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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Glad the NYC reunion is over because it was a toxic and stressful watch. I appreciated Carole this season holding Bethenny to account. But she showed her ass this episode, so desperate to prove Bethenny wrong that she disowned Tinsley's friendship. Bethenny is a manipulative emotional-vampire -- but Carole is a cold, heartless friend-jumper. Now that Carole is no longer double-dating with Adam, Tinsley is surplus to requirements.


So I am Team No-One at this point. Both Bethenny and Carole are cruel, vengeful people whose friendship was built on feeling superior and going after 'weaklings' like Sonja, Luann and Jules. Two bullies falling out? Good [!@#$%^&*] riddance. Is it too much to hope that Bethenny gets demoted next season?


Tinsley and Sonja (and perhaps Ramona) were the only people who came out well (not to mention the stylists). Tinsley was funny and light; Sonja was full of equanimity and her obvious closeness with Ramona and Luann gives the show heart. I am really looking forward to seeing her new life in Columbus Circle without that financial/emotional albatross of a townhouse around her neck.



I keep saying Kathy Hilton needs to become a full-time BH housewife! 

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American Woman is coming to the UK and is being marketed as a 'US sleeper hit.' 


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That sh-t was awkward. It made Carole look horrible and pinpointed how Carole only have friendships of convenience with the women on this show. In that moment, I wanted Tinsley to flip on Carole's a** and nail her to the cross. You just know that Carole spearheaded a meeting prior to the reunion to make Bethenny the target. I wish Tinsley tosses her to the wolves. 

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It was painfully awkward and Carole just seemed awful as a result. Bethenny won the reunion because she kept calm. 


I was so glad to see Sonja pulling herself together and moving out of that townhouse. It is an albatross and the moment she gets rid of it for good she will be free. I would have liked to see those scenes air in the actual show because it's Sonja's real life and I found her totally enjoyable this season from beginning to end.


Dorinda getting weepy when Bethenny said she doesn't think she's a drunk...lord. Dorinda...not a good season for her. She better get working on repairing her relationship with Lu.

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This. She looked awful throwing Tinsley under a bus -- just to prove a point against Bethenny. I too would have liked to see Tinsley call her out (even though I would have hated Bethenny smirking throughout that interchange).


Carole was such a fresh presence in S5-6, especially her friendship with Heather. But she's become such a mean girl, very strategic, and very superior. It has sucked all the youthfulness out of her.



Bravo always starts filming while the wounds from reunion remain fresh. 

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I live for Ramona-Sonja and Sonja-Luann tbh. I really enjoy watching Ramona and her Ramonisms a lot.

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I don't see that happening real soon though. On WWHL, Lu seemed to be over Dorinda.





I only found her tolerable in s5. She was dreadful in s6. OK in s7. Dreadful in s8. OK in s9. Dreadful yet again in 10. Much like LVP, even number seasons were not good for her image. 



I was thinking this too. But the "alliance" wasn't that solid to begin with. Dorinda, Carole, and Ramona all flipped on each other a few times throughout the reunion by not totally standing by each others comments. 


It was just a mess and Bethenny came out on top. 

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I did like how she embraced Kristen into the fold in s6. But yeah, s6 was when she became very haughty and humorless (more accurately, during s5 reunion). She turned on Aviva and Luann big-time that season. Wasn't that also the season she began dating Adam and started getting obsessive anxiety about how she "only had 5 good summers left" ? I guess if I was stuck with Adam as the last guy I'd ever f***, I'd be pissed, too!  

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lol I thought I was the only one who noticed that even-numbered seasons were awful for LVP! Seasons 4, 6 and 8 are cases in point. And s2 was a great season for her, but that was the reunion Adrienne and Kyle engineered that Bobby Fischer takedown -- which failed.

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