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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I feel that Kyle has totally ironically been a Bobby Fischer in this whole Erika deal. It's why I continue to bring up the point that it's clear...like with Erika's mascara rundown scene with Kyle being the talk-to versus Erika's BFF Ex Soap Opera Star...when Kyle is being 'Producer Kyle' versus just 'Kyle Wannabe HBIC.' She definitely knows after last season that last label won't fly right now given how they ganged up on Denise...though she tried it this season with Dorit. But she really are moving people along right down to dear sis Kathy. It's plain as day, but subtle enough to give one pause. And I feel she is playing it well IMHO. I hate to say it but she really is spinning a clever web that intrigues as it goes on. 


However, Erika is  not a fool regardless of her questionable acting skills. There's a reason why she has FINALLY changed her tune online like how she should have been from the beginning...a victim with perhaps some sympathy for the victims if she herself was not in suuuuuch pain. That debatedably MIGHT make her more favorable. But she has been taking pot shots at people and I don't think it is just Sutton she is aiming at. I also feel there is a reason as this has gone on (and it should be a 20 episode season per Kathy and Andy C unless they cut down the number like they did last season due to backlash allegedly) that online opinion appear to be that it will be Kyle vs Erika at the reunion. 


It is like you and FrenchBug said and I agree as well. It's not the first time a Housewife was one way and watched the season or edits and suddenly or slowly changed their tune. Remember Kyle last season?  Then they took that unannounced hiatus and everything shifted in behavior AND confessional. So I am sure as a Producer, Kyle has a hint of where things are going, told her henchwoman Ex Soap Opera Star like they did with Denise, and have started a counter narrative to Erika. At some point, they have to know some of the information the rest of us do and see the need to step back enough to not feel the backlash, but make sure Erika does not see them do it. And now they have scapegoats in Garcelle and Sutton so that makes it even easier. Meanwhile, they can paint themselves as victims of the whole ordeal, hoping to smell like roses...rather than being seen for the thorns they are. 


So while I am sure they are being supportive on WWHL, I really do expect the worm to turn. And while I do think Garcelle and Sutton will still get attacked come reunion time...they might not be the only ones this time. Assuming the cracks in the Coven right now are truly that. Cracks. 

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Bingo! IA with your whole post but especially the bolded. They are trying to walk the tightrope between looking like great besties to Erika while not getting hit by the backsplash as she trips and falls.

Such fake friendships on BH. That has long bothered me. Where are the stakes in such 'friendships'? 

And something else that has long bothered me -- the rush to play victim in order to cast someone else as villain. For a bunch of ridiculously privileged women, the Coven cries buckets and uses the language of victimhood BY FAR the most across all the franchises. (The casts of other RH shows boohoo nowhere near as much about the wrongs done to them. Except maybe Jen Shah). Think back to season 8, Kyle wailing like a damn banshee about LVP favoring Dorit and not being a good bestie. She really dug deep into the tears and victim-speak. (In hindsight, it was a last-ditch effort to shove LVP off the show before the S9 all-cast effort).

I am worried for Garcelle and Sutton, because this inner circle is going to throw a lot of sh!t and mud and blame at them. Rinna on WWHL this week sourly sneered at Sutton and deeply, bitterly despises Garcelle. Like LVP-level hate. Rinna doesn't rest until she annihilates people. Look at how obsessed she is with Denise on social media this year. I just want my girls Garcelle and Sutton to stay strong and win through against that nasty nutcase!  

I haven't seen evidence of Kyle vs Erika yet, but if that happens... it shifts the whole show! Because she will be going against Rinna, Erika and Dorit. (Though I'm sure Terri is whispering tender words of support & encouragement as I type).

Edited by Cat
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Talk about overrated. Was Sheree unavailable?! Would have loved to see Sheree.

But really the biggest omission is Nene. I would love to see her interact with Vicki, for some reason. Bravo should have called her up, asked for bygones to be bygones, and offered her this.

Lol. In the words of Britney, you know that you're 

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I personally would argue that if reconciliation there must be, it don't think it will be on Bravo to take the first step. Considering how her "career" is going maybe she'd take the gig but she is the one who lit that bridge on a raging blaze so I can't blame Bravo for not being interested in engaging until she crawls back to them.
Vicky started to burn the bridge and... then pulled back. I don't think Nene has backed down at all although I do not know what she has been up to recently. Have we heard anything recently about her "lawsuits"?

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I haven't finished it yet, but I have started to watch the latest BH and I stopped on the scene where Garcelle said that it was telling that all of the Coven was out with Erika while basically the newbies were along in the room. And THAT said it all.


And she's right. There has been a divide since last season. There's a reason why people like her and Sutton. Simply put, we got to see their friendship begin. We watched it grow. And most importantly it is a friendship that is consistently one outside of the show. And SPOILER ALERT!!!!...Sutton has gotten close to Crystal as well outside of the show. Those three (and Kathy to my knowledge) do act like actual friends outside of the show and are not afraid to have some problems that we get to see on the show. It does not at all come across fake at the moment and people can relate. To the good and bad. It resonates.


Then you have the Coven outside. They are trying to sell that narrative while being sure they are not overstepping too much because like true mean girls, one of them might turn on the rest. Where is the friendship indeed? It's why the majority of the audience is over them. Nothing is real...not even their 'friendship.'...which is more about making a statement on and off the show...funny since they really don't hang when they are not filming. 


And I think we all know the best HW shows (*cough*Potomac, NJ*cough*) are the ones centered around the real friendships. Even the POTOMAC clip I posted earlier...for all the potstirring in that scene and shade...they come across as an actual group of friends. And the talk was totally relatable since we (and the online community) have been talking about the changes with Wendy. 

