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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Internet down equal a lot of viewing time so I got time to watch RHOD.


Sorry, ya'll. D'Andra has been Season Two Curse. My God, she was messy as heck this past episode. 


However I have been enjoying this season so far. Not as much as last season, but still good. And I love you @Cheap21 I always said Kam's hubby was cute so nice to see I'm not alone. 




I didn't get on here in time, but when are the taglines coming?




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I just watched the last two Orange County episodes. The trip is okay by this seasons standards, but you can tell the ladies (Newbies + Tamra) are trying to goad Shannon into a fight. When it comes to the newbies who ARE boring, Shannon just isn’t into them! They look crazy constantly talking about her! Enjoy yourself and the people who do get along with you. People are closer to Others in every friend group. Then Tamra is the snake she always was trying to play both sides then throwing Shannon under the bus which will continue Next week. 


I get that Shannon is annoying at times and especially last season was dark, but I’ll always appreciate her for showing her true life and personality, warts and all. I feel she’s turned a corner this season and is trying to be happy and move forward with her life. It seems like Tamra WANTS her to stay miserable to use against her. She’s clearly still upset about the Eddie/Shannon stuff. I just hope come reunion that Shannon digs into Tamra’s ass and stops falling for her Mess. 

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I liked it. It had a lot of LOL moments for me. And Poor Vicki.


Yeeeeeeeaah, whether she deserves it or not I'm not here for the gang up on Shannon.  I do reserve the right to change my mind next week however. 




It would appear that the peaches are really trying to drum up drama like they usually do pre-new season.


I must admit...I'm intrigued. 


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I can't remember who said it, Emily or Gina (LOL), but they pointed out that Tamra is very co-dependent of Shannon, and her reaction to Vicki & Shannon on the boat together was very high school. Tamra is very intense and possessive of her BFFs, and any shift in mood on their part is instantly taken as some kind of rejection of her. Having said that, Tamra is going through a serious health issue with Eddie, and Shannon is leaning on her through this divorce but likely returns the favor less. I also think that even though Kelly shouts at Shannon next week, it's not because she despises her but because she wants Shannon to have a breakthrough and count her blessings.


I love Shannon too and appreciate that she shows us the good with the bad. Clearly, she is not in the happiest mindset on this Jamaica trip (not surprising, given that hell David put her through), unlike Vicki who seems to be embracing everything. I love how the Jamaicans have embraced the OC women right back and seem genuinely entertained by their antics! This is probably the best episode of the season thus far -- making me wish Bravo had gone the NJ route and cut this season's OC down to 12 episodes. The transition season would have worked beautifully in a smaller size.

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"I have a rash I've never had a rash! I have a rash I've never had a rash I have a rash I've never had a rash I have a rash I've never had a rash!"

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Seriously, the OC core four crack me up. I know some viewers have been calling for RHOC to be scrapped completely, but I would honestly miss some of these dorks.


And I must say, Emily in a swimsuit has the most amazing curvy body. I wish Shannon would see that and get inspired to embrace her own curves, too.

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D'Andra is disgusting. Her twisting Leeanne's words and correlating it to her father's demise was just too much for me. I think it is going to also backfire on her too come reunion time. She's too invested in taking Leeanne down, not realizing her demise is around the corner. I don't picture these 2 ever being close again. D'Andra just went too far. Might I add too that D'Andra proved Leeanne right too about her running and telling Brandi everything, which she did last night after their talk.


And my Kameron...

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 When she threw that fatal shade at D'Andra saying that she hoped the shirt she was wearing to Cary's event was too much or it'd wipe out her $200 account... Kameron is comedy. I'm ready for her to dig into D'Andra come next week too. 


Stephanie is gradually awakening to Brandi's shenanigans. If not this year, next year they will be back at odds. Brandi is the real manipulator amongst these women. 

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Kameron was on WWHL and it was probably the most I've ever liked her - she looked different, but gorgeous (they kept comparing her to Nicole Kidman).  She was very chill and easy to talk to, not nervous or naive.  You could tell that Andy really enjoyed her and he also said he's loving this season of Dallas.  Bodes well for a potential Season 4.


I still don't see Cary doing much.  I think Mama Dee had more talking heads this episode than Cary did haha.

