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What do you honestly expect Wendy to do after she was assaulted? She was either going to throw a drink back, hit Mia or run her mouth. IMO ALL would have been valid responses. She took the least violent option and I guess good on her bc that wouldnt have been me.


I also find it funny how the victim is the one beign accused of being the antagonizer when Mia was the one that angatonized Wendy from the moment she sat at the table and started fighting with her on Peter's behalf. Oh and FCK Robyn. She knows the implication and the danger of the A words when it comes to labeling black women. Aggressive, antagonistic, angry.....this has come up before and the way she had her camera out and kept yelling that about Wendy was disgusting

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It is time for the GEBs to state that they didn't give a sh*t about Candiace and that they only sided with her to get Monique off the show. 


Also, while I am team Wendy, I don't pity her much either. Why? Because she was acting aloof with the Monique situation and now she sees how it feels to be in that situation and how easily you can lose your cool. 


Again, all the women were hypocrites minus Ashley and Karen. 

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Yeah but if we are comparing situations, Wendy is the Candiace to Mia's Monique.  Mia is the one that lost her cool and started getting violent, not Wendy. Like Candiace, all Wendy did was run her mouth. The hypocrisy that Wendy called out is that the GEBs did not give Monique any grace but they have it all for Mia. They comforted and sided with the assault victim Candiace, yet are painting Wendy out to be the antagonizer here when she is the assault victim

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IA it was super-confusing. Monique & Candiace also went from 0 to 100. However, the way production covered that fight, with split-screen at times, breaking it all down second-by-second, gave it clarity and allowed the audience to make up their own minds.

It was impulsive and unplanned on either Monique and Candiace's parts. Mia & Wendy's conflict? Did not feel impulsive to me.  

  • Robyn, Gizelle and Mia were bringing up Wendy to each other throughout the whole day. It was Get Wendy Day. Almost like pre-gaming the fight. It would be too easy to say that the GEBs were stirring Mia up to get into Game Mode -- it was just as much Mia wanting to 'impress' the GEBs and get on-side with them.


  • Mia's interaction with Jacqueline was weirdly fractious and febrile. She was hyped up and also very obviously laying groundwork for a SL about how she and J are no longer friends.


  • Robyn, Gizelle and Charrisse were watching the Mia & Wendy blow-out like crocodiles licking their chops. None of the three seemed shocked that this happened in any way, and had been pushing for some confrontation bringing Wendy down a peg or two.


  • Mia's interaction at Bar One with Patricia Thomas-Bailey [(c) Housewives Twitter] was very contrived. He came out and said his piece, but Mia was trying milk an additional scene from him for additional justification to Get Wendy.

BTW Charisse telling Patricia Thomas-Bailey she wants to open a champagne lounge. 

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  • Robyn filming the blowout, jumping up and down, jeering and telling Wendy she is 'antagonistic'... she is trash and fully involved in getting it to this point.


  • Mia was talking nonsense and Wendy suddenly clocks that this conflict is coming out of nowhere, Mia is working herself up to something, and tells her: "You're doing too much." 


  • The ease with which the GEBs decided this was Karen's fault and she should have diffused things... yeah, they'd been thinking beforehand about how they could craft the narrative to their advantage. And they are lazy, so of course they went back to the S5 well.


  • Very interesting that you mention that Candiace was not there. I also think Candiace might have been the intended target and that Robyn, Gizelle, Mia were hoping to bait Candiace into getting physical first, because she has a very short fuse.

I caught Wendy once on one of the news channels. A lot of news-show talking-heads are high on the sound of their own voice and LOVE to grandstand. And Wendy was leaning into the Grandstanding big-time during her first season of RHOP. She understood implicitly this was a golden opportunity to be righteously indignant. Sadly, on this latest episode, Wendy has now seen another side of RH confrontation -- when you feel set-up and alone and like everyone has turned on you. It must be horribly humbling.

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I meant that the conflict turning physical was unplanned. And unexpected. I don't think either women thought it would go there.

Yes, the confrontation had been building for a while, and there was a lot of hurt and bitterness between the two because of their friendship. But again, I think they envisioned a face-to-face confrontation that would be impassioned but largely verbal.

Mia & Wendy is so strange. I feel like the GEBs (Robyn especially) have it out for Wendy, and Mia wants to get in good with them, so she's like "Me too! I hate her too!"

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I can't recall, but were Ashley & Robyn constantly versus each other that season? If not, I wouldn't call the first scene of her being antagonistic, but she wasn't persistently going after Ashley. And the same with Monique the Monique situation.. as I wasn't as actively watching during those seasons. Mia vs. Wendy and Robyn vs. Wendy would classify as antagonism on all parties' parts, per the definition of antagonistic and antagonism.

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First the Burn Session and now this Miami Trip. You can say many things about Potomac, but you can't say they are not having a season where things aren't moving. Lol. And I haven't even got to the fight episode yet. I am not at all liking my work schedule (or my tv system) this year. But it's like that during Potomac season which is REALLY frustrating. 


Not that Messy Mia is helping matter, but I feel like what La Dame said at the Burn session is true. The GEB (especially Robyn shock of shocks) are really what has been making things toxic in this group. By holding a grudge against Wendy for rightfully dragging them last season. And trying to continue to make a storyline off of Candiace's Chris. By trying to come for La Dame through Charisse. They are working overtime. The fact that all of these stories appear to be converging in Miami is just a perfect storm of drama. I'm here for it, but it's very telling of a clip I saw of La Dame, Ashley, Candiace, and Wendy (by phone) that they looked like the Dream (and Fun) Team to be with. LOVE that clip and the sisterhood in it...and would like to see more. Meanwhile, The GEB continue to be messy...and apparently dragged all week online for the fight.


