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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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@Nothin'ButAttitude @Faulkner @MrPrezident @DaytimeFan @Gray Bunny @Taoboi Done with all these b!tches making Teddi cry and trying to convince the audience we didn't see conversations that we SAW ON SCREEN.


Rinna defending Erika and Dorit like a bobble-headed Sarah Huckabee Sanders was embarrassing. She rags on LVP's age almost every episode, but at least LVP's memory isn't in pieces like the Selective Amnesia Twins! I choked when Rinna said Dorit is a dolphin in a sea of sharks.

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 Yeah she is -- and you and Erika are the sharks, Rinna! This entire Erika-Dorit-Rinna 'friendship' is cooked up to get one over LVP in front of camera and behind the scenes. LOL I know people will think I am a delusional LVP stan for saying that, but everything about this new little trifecta [(c) Ramona Pinot] smells strategic and fake.


Erika is a contrived mess of stale glam-squad fingersnaps. She has zero authenticity. Every word she uttered sounded ripped from a bad teen movie, while everything Teddi was saying about Dorit's lies and Erika's fake amnesia was pure truth. Teddi is everything Erika says she is but isn't. I'm glad she's getting dragged on Twitter. When even her die-hard fans are calling BS, you know the bloom is off the rose.


Dorit is dog-s***. The way she physically dragged a quietly-weeping Teddi out of the restaurant hissing "You have no right to be upset, I'M the one who should be upset" was borderline evil. Then she pretended that she showed her out because she "cannot bear to see anybody cry" -- B!TCH. I hope your ass gets ROASTED at Reunion! 

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Her blog is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 !


"Erika and Dorit [...] couldn’t be my clients, because I only accept women who are able and willing to look at themselves truthfully. I assume the issue with this/me is that I’m holding up a mirror to the truth and it irritates them."


"It seems like Erika is enjoying the rift between LVP and Dorit more than she lets on. Or she’s just not sure of how to function in a legitimate friendship that isn’t somebody telling her how amazing she is on a loop."


"Oh, and crybaby? Sure, I’m a woman with emotions, and I cried [...] What’s not natural is for you to stop another woman from trying to comfort somebody who’s obviously upset. But all bow to Regina Jayne. I won’t be sitting at that table. I prefer genuine people and feelings over ice and diamonds."

Image result for nene finger snaps gifs

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Oh that’s lame that he’s the Vulture recapper with such an obvious bias, but at least the readers take that into account and call him on it. He’s a “journalist” who likes to insert himself into the story. See his handling of his interview with Lee Pace.

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Damn, I haven't even seen the episode and I am living for Teddi's blog comments. Now THAT'S how you save yourself from becoming a one-season-wonder. A lot of these broads HATE having to look into the mirror and be *accountable* for their actions and motivations.  Sounds like last night's episode is a clusterfunk of frustration and drama. 

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The blog is a must read. Teddi annihilated Erika. Erika is already on the defensive calling Teddi’s blog “pure comedy” but we all know why she doesn’t like it: Teddi nailed it. 


While Dorit is a really crap person I can’t say she’s completely heartless. I can’t say the same for Erika. She is so clinical and cold. The lights might be on but nobody seems to be home. Nasty and cruel.


And word with what @Cat said. 

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I could very well see Teddi choosing not to come back for another season of RHOBH, if she's smart.  She's fighting a losing battle.. and she seems to have a nice husband and family plus a fairly decent career.  


So I read a rumor that the women of the OC are filming their season 13 intro.  I wonder if season 13 will be a 12 or 13 episode season.. like in the good old days.

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I have noticed that Kyle has been less kiss-assy of Erika this season -- and Erika less kiss-assy of producer Kyle. I'll believe it when I see it though. And I never rule out another S2 Reunion surprise where Kyle turns on LVP and aligns herself with Erika and the Supremes Dorit and Rinna.



Erika's 'pure comedy' remark on Twitter already got some great rebuttals! "Humiliating someone is 'pure comedy.' Check your values." Another one: "Your behavior and outfits this season are pure comedy, honey." My fave: "Temporary amnesia...but only you can call people liars, at least she said it to your face and not the camera."


Erika is acting all no f***s to give on Twitter, but we all know she gives a great many f***s. She already has her own fans canceling their pre-orders of her book.



I wonder if Erika and Rinna will bail before Teddi. Rinna seems bored, and the heat is turning up on Erika.

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I know that Teddi still keeps up with Kyle thanks to the interview she did with Heather McDonald’s Juicy Scoop podcast (her recaps of BH are hilarious). So it wouldn’t surprise me if Kyle got wise to how badly Erika comes across this season and adjusted her onscreen alliances accordingly. 


Erika gives ALL the f*cks with how sensitive she is. She can’t keep her anger bottled up an entire season. This is two in a row now. 


Rinna does look bored but this has been a reparative season for her image because she’s flying mostly under the radar and isn’t looking for conflict. Her VT in last night’s episode where she said she didn’t believe Teddi was stirring anything up is a good example. If she bails, she should bail after one more season where she is lots of fun. End on a high, not a whimper. 

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It's crazy how Erika is actually the opposite of who she claims to be. I couldn't believe it when she smirked about "Ms. Crybaby" and "that's just how life works" in her VT. She is so achingly desperate to appear cool and tough. Yeah, it's real tough out there on the mean streets of Pasadena.

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The mere sight of somebody else's vulnerability drove her into a rage; the irony is that as a viewer I found Teddi's tears -- a weakness according to Erika -- a sign of Teddi's strength. Erika, by contrast, looked completely ridiculous. Cruel. Played out.


I hope so re: Rinna. She looks like she is trying to ape Erika with the coolness and 'shady' VTs, but it's not a role that fits her well. Rinna is better when she lets her dork flag fly and puts her foot in her mouth.

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All of this Erika hate just fills me with nothing but joy. I haven't watched yet but I will in a bit. You guys have me so excited. And once upon a time I enjoyed Brian Moylan's recaps but it became abundantly clear last year that he would never say anything wrong about Erika and definitely not now that he's on the payroll. I think it's time he hands the reigns over to someone else at this point.

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