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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I don’t care what nobody says. Robyn has done nothing wrong, and has every right to be in her feelings about What Wendy did to her last year. I love how her real emotions are all over the place this season, a true human being! And I don’t think she right out lie either, she genuinely probably doesn’t remember touching her in the heat of the moment, and let’s not act like Cha Cha had to restrain her in a seat. If Robyn is aggressive so is Wendy Wack self!!!!

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and what exactly did Wendy do to warrant all this energy? Robyn just looks bitter and miserable. Robyn LIED on Wendy in this past episode as did Cha Cha. Even if you want to believe that Robyn didnt remember, the fact that her memory was hazy meant she should taken her L instead of doubling down on something she wasnt sure about. She looked stupid

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I'm down for Heather migrating to BH, and I'd be down for Cynthia Bailey migrating to BH. That would be quite the game-changer and a much needed shakeup to the Beverly Hills roster. (Side note: OC *might* suffer as a result, but let's first see what happens this season with Tamra's return & Taylor joining)

BTW: Hubby told me he read Garcelle announced she's leaving BH. Is that true?? 

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Not that I see anywhere. I would be shocked though given how adamant she was at the reunion she ain't giving those heffas the satisfaction. Especially after Jax's attack. 


UNLESS her investigtion got finished and it was one of the ladies who sent the bots.

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This chaotic trainwreck.


Just wanted to make a quick note to @Cat that as expected by us that this week began the narrative of Heather setting up to come across as the Betrayed Friend of Jen when they eventually get around to Jen's drama. She was backing Angie H, was being sorry, not sorry to Jen, and basically killed her in the Confessional. Yes, we saw her. 


As for this episode, how are any of these girls friends? lol. They might have been friends in Season 1, but this episode definitely seem more about alliances. Or just high school. Cuz Bad Weather fighting over Lisa? Well, she is fabulous, but still...lol. 


I enjoyed the battle of the Angies. I enjoyed Jen being activated. And this episode had some interesting day in the life housewife moments (hmmm Seth likes what?, Lisa has family, the waiter upselling Lisa's tequila not knowing who he is talking to). And that last scene with Bad Weather...felt more like two ladies battling for control of the show's narrative than a cousin quarrel. Very telling. 


And next week looks like the Housewives will be at the Omnia hotel here in San Diego which I've lived by, applied for work at, and had a nice 'divorce' settlement from with my Russian Ex. Also looks like the beginning of Danna vs Jen which I am here for.


JEN. A clocked in Jen is an entertaining Jen. Her going off on Angie K. Her going off on Angie H. Her throwing shade at Heather. Her worrying about it to Coach Shah. And we also still got some fun Jen at the start before all the drama. But I cannot help but feel this episode was the start of Production (that 'Amazing Grace' song in the middle of her yelling she's innocent at Angie H was hilarious) and the cast FINALLY coming for her....something they should have started doing last season. Jen...you about to be in the Hot Seat, Girl!!!! But hey...she will have a few feuds to keep us busy now so yay!!!


LISA. Well darn, Fabulous Ice!!! All these girls have her name on their lips!!! Stay fabulous!!! She was in top form this week and reminded me why I liked her so much Season 1. Her feud with Angie H continues to get some traction and she had Jen's back on that...so much so Angie H had to deflect by bringing up Lisa, Heather, and the tweet...good move on Angie's part and the sign of a good rival. Shame she let Heather derail her going off. I loved she gave us a relevation with her singing. And I liked her having dinner with her husband. Stressed...where? She was living her life and #winning THIS WEEK.


MEREDITH. She felt like such a sidekick this episode. Though...mmmmm Seth. And he likes WHAT??? Well...HELL-HO. lol 



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She was doing so well. In the breakup of Bad Weather, Heather was coming across as the one with common sense. Meanwhile, Little Girl was doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. But this week? No, ma'am. I've always said she was a more subtle version of Jen, but she was not subtle at all. Isn't this whole choir thing just an excuse to have a storyline? And now that Fabulous Ice produced receipts, the storyline with their feud over the tweet is dead so her harping on it is just as dead. Even Little Girl can see it and has jumped ship.  Meanwhile, irking Jen by allying with Angie H was not a good look at all. At least she saw the mistake she made on that. Too late? And finally, that whole last conversation with Little Girl makes me mad because I found myself taking Little Girl's side when I was Team Heather. Little Girl clocked you. Well, you clocked each other on having dueling narratives. Very telling. 




So...good episode. Shockingly. 

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Well, it's official...she's out of there!!!




It would appear that Bravo released some of the BravoCon panels so I watched the RHOM one. And it sounds like Alexia's telenovela continues...it sounds like she was saying without saying we might see Peter's father. Intrigued. 




Has been moved off Tubi and Bravo is actually showing it right now on Fridays now that ALL STARS 2 is done. Since I see the first three episodes, will probably watch. 

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I saw Durban was going to be on Bravo AND Peacock! Seems like Bravo is dipping its toe in the water of showing non-US-centric reality shows. It always surprises me because Bravo is reliant on US ratings only for ad dollars, and US-only viewers don't seem to have embraced Dubai or Real Girlfriends in Paris. The Peacock component is interesting because Peacocl did a worldwide launch of its streaming service last year, which allowed me to watch Miami. And I noticed that at Reunion last year, Andy was citing questions from international fans as much as US ones. So Peacock is taking note of worldwide streaming numbers even if Bravo TV ratings cannot.

