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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Before filming of season 5 paused last spring...Jackie opted to leave to start a family, Gina was back, and Lydiot had opted to return once Jackie left.  And only 3 newbies were hired.


A lot has changed since Covid..and maybe Gina took stock of her life and decided reality tv wasn't for her anymore and opted to leave when filming was set to resume.  Just a theory.


@Taoboi Kameron is just..well Kameron.  While the pet psychic was a bit extreme...I do recall her little one passed while she was on a trip.  So she's feeling guilt and a lack of closure since she didnt get to say good bye.


Kary is entitled...and I think it stems from being a child of an alcoholic...and she seems a little too eager to drink..which concerns me a bit.


D'andra has a fascinating family life..and I think having Jeremy in her life helps give it some light.

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I’m listening to Kary and Kameron’s podcast and they gave some reunion tea. Apparently Kameron did well and brought receipts, but the audio issues were so bad that Kary was on a delay and the ladies couldn’t hear her. They mentioned also having audio issues with Brandi. So this is about to be a disaster lol. 

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Jesus. So Brandi & Kary manage to duck accountability and uncomfortable questions because of 'audio issues'? WTF? We've been waiting all season to see them get called out because god knows Stephanie isn't going to do it for us!


I swear, Dallas cannot get out of its own damn way sometimes. I love and support the show, I make a point to watch because I think it is worth saving. However, it is making its own cancellation bed with this. Reunion should have been about rescuing this season's RHOD!


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LOL it is seriously Bad News Day in the RH universe today. 




LOL Gamble is overhyped, though she carried the show on her back during the earlier seasons. No replacement for Gina and Lydia, however.


And Jackie... 

Edited by Cat
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@CatKameron said that when they fixed Kary’s audio that Brandi’s went out lol! I can’t wait to see what they make of this footage. 

As for Melbourne, I was sad about the Gina news, but losing Lydia as well was such a blow. Gamble I agree is overhyped. Janet I think fit in the ensemble, but was never somebody I liked. Janet is the only top tier returnee. There’s going to be a lot of pressure on these newbies because Lydia and Gina have you so many good one liners and drama. Those are difficult personalities to replace. 

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ATL: I thought exact same thing and came here to post the same, regarding Drew vs. LaToya as being shades of Kenya vs. Porsha Season 5:  The two newbies having beef with one another while the veterans watch. This one falls flat though because they *both* look thirsty for the spotlight.  I am okay with Drew overall, but she certainly isn't a breakout star as Kenya & Porsha became. I could see her lasting another season and then fade way into oblivion a la Eva. 


It's clear the producers are looking for the next "IT" girl and neither Drew nor LaToya fit the bill. Just my opinion.

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 Keep your vets around (or bring 1-2 back) until you strike gold again... 


Was it just my imagination or was Marc's face blurred in the latest snippet of him? 


Beverly Hills: I echo what others say... we need to see a comeuppance of at least one of the coven members and Erottingcunt (ooh, did I go too far?) is ripe for the picking.  I'm glad to see Dorit going against the grain again and calling out Erika & Tom's nefarious shenanigans. 


Elsewhere, I love seeing Sutton upgraded, and I predict she *won't* have a bad season; it's good to hear they upgraded her because she's so much in the thick of things.... love seeing Garcelle back... love seeing Kathy Hilton's presence; another sister casting a shadow over perpetually second-placed Kyle.... interesting how we didn't see too much of Rinna. Hmm, damage control? 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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@Chris B Janet is top-tier supporting HW-- witty, a great gossip and holds her own. However, she is not an Alpha like Gina. And that's fine -- the Melbourne cast worked so well because it was this perfect complementary mix of women who act and react in unique standout ways. Janet works within that mix, but she's not the force of nature driving the show (Gina), nor the bimbo's answer to Blofeld (Lydia).


God, I am really going to miss Lydia! so entertaining.

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I agree that Janet is top tier in the supporting role of the Botox loving witty gossip who has few inhibitions and isn't afraid of anyone. 


I am going to maintain an open mind about the newbies in Melbourne - Gina was a driving force, but her last season she seemed different, more guarded and clearly hated Sally with a passion and just didn't want to film with her. Lydia is someone I didn't enjoy that much - I thought she treated her employees horribly and I just could not laugh at how tone deaf she was. I got to the point where I questioned whether the show had become too repetitive with Gina lashing out two or three times a season, to great impact. 


This reset is either going to ruin the show or give it a new lease on life so I'm going to stay open minded. 


I just hope it isn't ugly like Sydney was. For such a beautiful city, the women on that franchise were heinous in their behaviour. 

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Well if rumors (and a brief tweet from LeeAndra) are to be believed...LeeAndra STILL managed to light Brandi up...bad audio or not. 


I agree Drew and Latoya are both thirsty. However, I don't feel that Latoya is fake about it. It reminds me of Kenya in Season 5 for sure. All of that extra, but can't say she's boring. And now just like Kenya, she appears to be trying to change or mellow a bit...but those scenes that apparently exist are on the cutting room floor. 


Meanwhile, Drew is just fake with that fake niceness and it's been so obvious from a few episodes into the season. Good moments, but she is so transparent...just like her husband. They truly are RHOA's answer to NJ's Amber and Jim. 


I hope she stays another season just so what Nuthin said a few pages back happens....all the girls target her for her messiness. 


I missed that! re: Marc. Wow.



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He is so tone deaf it's astounding. 


And of course, he's a hypocrite. He is making excuses for people's 'political' or 'cultural' views, meanwhile he's done lord knows what to as many HWs and Bravo talent (ahem, Kathy Griffin) for much less important and far more personal reasons. 

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But as other people has said online you want to say that but let several shows get 'political,' not realizing it is not the political views she has that was the problem, it was her racist views. But I guess he's just blind. Color blind.


It's time for his dirty laundry to come out already. 

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I concur. He must be racist himself to even have the gall to defend that piece of trash. To think he threw Kenya under the bus a few weeks ago for her Halloween costume (which was in poor taste but not racially charged) yet he has no problem with Kelly who constantly says racist things and attacks BLM while offending and not giving a f--k about the impact of her actions

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