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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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December 6th! 

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  BH always gets the best trips. 


Eileen still mulling over Vanderpump. Christ, they couldn't conjure up something different for her? 


It's funny how that write-up makes it sound like there's two Erika's the way there's two LIsa's.


Rinna's lips are still getting her in trouble! 

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Convicted felons like Ms. Giudice often can't travel to places like Hong Kong because the visa requirements have them list whether they have ever been convicted of a crime. Whether Teresa would answer that honestly is a whole other matter (does it count if she says she went to camp?) but Bravo would never risk it. 


It isn't as if the New Jersey housewives would even appreciate a trip abroad. P.F. Chang's is what they'd consider an authentic Asian experience.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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Oh I know she cant travel out the country but it wouldnt have made mattered. My point was more of the fact that NJ's vacations almost always suck in comparison to BH that gets luxurious affairs



They should be used to it and it isnt bc of Teresa. Outside of Italy, all their vacations suck

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  • Kandi declares that she and Mazda will NEVER be friends again. She can be cordial with her in a group setting, but they'll never be cool like before. 
  • Kandi says that Suzuki made up stuff that she knows isn't true. 
  • Kandi feels that she and Phraudra's relationship will never be the same. Kandi expresses that Phelon would play cool with her (in the past), not knowing she was giving the other girls another impression. Kandi feels like Phraudulent played her and tossed her under the bus. 
  • Kandi states she's NOT holding her tongue this season. 
  • They discuss center peach, and Kandi has no clue why she's center. She explains that all the women do different angle shots. The interviewer informs Kandi that a producer of RHOC told him that center peach is who brings the most drama. In my opinion, RHOA tends to give center peach to who has seniority since s5. 
  • Kandi talks about Ace taking his first steps on Halloween. 
  • Kandi talks about the restaurant and how its been challenging coming together, and that's she learned a lot. 
  • Kandi says she isn't super personal/best friends with anyone on the show; however, she is close to Kenya/Cynthia this season. She reveals that Kenya has been the person she's been venting to about the show. Kandi likes Kenya's honesty and that she does not hold back. (I think she vents to Kenya a lot b/c of her rocky experiences with both Phelony and Toyota Tacoma). 
  • Todd & Kandi's relationship is better than ever even though they do clash a bit over the restaurant this season. 
  • Kandi brings up fans turning on her in the past, but says the people many fans are rocking for might flip this season as some people have told many lies and got caught in them this season (I think she is referring to Phellonious & Limousine). 
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Kandi is on The Real today and said that she and Poorsha shared a kiss which Poorsha initiated. Escandalo! 

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She said that Poorsha was always trying to suggest a threesome with Kandi and Todd (one that pays her cash, I imagine) but that K&T turned down the offer. Kandi also said that she does not have a 'sex dungeon' (what even... I live such a vanilla life, lord), contrary to what Poorsha was putting out there. Anyhoo, it will all be on RHoA.


Personally I think Kandi and Poorsha shared more than a kiss, but that when Poorsha started threatening to expose it, Kandi decided to take matters in her own hands and beat her to the punch. I figure that Kandi is a mom now and doesn't really want her sexual business being talked about 'in the streets' as Mama Joyce might say. And that's another thing -- she probably does not want Mama Joyce and the Old Lady Gang hearing about stuff like this, or Riley. If it was my family, I wouldn't either.


One thing I've gotta say: the RHoA cast are doing an amazing job drumming up interest for the new season! 

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I enjoyed tonight's episode. I am actually glad that Sheree is back and has her peach status. 


Ace is adorable. I do need Todd to step up though. He already missed out on Kayla's childhood. It wouldn't be cute for it to happen again with another child. 


Kenya v. Sheree is hilarious. It's lighthearted. It's fun. It isn't toxic. It's obvious the two really like each other and enjoy the shade the hell out of each other just cause. I like their little rivalry. 


Phelony is a low-down dirty b-tch for bringing Thotlandia to Kenya's housewarming. She knows damn well Kenya did not invite her. 


Production is wrong for rushing Kenya into doing her housewarming, which is what obviously happened. Even though she has a bit of ways to go, her house is gorgeous. I just hate they pushed her to finish it, so they can have footage for the season premiere. From her IG photos though, her house has come together well. 


Nice to see Chateau Neverland is almost done even though Sheree had no furniture in there. I do think she needs to cut back on the shade to Kenya when Sheree owes the IRS a boatload of money. But again, their rivalry is hilarious. 


I think this season is gonna be epic and fun along the lines of season 1-5 of this show. 




Garbage. Pure garbage. The reunion was simply nothing but a retread of the first 4 seasons of this show. Are we seriously still discussing stripper-gate? 


It got even worse when Tre's dumbass accused Jacqueline & Caroline of turning her into the IRS. I know she's slow but damn... This was just a total reach. 


I could not take Tre & Melissa trying to rewrite history when we clearly seen it all play out before our eyes. 


At the end of the day, Tre/MeHo/Jaq are cancers to this show. They ALL need to go. This show jumped the shark tonight. 


Siggy can go too as I am over her Hallmark moments speeches. It's annoying watching her try and psychoanalyze everyone. B-tch, you're a 'relationship expert,' not a therapist. 


SN: RHOC's epic reunion comes on tomorrow. RHOCheshire's finale is tomorrow and part 1 reunion is on Tuesday. There are a lot of premieres and reunion this week...

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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