Don't remind me re: Season 8 Kyle. Ugh. 


Ex Soap Opera Star can obsess all she wants. As long as she knows Black Twitter will get her face, lips, and body all the way together if she comes for Garcelle obsessively like she does Denise and LVP (who is opening yet ANOTHER restaurant and continuing spinoffs).


Yeah, I haven't seen much Kyle vs Erika yet, but since it was mentioned...I've noticed a lot of looks between Kyle and Ex Soap Opera Star that Erika does not seem to be noticing. So...things that make you go hmmm....would they truly throw her under the bus? REALLY??? 


Who's Terhadee?  


Yeah...it really was a good one. 

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The Linnethia Lounge looks like a huge success, always packed and with celebrities in and out constantly. She’s also appearing on an episode of Dynasty and had Greg not been in they hospital with cancer she was set to guest for-host a few episodes of The Talk. Nene is also viral again for new memes stemming from season 2 clips. Nene is thriving right now. 


Luann is still in Switzerland and Ramona just posted a tour of the house she’ll be staying in for the next month, in Aspen. I think the reunion truly is squashed lol. 

If they don’t have a reunion this will be the first non-international series to not have a reunion. How can Andy act like everything is okay when NYC very likely won’t have a reunion? If listings are correct they have three episodes left and the finale will air on the 31st. That means 3 weeks to film a reunion and have it on air. That would be a tight turnaround by Bravo’s standards. 

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I'm glad Nene is thriving because she does put in the work. Even though Nene can be a terror when grumpy, and demands that everyone kiss her ring at all times, I think Nene was right to demand some respect from Bravo. She helped build the RH brand and took RHOA into the millions with its ratings. IMO she is the missing link with All-stars 2! Certainly she belongs there a lot more than Eva.

Speaking of All-stars 1 -- when is that being screened? September? Maybe after Peacock screens it, Bravo will show it between the end of RHONY and beginning of NJ. A nice segue between the two Tri-state franchises.

As for RHONY reunion... Last week Ramona was on WWHL with Kristin Chenoweth (probably WWHL's highest rated episode of the season, btw). Andy specifically asked her if she was attending reunion, and she specifically said she always fulfills work obligations and yes she would. Certainly from Andy and Bravo's side, it sounded like reunion is happening. Ramona is not resisting it.

RHOD had a two-part reunion with lower ratings. Even this season OC which was a season of nothingness got a reunion. So I don't understand why RHONY wouldn't. If no reunion is happening, that says to me that RHONY isnt just in trouble -- it is cancelled, and I'd be seriously shocked if it had reached that point. Not with Rihanna tweeting about her favourite franchise, lol. Not with viable OGs still bringing it when necessary (Sonja every episode, Luannah Carey's Christmas mv, etc).

I have to wonder if we will get another break one of these weeks which pushes the RHONY schedule forward? RHONY should be the easiest reunion to put together logistically because they + Andy are all in NYC. Just pick a studio and deck it out. I still say Luann will be back from Switzerland by early September, Ramona too, and I'm going to pick a date: Thursday 2nd September will be when they film. Or Thursday 9th September if Labor Day plans interfere (Andy in Fire Island, etc). Giving Bravo about a week to edit.

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@CatI'm wondering if maybe the next reunikoreunion was pushed back due to all the backlash?  Maybe Bravo was taken aback by the backlash Leah and Eboni have gotten...since I don't think they were expecting it...so they're regrouping?  And I think Bravo put out the Ramona rumors...and again she isn't biting.  Ramona knows how to play the game...she knows how to survive (and her pinot grigio is awesome).

Regarding Nene, she's lucky she doesn't work in the real world because she would have burned all her bridges.  Still, I do think Bravo should have treated her and to a lesser extent Vicki with more respect.

@Taoboiand I remember Eva on Y & r years ago..claiming they were mean to her...but I think it was because she was acting a diva without any acting talent to back it up.  So I was surprised she seemed more mellow on RHOA...maybe she'll bring it on this all star thing (though Sheree would have been better...Vicki vs Sheree anyone?

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@CatPeacock is rumored to be announcing Miami and All Stars next month with a premiere in November/December. Apparently promo will be heavy because they’re banking on Housewives which I’m assuming get good streams on the service. Miami should almost be done filming since they already finished their cast trip to the Hamptons a few weeks ago. 

As for the RHONY reunion, I’ve been saying that people are wrong to believe the Ramona rumors. Ramona can talk her way out of anything. I do not for a second believe Ramona is behind the press reports, nor do I believe she threatened not to go to the reunion. You think Ramona has been repeatedly going to dinner with Eboni and Leah for nothing? Hell no! She’s being strategic! Side Note, I also side eye this new Heather/Eboni friendship. Eboni says they talk regularly and they were spotted at dinner last week which leads me to believe Heather is trying to return next season, or Eboni is using her to secure her spot next season. 

I think the person causing trouble for RHONY and leaking those reports to Daily Mail is Luann. If you go back and read those articles you can see direct quotes that are clearly from Luann. She HATES Eboni and she is who I feel doesn’t want to do the reunion. She keeps posting throwbacks of the good ole days and Eboni said Luann won’t speak to her at all. I think Luann is the one holding out for the reunion and also the most likely not to return in general.


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@Chris B Thanks for the Peacock info! Re: Luann, I definitely hear her voice in a lot of the press reports. Honestly, I think all the women are briefing against each other, and production is leaking like crazy too. One reason I was looking forward to reunion! But if Luann is holding out from returning to the US to film reunion, that is bad news for her. Bravo never likes an ultimatum. And it's also a damn shame if we lose Luann. Personally I'm not looking for subtractions from the RHONY cast -- only additions. 

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