileen has really hurt her.

Erika is trash.  I cannot begin to understand her play here . . . she needed to break her contract and dip when this all happened.  She is beyond burying herself.

I LOVE Garcelle and Sutton!  And I do feel horribly that Sutton is being scapegoated by The Coven, but her "reputation" concerns do sound like some Karen bs (and this is a pattern for her) . . . I am NOT defending Erika, but I didn't think that was the way to frame her very valid concerns about this heinous scandal.  She is walking that back now, but no one is willing to listen to her.  I'm glad production is on her side, because she's been very slow at learning how to navigate this show and I do NOT want to see her steamrolled.  And I can't love Garcelle more . . . from her friendship with Sutton, home scenes, genuinely interesting and fabulous life . . . she's amazing and can throw down better than any of these women while retaining her humanity . . . Erika should take notes.

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Nevermind a moral compass -- Rinna seems to believe in nothing, value nothing. She just says whatever-the-f*ck because her sole purpose in life is to troll. 

She reminds me of those trial lawyers or the new breed of Congresspeople (you know who they are) who say any old crazy sh*t to deflect and detract from the real issue. (As I'm sure you know, this is called the 'Dead cat' strategy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_cat_strategy ).

There doesn't seem to be a genuine bone in her body. She has become a hologram of a human. How can I invest in that? Like, I can't stand Kelly Dodd, but I'm pretty sure what I've been watching on OC is the real person, warts and all.

Exactly this. Garcelle knows the real Rinna now, and Rinna doesn't like it because she's trying to cover the ugliness. Consequently, Garcelle (just like Denise, LVP, Eden and Kim) is dangerous to her.

Edited by Cat
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I thought the NYC finale was a great episode!  Very fun, light and enjoyable.  The only thing that made me pause was Bershawn joining the group on the last night out of nowhere.  It felt like they rushed her in just to have a 6th person to do the character flip, otherwise they had no intention of bringing her in.  Did I miss something there?

Team Sutton!!!  As much as I love Garcelle, I think she's scared of Erika and is backpedaling after that incident with Erika a few episodes ago.  Garcelle should have stayed strong in supporting her friend Sutton when you know she feels the same.  I thought she was too quiet and coddling at the dinner.  

Not that all the ladies should be beating Erika down every dinner, but it's better to be honest and stand your ground in a logical way.  Erika is such a b!tch though and all the girls cower.  It's sad.  If I were there, and Erika was acting this way to me, I would give it right back.

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I don't agree that the reputation issue is a Karen thing.

To me, if you're on charity boards and committees...and someone close to you is accused of what Erika is accused of....I would hope you would be concerned and distance yourself.  If someone is in your circle, it damages your credibility.  

I know I gave Kyle the side eye when she paraded Faye Resnik and kris Jenner as her friends.  You are who you keep company with..is an old saying 

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To be up to speed...


Unless filming gets extended to cover the drama that happened at the end (more on that in a minute), filming for the new season is done.


Jennifer and Tequila Bill seem back in the group.


Sounds like we might get 7...at least housewives. And maybe 2 newbies as friends.


And for those of us who have been calling for it for the last two reunions and noticed it especially during the last reunion...IT LOOKS LIKE WE MIGHT BE GETTING IT!!!! And by it, I mean MARGE VS TERESA. It was just a matter of time before the fave and the new fave got into it. Sounds like it finally will be happening at the end of the season during the cast trip in Nashville. 

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It's been brewing since Siggy left IMO. Teresa did NOT like Marge's popularity, and that is one reason she got Danielle Staub to stick around -- because Danielle and Marge had fallen out.#

Question: do you think Teresa vs Marge is also a proxy war for Teresa vs Melissa?

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I agree it's been going on that long.

Hmmm...I don't think it is, but Melissa will probably get mixed up in it anyways. I always felt like you that Teresa was surprised and jealous of Marge becoming popular but did not want to rock the boat. For Marge, I feel that once she knew she was popular she has been subtle for a while about wanting Teresa out. Teresa just always had backup. First Danielle and now Jennifer. So she could not outright do anything. It was why I liked this past reunion...Teresa FINALLY caught on that Marge might want her out. She still can't do anything, but her 'jabs' (c) Dorit had a purpose...to put Marge on notice. And for Marge...sounds like message received. 


It's Yolanda vs LVP all over again. lol. 

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Ashley doesn't even look like she had a baby so not only is it a dirty read, but it's a lazy one as well. I have always wanted to like Candiace but she doesn't understand how to read people when it isn't that serious. She goes too deep and there's no way I'd want to be friends with someone who will do you like that.

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