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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well, it was 90 minutes well spent. That is the first time a reunion has run this long that was justified. I didn't feel we got any filler. 


Monique and Chris Samuels carried this episode in particular and highlighted some very problematic behaviour on Andy Cohen's part and if she had indeed quit it is a grave loss for the show. It was as if Andy was stupid enough to think that production wasn't going to show the footage they had. He was trying to tell Monique how to react and acting as if what she was saying about the plot against her son's paternity was fabricated and untrue. But in came production like a knight on a charging horse with the proof. That has to hearten the Samuels' somewhat that production had their back. Chris was tonight's MVP when he cried on Monique's shoulder and then said his epic "I release you of it, I forgive you. Hurt people, hurt people. Go get some help. I'm out." 


Gizelle got slaughtered again this reunion. Firstly, bringing her 'security' who didn't look like he wanted to tango with Chris Samuels was an insane extra moment. What a grandstanding fool. And then you had her pretending that she called Pastor Holy Whore during the break and that he told her he loves her. Please. PLUS you had production exposing her duplicitous, lying ass talking about Chase's paternity and her ludicrous excuse that Chris brought it up on camera when all he said was the baby looked like him, which was a CLEAR warning to not tread on that topic. AND THEN to have production caption her muttering "G*ddamnn with the tears" and "J*esus Chr*st" when Chris cried on Monique's shoulder...does she not know the commandment thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain? So much for being First Lady. 


Candiace was way, way more restrained this episode and it was interesting to see her throw Gizelle under the bus with her "Gizelle is a gossip and she's messy" comment, confirming what she'd said months ago on Instagram Live about the plot discussed at Andy's baby shower. Seeing the two Chrises after the cameras were off them shows that this problem could have been easily solved had Candiace not turned to Dorothy's lawyers or Gizelle's grandstanding.


Ashley and Wendy were both non-events, as they have been throughout this reunion. It was hilarious that the only thing every HW and Husband could agree on was that Michael is a creep.


Robyn...lordy. Aside from her Xerox hair, I hope she realizes that nobody is afraid of Juan Dixon, let alone Chris Samuels. Also, does anyone think her wedding is going to happen? I sort of don't. 


Last but never least...


La Dame. Karen knocked this reunion out of the park. She looked great, showed up to play ball and made it happen. Even when Andy tried to mess with her she owned the scheduling of her wig launch party perfectly: "I told them what they needed to hear." Who hasn't been in that position at least once? Her impassioned "I was calling to get you help!" to Candiace was something out of Riche/Labine General Hospital and then her tears when Ray said he wanted to renew their vows was moving. Her "Keep my husband's name out of your mouth" as Ray stared daggers at Robyn in perfect sync with her was flawless. Karen stands in her truth and does not appear to have anything to hide anymore. Her ending statements to the ladies were also the real deal and it is obvious what a hateful, awful woman Gizelle is that she could not receive anything that Karen said. 

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Then I guess it's a good thing I just got 2 bottles of Portugal wine tonight. Looks like I'll be needing it.


Right there with you on the pissed train...and I still 35 minutes out from the episode.


Which is sad. I know you wanted Gizelle to pay for years and it looks like she was getting it in Part 1. But Andy Cokehead had to do something. Messy ass. 


But it's been horrible this year more than any other.


Time for Andy's karma to tag him like a BH housewife.



Ooooo...Old School GENERAL HOPSITAL.


I cannot wait to see it. 


And that is what makes her better than most (if not all of them given the news other than Ashley) now La Dame owns it. Even the bad. And they could learn to do it better. Otherwise they stay pressed. 

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It's a grave loss for the show. She had real money. A real family. From a production standpoint she has far more life left in her in comparison to Gizelle and/or Candiace. However, what Monique and Chris experienced really appeared to wear them out, so who can fault them for leaving...so if she had indeed quit, she dealt Gizelle a fatal blow on her way out. 

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Bloggers are saying that Bravo offered her a sh*tty contract and that was the last straw. 


Apparently, Mo was gonna be the target again but get paid way less (much like he was gonna do Nene s13 and Kenya s10). Word is Mothers Against Violence complained about the fight too. 

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This is p*ssing me off. I hope Monique unveils everything. 

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A blogger that I am watching Youtube live now was that they were going to drag the fight out and bring up the paternity of the child now that it was brought up. They were going to push Monique's buttons until she snapped again. 


Word is Monique will talk about the show tomorrow. I am guessing that is when she'll officially announce her status. 

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That sounds just bizarre because it was addressed so thoroughly, which suggests to me that the Samuels' might have gotten wind of that intention before the reunion was taped, which is why they came in guns blazing on the subject so that it could never be raised again. Whoever tipped them off, if that's what happened, clearly pulls some production strings, because the tapes were pulled on Gizelle to substantiate everything Chris and Monique said. Honestly, Gizelle just came across about the worst I've ever seen for a HW. And I think she knows it.

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This was a long time coming for Gizelle. Each season I feel she’s gotten more in likable than the previous season and it’s bizarre because Bravo pushes her as the face of the show. She is NOT likable. She doesn’t have a fabulous life. She is HATEFUL. I just don’t know where you go with her. 

I’m disappointed Monique is leaving, but who could blame her? The gaslighting was insane. I will say, production showed this entire reunion that they had her back. Andy came off incredibly biased and completely lost me after tonight. Monique is so popular that they’re running a risk letting her go. In the age of Covid, who has four homes they could use for cast trips? Who has a full family to film with, money and a husband? They lose a lot without her. 

Candiace has never been likable and if we’re being honest, she only got some type of fan base after the fight. I fully expect her to be unbearable next season. Gizelle is also unbearable. Robyn is just there. I don’t see how they will make it work. 

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Okay, I'm not liking Candiace, but I will give her this much...she was likeable PRE-FIGHT. She was trying to make amends. Like she said just now, she was disengaging ( (c) Meredith SLC) when she had drama. Post-fight...those are just crazy stans not seeing her for the actress she is being. And not a good one.


Time for Andy Cohen's skeleton to come out. And I know Twitter are quite good at digging....



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I think production tipped them off. Monique is well loved by production. I think they are also over Andy at this point too. 



According to some people close to Monique that I follow on Twitter, she is supposedly making a more formal statement tomorrow as what she said tonight was somewhat ambiguous. 


I am pretty certain though that production and Bravo execs (minus Andy) are blowing her phone up right now. 


Classic case of underestimating the audience and production. Andy thought the reunion was gonna go one way, but was edited another and now he has egg all over his face. And all of the women of Potomac are on mute tonight minus Candiace who is still on Twitter arguing with fans. 




Digging up Andy's tea won't be hard. We all know he loves booger sugar and twinks (preferably Black) "allegedly." 

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So I watched the 90 minute episode... Karen didn't come out the winner against Candiace.  I would say it was a draw.


Old bag of bones (Karen) should of known Candiace is not Gizelle.  She will fight back verbally....and Karen was so emotional especially about Candiace saying she'll burn in hell....it was glorious to see and hear.


Shame Monique is quitting.

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