Which brings me to Messy Mia. Mia, Mia, Mia. I think we know I'm a fan of hers around these parts for her brand of messiness. And I knew coming into the season she was going to be a mess due to that real life drama she is having with her BFF Jacqueline who is looking like a good fit so far. And for every ki ki (her and the wine at the burn session), she does something that I'm like TMI!!! I thought Wendy could be too much. And I haven't even gotten to the fight yet. I've seen parts, but not the full context and I already suspect that I'm not going to be the same as how I was during the Monique/Candiace fight where while I leaned one way, I saw BOTH sides and the fight was triggering due to real life work mess. And Mia is definitely doing too much online. And we still haven't gotten to the reunion and her money issues. I mean...as a fan up til now I can only say...


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WE JUST CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS, CAN WE? I have been enjoying Candiace and Ashley getting along. And Candiace wanting to be her wingman post-Michael Darby. And the shoutout to the old days of Team Young Buck from Season 3. So it was sad to see them go left during the burn session. Le sigh.


MESSY MIA. THAT'S how she met G. Allegedly?

And just the shear messiness of how she revealed it...that's the delusion of a housewife there. lol. But tbf, at least she owned that. But what makes it funnier for me, is watching her talk knowing what's going on in real time. So she's such an oddity.


PRODUCTION IS KEY. Production continued to be on their game this episode. That meme of Ashley's Mom dancing when the divorce was leaked ALWAYS takes me out. And loved they rollbacked on Robyn and Cha Cha for lying on Wendy. And the cherry on top...flashbacking to MONIQUE. Especially knowing that it was clearly foreshadowing the fight coming up in Miami. And we knew how split viewers were then. 




ONE BOO-BOO, PRODUCTION. There was a scene they cut out that they did by flashback with Ashley, Wendy, Jacqueline that would have given A LOT OF CONTEXT to what was happening on screen. It should have been kept in. 






TEA, TEA EVERYWHERE...DROPS TO DRINK. WOW!!! at the tea that Ashley dropped. And then Candiace was throwing some on Ashley. And Robyn KNEW. It was all just chaotic and dropping back to back (along with Candiace vs Gizelle) that like Mia I needed more to drink. lol. What was fascinating about it was the fact that it seem like these secrets were OPEN secrets and everyone seem to be in the know. Things that make you go hmmm.


LA DAME VS CHARISSE. They really be trying to start mess with La Dame. She don't want no Cha Cha on her bday trip. hahahaha. Just watching them try to avoid each other was a hoot. Goodness knows Charisse will do anything to get that flute back.


THE FUN!!! Messy Mia being shady with the rooms. Cha Cha being Cha Cha. Ashley stealing the card so they know Wendy and Candiace are being pranked. Gizelle being a shady hoe with no sense of fashion. The start of the Miami trip was already a fun adventure. And then cameo by Patricia Thomas-Bailey!!!! (love this name for him btw)!!! I'm IN!!!




WHEN DID ASHLEY GET STUPID? Ashley might be many things. And I've called her many things, but stupid usually is not one of them. For years, we have watched her with Michael and she felt like a bit of a golddigger and every thing has been set for her to get a BIG settlement. So why is she dropping the bag? Was she really in love? Because she's been so crafty over the years...and motherhood mellowing her and making me a fan...I don't know what to think. She don't want to be like Lisa and Lenny over on RHOM. Be careful.


CRACKS. Yeah, I'm not liking how Mia is treating Jacqueline. Is she your BFF or not?


Looking forward to seeing how the fight colors my perspective. 






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Um...... is Bravo filming this?? This is why Porsha (and Nene) should be back on RHOA asap. Why aren't they? This wedding is the cumulation of over a year of build-up! OTT Fashion! Drama! 

I gasped when I saw that pic of Gizelle with Carlos King. (Quick question: does Carlos like Karen Huger at all? He never seems to talk about her when he discusses Potomac). Also, how awkward that Gizelle and the Samuels were at the same wedding! SEE, THIS IS WHY THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN BRAVO CAMERAS THERE. Plus, Carlos is the Samuels' EP on Love & Marriage DC.  Ooooo.

I cannot wait to read your thoughts about this most recent Potomac episode. And Tonight's episode. 

P.S.: Porsha & Simon look STUNNING. I love Carlos's paisley suit! Gizelle.... never lets me down in the outfit department, lol. This is exactly what I imagine she would pick: one of the princess outfits from Frozen, by way of Party City. That hosiery fabric holding up the front of her bodice! I do love her fan, I must say.

And just FTR: I hope Gizelle never changes her core fashion preferences! This is 100% authentic to her tastes. I remember on BH, after Erika Jayne ushered in the era of overpaid glam-squads to replace actual SLs, everyone got really scared, started glam-squadding it up, and appeared everywhere looking overdressed and uncomfortable. LVP lost a little of her spice when she stopped wearing pink platform heels with her 80s/90s closet (including with white shirts + bootcut jeans), and instead showed up in rigid, punishing black business attire by way of a new stylist.

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THAT's the interesting part. The tea I saw earlier is that Porsha DID NOT HAVE THE WEDDING FILMED. So what pictures I posted (and there are a FEW out there I didn't) and other than some bad quality filming at the reception...there is not anything. Rumor is so she wanted to sell the picture rights like it looks like she did to PEOPLE.


I gasped, too. I just saw the video of Porsha talking to Candiace who wanted to be there. I guess they got really close on ALL STARS 3, and Porsha said it might be uncomfortable which is why Candiace could not come. But she DID NOT say that it would be uncomfortable because MONIQUE was going to be there. Oooo...she knew!!! lol. And I love that Monique's Chris is looking weight and I admit he looks kinda FOINE in that picture. I liked Carlos's suit, too. And Gizelle...is the gift that keeps giving. I agree on the fan, too. lol.



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