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Totally agree I'm not totally down with Caroline and Jacq this season but the wedding episodes proved that The Manzos/Lauritas/Guidices are more interesting than Kathy and Melissa. Kathy had to pretend that her sister was coming out to her children just for 1 episode worth of story. They aren't needed.

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LMAO. I still cant get over that laugh.png


Finale was this past week! Who saw? It was GOOOD


I loved Ronnie's hair at her event. She looked gorgeous. I didnt realize she was married. There really is a de-emphasis on the men in this series whereas in the US, most of the husbands are strong supporting players. I think I would have liked to have seen their relationship. He is definetly cute. LMAO at her son when he was giving the speech and said he was one of his favorite step-dads. How many times has she been married?


Reiko getting ready to go into battle with the creature below


Found that online. Describes her to a t. She truly is the most vile, despicable creature to ever grace a RH series. It usually takes other women 2 or 3 seasons before they reach this depth of deplorableness, but she came out guns blazing right from the start. I hated her at first, then I loved her and now Im ending off disliking her. She is surely entertaining, brings the drama and keeps things interesting but she isnt fun. She has alienated the entire cast is just so nasty to everyone. Really just think of the worst qualities of some of the worst housewives and Jody has it all rolled into one. She thinks she's better than everyone, like LuAnn. She is aggressive to the point she comes across like a bully like Nene. No accountability for the awful things she does and says like Teresa and Danielle. She's delusional and beleives her own lies like Kelly (NYC)...the list goes on.


and she lies! I especially love when she got called out on her second hand "vintage" store right as she confirmed her lie. I think for the sake of the series, she shouldnt come back for season 2. Its alright to be a bitch but you need balance and there is none with her. Slice shouldnt let this show get as bad as OC and NYC did in later years and the best thing to do is get rid of the trouble maker.Those were bad bc you had most if not allof the cast being vile but here its just one. Get rid of her and move on. This show was so refreshing and fun and I dont want to see it turn into a bitchfest




Go Ronnie! Glad she finally sees Jody for what she really is and decided to cut her out


LMAO at Mary





Edited by Cheap21
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Jacqueline is so childish. Firstly didn't she tell Teresa last week that she was distancing herself? Then acts suprised when Teresa ignores her? Then she says stuff like Teresa is bringing Danielle back into their lives. Girl please Teresa tweeted Danielle about something that had nothing to do with you. Hardly call that inviting her back into your life. Jacqueline is childish and has nothing better to do with her life. Then has to inject her two cents in Teresa's convo with Melissa. And I love how 10 seconds after arguing with Teresa she sits on the couch talking about how horrible of a person Teresa was. She mustve felt that way the entire time. Jac is fake and a little cry baby. She acts 13. Seriously she is falling out with Teresa over TABLOIDS?! Even I can admit Teresa is dodging questions and lying but in all honesty its not a big deal. They are on tv, things will be said that aren't true. Jacqueline needs to take a chill pill.

And why did she look so hungover and bloated in her TH?

Agreed about Melissa but she is still annoying and boring.

I'm glad Teresa is patching things up with her family though its bc she isn't friends with the others but it did make me smile to see them all happy. Melissa and Kathy still need to go though.

Edited by Eric83
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DaytimeFan is connected!

IA with everything Cheap said about Vancouver, this has been a stellar first season and that finale EPITOMISES "satisfying pay-off." Finally, after all the lies and slander and nastiness, Jody is exposed. She is about as vile as Jill Zarin (who should have been publicly chastised by Andy Cohen at last season's reunion, but wasn't. What i would have given to see her face when she got fired!). I am glad Ronnie stepped up and took it upon herself to have it out with Jody in a pretty open way. Yes, it was a settling of accounts but I never got the feeling Jody was being unfairly attacked. She had plenty of opportunity to argue her side and make her case. But, as she is a liar caught in her confabulations, she couldn't.

Ronnie seems to have mega standing with the housewives, she is certainly the richest, arguably the most attractive, with the most influence and connections. She was the only one who could have orchestrated this in an attempt to make Jody wake up to what she was doing. And I love the fact that she and Mary finally "made their way back to each other" lol. The formal apology that Ronnie made to Mary was touching.

Ronnie's husband is hot but prob didn't want to be heavily featured in the show, so Ronnie's son Jhordan made more of an appearance. Jhordan seems to be a great son.

RHoV has really breathed life into this franchise -- totally by accident and away from Bravo's immediate control. These woman are not yet caricatures (except maybe Jody) and seem utterly comfortable being themselves to a certain extent. I love the balance between "the dark side" and some of the kindess these women exhibit to their families and to each other.

Let's face it, RHoNY is on shaky ground, NJ is going to implode unless Bravo get a rein on things, and OC feels like "end of days." I hope viewing RHoV from afar (I'm pretty sure Bravo is keeping tabs on the show) while provide inspiration to the execs in charge and really analyse how to get the US franchise back to basics.

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I can finally see why Jaq didnt go to last season's reunion and now understand the state of mind she was in

"Bitch, who the F are you? Psycho bitch! Right there I should have punched her in the face. I'm saying thats something she deserved. Im just saying, thats not my style. I'm not going there bc obviously she punched Caroline in the face so Im sure thats something she would have done to me" :lol: Oh Teresa

Teresa only agrees to go to therapy with Joe and makes peace with Kathy only after Caroline and Jaq called her out.