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I love the core 4 as well. But I hate that Tamra is using Shannon for a story and joining forces with the two snoozefest newbies. It's obvious the two newbies think Shannon is their best ticket into screen time and a potential second season., but it didn't work for Lydia so i don't know why they'd go that route.


They're coming off way to pressed about her not caring for them. It's pathetic.

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Just when I say that RHOD is not as good as last season, Bravo hits me with a perfect episode of pure soap opera!  


Dallas might be the soapiest RH franchise, and its soapiest 'character' might just be Mama Dee Simmons -- the love child of Tammy Faye Bakker and Zsa Zsa Gabor. I'm willing to make a sacrifice for the sake of the show -- I like Cary, but it's time she moved over to FOH and gave Mama Dee her spot. Mama Dee NEEDS to be a full-time HW! I am obsessed.


That convo she had with D'Andra about leaving Leeanne alone and focusing on running the business -- and then when she said in her VT that "We (meaning the Simmons family) have known Leeanne a long time and we love her" -- there can be no clearer indication of which side Dee is on in the Leeanne/D'Andra battle. She shows Leeanne kindness and understanding in the previews while basically saying D'Andra is going to crash and burn with the business... wow. It's like Leeanne is the daughter she wishes she had. That is some classic Y&R soapyness right there. That is some classic Dallas (Jock Ewing favoring Bobby over JR!). That is even some Written on the Wind (Douglas Sirk's 1956 melodrama upon which Dallas was supposedly based) ! Even more Written on the Wind parallels: D'Andra's drinking and the fate of her suicidal father (in Written on the Wind, Robert Stack's character drinks because his father favors his friend Rock Hudson over his son, lol).


IA Brandi is the big manipulator and jealous of ALL the ladies in the group -- including her BFF/one true love, Stephanie. Stephanie knows Brandi's methods now and sees it clear as day, as does Kameron who got it last season. The only person who doesn't see it is D'Andra, and that, plus her resentment of Leeanne, might see her booted off the show (which would be a tragedy because.. MAMA DEE).


I really enjoy Stephanie this season btw, and her relationship with Travis. By contrast, Brandi is still trying to convince us that she and Bryan have 'worked through' their troubles, but all I see is a checked-out hubby enamoured of his new baby and barely glancing at his wife.


I love Kameron. She has won me over in spades. We need her comedic timing to balance out the soapy drama.

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@Cat & @DaytimeFan, RHOBH rumors...




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I'm not even excited about this flop season at all. I'd rather they just scrap the whole show and try and new California city like Santa Barbara. 


Fans are suspecting that the women are mad at LVP about the dog incident b/c she supposedly sold a story to the press and got caught. 


So what!!


All these b*tches sell stories on all these shows. 

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And the rumour is that LVP is trying to bail out of the season and leave midway because of being "caught"...honestly she should just own it, show off the pair of shoes she bought with the money she got for selling the story, and go out in a blaze of glory, guns blazing.


This franchise is such a flop and has been for years now.

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US magazine geoblocked me, sigh.  


So let me get this straight -- LVP sold a story to the press. However, instead of confronting her about the story (and possibly exposing their own close 'relationships' with the press), the women are going to hide it behind some dispute over a dog?




I can't with this BS. RHOBH pulls this [!@#$%^&*] far too often, with everybody talking circles around the REAL issue. Instead they fight a proxy war using the pettiest crap imaginable. Last season was the worst of it.


Image result for ramona i cant i cant gif



LVP's fear of being "caught" is a real Achilles heel for her, and all the other women know this.


I wish LVP realized... that fans don't mind a villain! (In fact, LVP's English accent and Joan Collins vibe kind of makes her a shoo-in, lol). If LVP owned her machinations, shrugged and moved on, she would be a powerhouse. But LVP wants to be utterly beloved of animals, employees, friends and fans. She cannot handle being called out on the 'bad' stuff. So she covers and deflects. And as Richard Nixon proved, it's always the cover-up that bites you in the ass.


Like you, I wish she'd say "Yes, I did it, so what?" go out in a blaze of glory, exposing their hypocritical asses along the way. BOOM! Mic drop. However, I think she's afraid to admit to this particular accusation. Because it might have fans question whether Adrienne's S2 accusation of LVP selling to RadarOnline (which LVP strongly refuted in a way that made me believe her) might be true. That seminal moment brought the majority of fans on-side with LVP, and Kyle is still enraged over it.

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