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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The OC reunion was great. I LOVE how Gretchen reached behind her and grabbed the emails from behind the cushion to prove Alexis wrong.

Breana is <3 and Andy was spot on when he said that she was the only one on the show ever who always made sense.

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Wow - just watched the 2 OC reunions - loved it! What a great season for the OC.

Heather will be back... I could even see them keeping Alexis (if Jim lets her), just to fuel the Heather/Alexis rivalry.

Without Slade, Gretchen barely has a storyline... she better work on that.

Vicki has HUGE storyline potential - I can't wait to see her break up with Brooks, become a grandma, etc etc... So much has happened with Briana and Vicki since the finale, they could have done an entire show focused on them (like Kim from ATL).

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I dont know. I think if they dont find anyone they think could be great they might keep her, but id say its safe to bet shes out.

True, she is still totally safe because while Slade is/was her main story, its a good story and shes well liked. W/ the baby quest but refual to marry more drama will come from that, as well as the solid friendship with Tamra/Eddie & heather/terry.

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Gretchen adds ALOT to the Viki vs Tamra feud. Id say she's one of the main reasons there is one. Viki is jealous of that newfound friendship and shewill get even worse now that she's lost Tamra as a friend with Tamra attached to Gretchen. And with all the allegations that came out in the reunion with Viki's hypocrisy especially towards Gretchen revealed, Im sure those two will have alot to say to each other next season. That alone should be enough to keep Gretchen interesting

As it stands, Heather is the only link the women have to each other bc they cant stand one another. She will most likely be used to bring them together for events and parties. I cant see Viki going to anything hosted by Tam/Gretchen or vice versa. They need to bring on someone else that is neutral

Edited by Cheap21
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Hot... and likely gay.

Adrienne is either completely stupid pissing off Bravo and her RH co-stars like that -- or super smart keeping herself viable à la Teresa Giudice.

Either way, she's been on my [!@#$%^&*] list since she threw Lisa under the bus at Reunion.

IA. In fact, I think Briana is so great, they should add her as a housewife or at least guest housewife to the cast.

And if they could get Jeana (and even Kara) back, I would be insane with joy.

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Adrienne is a stupid bitch and I've been over her from the moment things started to go awry with Lisa. Adrienne's pathetic jealousy and her ludicrous treatment of Dr Paul just slammed her onto my "Ugh, get off my TV" list. When she tried (and failed) to throw Lisa under the Radar Online bus at the reunion, that was the nail in the coffin. She is unredeemable in my eyes.

And serving Cease and Desist letters is all she can do. The Housewives all sign releases forbidding them from suing each other (at least, that's what the Vancouver Housewives all had to do)...if Adrienne is even contemplating a lawsuit, she should take a seat before she gets her tranny ass booted off the series.

They do need another neutral(ish) party, which brings me to...

If ever there was a Housewife who needed to return, my God is it ever Jeana Keough. She has relationships with Gretchen, Tamra and Vicki. She hasn't been a regular since season 5 and we're STILL talking about her and we STILL love seeing her in her occasional appearances. Although Vicki has stayed on the show for its entire run, when I think of RHOC, I think of Jeana, for me she was the OC Housewife archetype.

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What I love is that from what I've seen (at least on realitytea.com) is that everyone can see through Adrienne's bull and everyone is Team Lisa (and Team Brandi, for the most part). I think Season 3 will be quite interesting with all these different alliances...

As for OC's Jeana, I never saw when she was a regular castmember, but hubby speaks fondly of her and likes her. If they could get all parties involved on board, it'd be great to bring certain housewives back to the fold, like OC's Jeana and Jersey's Danielle or Dina.

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The thnig about Jeana is that she left on her terms and it was her decision to leave mainly bc she wanted to start dating again and didnt want that on camera. I wonder if she still feels that way bc if not, Id love for the producers to make an offer to her. I thought her making up with Tamra was very touching in the family and Vicki has acknowledged that she missed her. Vicki really could use her as a friend/ally and Jeana would be a good mediator to link her to Tamra

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I think Season 3 will be the zenith of Beverly Hills...at which point it will fall apart unless it's retooled. I think a lot of these shows don't retool soon enough, we're seeing that with NYC, it takes work and it isn't smooth but it's often very necessary.

Jeana was awesome. Not quite funny like Lisa or Bethenny...but just as sly and a major straight shooter who often said what the audience was thinking. Love everything about her. I hope she returns.

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