As for Alexia, lol, I'm not surprised her telenovela life continues. Will be interesting to see her with the OG Bad Boy. 

The Ramona news made me sad. After the Black Shabbat episode, obviously, there's no coming back from that horror. But I do think Ramona was being baited last RHONY season by Leah and Eboni (and FTR I like Eboni and would have given her a second season on RHONY) into saying something 'shocking and racist.' We know she's a New York Trumper. Some people will feel that, as a result, she shouldn't be rewarded with a place on the show. Others might say that a large fraction (almost 50%) of US society votes this way, we cannot ice all those people out. I'm not sure which way to go, honestly, because I find politics fairly traumatizing and exhausting these days, as I'm sure many of you do. I've come to the point where having politics feature on RH as yet another wedge/stick for these women to beat each other becomes too painful and real. Ramona said as much on Carlos King's podcast, and I found myself agreeing with her. (Now, I'm not talking about the BLM marches shown on RHOA, M2M, because those instances felt like bonding moments for the cast to find common ground, empathy, and raise awareness to a wider audience).

The Carlos King interview was where I kind of reconnected to Ramona as a RHONY cast member, and I couldn't help but think afterwards how I wish THIS Ramona was doing RHONY Legacy. She was unfiltered, open and herself, in a good way. And if Legacy is going to be Jill, Kelly, Dorinda instead of Ramona.... sigh. Not really interested in Kelly. Jill is not the strategic pot stirrer she thinks she is. And Dorinda still doesn't get why she was 'put on pause' to begin with. She exhausted me in RHUGT 2, and I'm not sure i need to see her always so ON in this Legacy show.

Obviously I'll take Lu and Sonjarita on any RHONY show, lol. Ramona would have been a missing ingredient in that trifecta.

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Boring? WHERE???


This girl that can't even dress for a theme event is already trying to stir the pot when old girl was being civil.


I do love the body positive fashion designer/dancer so far. And love that she can see there is tension between chick and other chick who HAS been to Dubai.


Loving everything about this first episode so far. It has been beautifully set up. Getting to know the ladies. Their dresses for this party. The whole vibe.


'Guys, I am not really a forward person. You know...I think when you laid something on the table, everybody needs to eat.' Ooooo...SHADE.!!!

Again....boring where?

Thank you for the international tea, Cat! THAT is VERY interesting. Perhaps they know something that Bravo do not. 


You remind me that I still need to finish that season as well as OC (which I think is next once I am caught up on shows) and NJ. But end of an era. Same about Lu. I admit I am curious about the reboot. 


Yeah I enjoyed seeing the RHOM panel. They were so beautiful and there were little hints about what's to come and I loved it. I also love the POTOMAC panel. If I remember correctly, that was the day they found out that Messy Mia was broke and they are (even La Dame) were coming for Mia...girl betta get ready for the reunion right now. I heard the M2M panel was vicious AF, but I'm not paying on demand to see it. lol. 

Edited by Taoboi
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  • So, we traded Askale, who was fabulous.... for a Katie wannabe? No thank you, ma'am.
  • Karen's blatant shade at Charrisse is hilarious, especially on the hand-held cameras.
  • Mia, I don't even want to visit Miami... but that location was a f**king MESS!
  • Wendy, you ain't sh*t. You will never be anything but sh*t.
  • Am loving Robyn's red hair. I genuinely am. It compliments her. Just wish the blonde were more blended, or the blonde and red were swapped.
  • The idea of room assignment names is hilarious... but nothing will ever beat Bethenny's Mexico room assigning technique by pulling numbers, LOL!
  • "She might rollover and get a mouth-full of titty." HAHAHA.
  • Candiace and Wendy being roomed together? Brilliant. Put those two nasty people together. Half-point to you, Mia.
  • Ashley trying to sneak the damn card back is hilarious.
  • The bathroom situation on Potomac is as bad as The Sims team trying to build houses and forgetting the bathroom.... Get Famous I am looking at you, girl!
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Potomac is still the best HW franchise by a mile, but seven seasons in, we’ve arrived at a point where we’re beating dead horses, BH-style, and it might be good to shake things up. (That’s a pretty astonishing run of strong seasons. Maybe only matched by ATL.) Last season felt like the start of it. Ashley, Gizelle, Robyn, and even Karen are all coasting a bit on obviously manufactured stories; the return of Charrisse feels desperate; Mia and Wendy have proven to be casting fails. Maybe replacing the latter three would be a start, but Potomac feels hard to cast. 

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Brilliant critique,  those Get Famous gold toilets would have been a perfect fit in Miami, and Peter Thomas is the Don Lothario of RHOP.  The whole blueprint of that house was illogical, and I wouldn't like frosted glass sliders on a bedroom, they don't provide privacy or an aesthetic luxury appeal. 

Mia's better in confessionals than in group scenes, e.g. her love of Charrisse's failing eyelashes and the spelling of her name

I like the length and the color, but the streaks look like she spilled mustard on her head.

Meanwhile, I appreciate that after all of the comments Gizelle still can't style herself.  The pants are too tight, the hair is never correct, the color of the outfit is never attractive.  She is one of the most beautiful housewives on Bravo, but she dresses like someone without access to a full length mirror.

Also, love the editorial commentary of the post-production crew, like pointing out the distance to South Beach this week, and the ever amusing stop motion interstitial images. 

Edited by j swift
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