I tell you people, Twitter is the devil! Twitter is what escalated so much of the drama on Basketball Wives and its played a role in ruining Teresa/Jaq's relationship....lol. People need to stop putting all their busienss out there and then others misinterpreting and making ascertions based on a few characters of text. I dont get fighting over Twitter, but Ive seen it happen so many times. Some things you need to keep to yourself

She wasnt surrpised. She said that she expected it but it hurt nonetheless to see them get to a point where they cant even acknowledge each other. It is sad. And Jaq isnt just writing her off bc of tabloids. Thats just the tip of the iceberg and twitter is the catalyst which got her to finally confront Teresa over their issues.

Its all fake though! They havent spoken since the reunion and Teresa clearly is looking for allies since she doesnt have the Manzo/Lauritas anymore

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LOL I know Teresa is trying to be friends with them bc she doesnt want to end up like Danielle where nobody wants to film with her but it was nice seeing them be happy around each other for once. All this drama is draining. I am not saying I am totally Team Teresa bc she does need to be more honest and upfront but IMO Jacqueline is just blowing it out of proportion.

Edited by Eric83
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Okay, finally back from vacation and caught up on Jersey and I gotta agree with all the negative remarks here about Jacqueline: she is so petty, childish, hypocritical, and plain ol' ridiculous. Do you want to be bff's with Teresa or cut her loose? You ambush her the night before, and then are so upset that Teresa goes and lives her own life and is having a good time at the party they're both at. And Jacqueline bitches to Caroline (of course) and Caroline's reasoning is because Teresa doesn't care and is a blank slate of emotions, etc. etc. Teresa literally cannot win with that woman. Anything Teresa does, Caroline will twist it into being something wrong. If Teresa brought up their personal problems at Caroline's brother's wedding, Caroline would throw a fit. Teresa didn't bring up the problems at the wedding, and Caroline complains about that.

Teresa is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't with Caroline and Jacqueline.

The silly thing is that Jacqueline even admitted on What What Happens Live that there's more to the story than what we're seeing onscreen. This whole set-up seems like they're just trying to give Caroline & Jacqeline a valid reason to be mad at Teresa to compensate for what's really going on.

Jac also seemed to be doing damage control for herself on WWHL, as she was getting a lot of tough questions from viewers, and even the guest bartender! Ha. This delusional broad looked so bad in Sunday's episode...

"I lost a best friend tonight," Jac gargled. Um, didn't you cut her out the day before?

Wouldn't it be fabulous if they brought out Danielle Staub at this year's reunion to set the record straight about Melissa? That would be a ratings bonanza!

And speaking of which, Melissa had GUILTY written all over her face when Teresa finally confronted her about Danielle. I agree that this girl is no innocent angel they're trying to portray her as. It's ironic that Jacqueline was drunkenly slurring how Teresa cannot stand to have anyone else on the show be successful, when it's really Melissa that was jealous and itching to ride her sis-in-law's coattails and get on the show and get fame of her own.

P.S. I called Jacqueline out on her hypocrisy on Twitter and she blocked me. Haha. Twitter & Jacqueline & booze make for a messy scenario! smile.png

Edited by Gray Bunny
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That moment was LOL funny. Joe Jr hit him pretty hard, too! Those Gorga genes -- like, Milania kicks grown men in the balls!

I don't know what to say about the clusterfuck on RHoNJ except that EVERYBODY is in the wrong and holding onto damn grudges for far too long. They look like damn fools, every one of them. Jacqueline looks like a fool crying over Life & Style (which is no Us Weekly) and getting involved in Gorga family dynamics -- that was just going to bite her in the ass in the end. Caroline clearly has hated Teresa for over a year and so this whole "::Shock:: Our friendship was over yesterday" shtick is a sham. I love me some Caroline but it's the truth. She's been gunning for Tre since the beginning of last season. Yes, even before Cookbookgate.

Then we have oh-so-humble Melissa whose husband is pushing all this promotion on her and throwing her a party. Aww shucks, Joe!Like she had nothing to do with re-releasing "the remix" of On Display and blowing up that "Lady Gorga" magazine cover from August 2011! Also she got majorly caught out by Teresa over the Danielle debacle.

And finally we have Teresa who is still living in a fantasy world of macmansions, monopoly money and a husband who loves and cherishes her. She has nobody on her side and if her family are moving to reconcile with her, it's because they want to stay on the show next season and have only belatedly realized that she's the route to doing that.

Chris Laurita, as usual, continues to be a god amonst men, watching out for his wife while extending the hand of friendship to Joe Giudice.

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RHoNY finally got into its groove last night. Even though the show revolved around one incident -- Ramona not getting invited to London, I could understand both sides. Ramona is hurt but she's also only kissing up to Heather in order to get an invite. Crazy Pinona!

LOVE Carole. LOve love love love her. She's so relaxed with herself and unstuffy and unpretentious. And smart and interested in things beyond the petty round of cocktail gossip. She totally zeroed in on LuAnn's "royal tourettes" and she looked as fabulous walking around the Occupy Wall Street encampment she was photographing as she did with her fabulous hair at Sonja's party.

Can't say enough great things about Sonja who seems such a joyous, positive person, even when Ramona almost wrecks the party meant to celebrate her. I love her attitude. I love her house!

Heather is still a giant, holla-ing ball of "meh" but at least she stands by her decisions.

It's been a shaky few episodes but overall I am liking this season better than last. Mainly because Aviva and Carole are not the noxious and obnoxious Jill, Kelly or Cindy.

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