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Can we just focus on that she ran to RADAR of all people?

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This just further proves what we've all been suspecting for years, which is that Rinna (along with the remainder of the Fox Force Five) and production leaked sh*t to Radar to get LVP off the show. Even Radar themselves came out and dispelled the rumors that LVP leaked the Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy story. But I digress. 


And Rinna is deluded if she thinks anyone is gonna pay her 2 million to stay on the show. Girl, you barely show up to filming and you only clock in towards the height of filming and it is forced. Rinna is killing this show and she needs to be put on ice permanently. Especially, after last night's episode where she did all that horrendous acting like Kathy said something so horrible. Yes, it is apparent Kathy had a breakdown but I doubt it is something so horrible. It is painfully obvious Rinna just wants to get the heat off of Erika and onto Kathy. And sad part is that none of the women (per Dorit on WWHL) really know what Kathy still said, which further proves it was NOTHING. 


Diana and Rinna need to be the casualties this season. 

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The EXACT same thing struck me -- Radar Online, which broke the Dorit/Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy/kill shelter news, with an anonymous source using (purposely) English phrases so that everyone could accuse LVP of lying. I have long suspected that The Coven hammered out this plan in advance of S10. I think Rinna came up with it, it was agreed that Dorit would be the bait (twice, to really stick the knife in), Teddi the rat, and Kyle would do her JUS BE HONIS / WE CAN'T TRUS U fake-cry. IMO Rinna is the one who reached out to ROL and added the 'English accent' touch.

Melanie Bromley of E! News interviewed LVP at the time and confirmed on-screen that the source was not LVP, but that as a journalist, she wasn't allowed to reveal ROL's protected source. 

What gets me is Rinna these days happily playing the villain on-screen, trolling the audience on social media and has done for years. Now she's boohooing and hating the backlash? And demanding $2 mil she knows she won't get? It's like shooting someone and having a tantrum when the police decides to arrest you.

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The problem with all of the accusations against Kathy are that they are predicated on believing Lisa Rinna when time and again Lisa Rinna has been proven to have no difficulty lying, denying, and exaggerating. 

Do I believe that Kathy snapped? Yes, I do. Given the behaviour of Kyle and Mauricio, both showing Kathy open contempt while staying in their home (the bunk bed, the corn, the purse mocking etc), Lisa Rinna openly antagonizing Kathy over her tequila, Kyle providing no support to Kathy whatsoever about that tequila, and Kathy's general exhaustion from flying to Aspen, it's no surprise that she snapped. 

It's also a bit rich that Lisa Rinna, of all people, is taking offence at someone else's bad behaviour. Has she forgotten Amsterdam? Has she forgotten the 'Kim is close to death' or Munchausen sagas? Has she forgotten her own behaviour this very season screaming that she will 'take down' Sutton? 

The $2 million demand seems like a desperate move to save face under the guise that Bravo can't afford her. 

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Yay! I can finally access this thread (for now)!

The whole episode was just very weird and over-edited to me. Did it seem that way to anyone else? Crystal's Roaring 20s party 

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 had THE worst, most scripted acting I have ever seen. And on BH, that says a lot. BTW Kyle wasn't even there. Why not? It made Kathy showing up alone look so random.

The whole editing/weird acting/talking around what happened off-screen makes it seem (and maybe this is what Rinna/production want the audience to think) like Kathy might have said that rumored slur, and that maybe she threatened to sue Bravo if they aired it. I don't know if that's true or not. There's been so many conspiracy theories about BH that have gone viral, and then never went anywhere. As you say, Rinna has been instrumental in 'implying' a lot of those rumors and then backtracking.

So anyway, I don't know WTF is going on, but it's harking back to BH The Flop Years with this "we can't say what happened but IT'S VERY SUSPECT" bullsh!t. In fact, it straight up reminds me of the Munchhausen mess.

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I couldn't access this thread either like you yesterday.  Kyle was finishing filming on her Halloween movie in Georgia? or somewhere out of town so she missed Crystal's Party.  Was it really a party?  There didn't seem to be any other guests but the housewives which made Lisa sitting in a corner seem really awkward. 

I think we all know there is a lot more to Kathy than the persona she presents on the Housewives.  You saw a little more of that controlling, demanding, and not so likable Kathy on the Paris Wedding Show.  Like you said the way Lisa is presenting it is so suspicious and weird.  Did Kathy have a breakdown?  Yes.  Were things said that were uncalled for and mean?  I absolutely believe that.  Are there huge issues between those sisters in that family?  I think that's very clear.  I believe Lisa heard an earful of potentially damaging, mean, and harmful things and took that and ran with it.  Now Lisa thinks she has the power and can be vague seemingly making her silence seem like she's protecting Kyle/Kathy.  It's too obvious and calculated for me to take seriously.  I thought I might be on Lisa's side on this, but with no footage and just her word I have a hard time knowing what is real.  Although the other wives weren't there, no one seemed that upset about Kathy's meltdown even when recounting it except Diana and she's an idiot.  Pretty much everyone but Lisa was fine with conversing with Kathy at Crystal's party and seemed over it.  

Idk, to me this seems like Lisa (and Kyle's) power play to get Kathy off the show because she's become popular.  I definitely don't think Lisa is making up Kathy's ugly behavior, but Lisa is that person to hear one bad thing, twist it, and use it to serve her purpose.   I mean, c'mon, Lisa going on and on about how much more successful Kyle was than Kathy.  Kyle is very successful and has a great life, but.........Kathy is a freaking Hilton lol.  She never needed RHOBH to make her famous, rich, or relevant.  

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You are absolutely right about the non-reaction of other people being a giveaway. If Kathy had said an anti-gay slur in the club, there would have been outrage from the women (and rightly so). I mean, Dorit's best friend is Boy George and Erika's is Mikey. But everyone seemed pretty meh about Kathy's meltdown and treated it like someone having a tantrum. And Lisa Rinna unable to articulate any meaningful details apart from Kathy jumping up and down on her glasses hardly screams breakdown.

Yeah it seems clear that a plan was put in motion by Rinna and Kyle to antagonize Kathy during the Aspen trip. They were so obvious in their trolling.

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Yeah everyone seemed pretty casual about it and no one really seemed to have a huge problem.  Only Erika was pushing the Kathy agenda, but I chalk that up to getting all the details from Lisa via text and a way to take the heat off herself.  At this point I can only go on what's airing and the picture I am getting is Lisa is so happy to have some very vague ammunition to make herself and Kyle look good and Kathy look insane and evil.  Perhaps Kathy put a stop to everything by threatening to sue or there will be more clarity down the line or at the reunion.  At this juncture it's basically a just something that happened off screen that was horrible and secret and awful. Lisa or someone needs to say what actually happened or what was actually said.

I am curious as to what Lisa was doing during this meltdown in the van and at the condo.  Steadfastly defending her good friends or egging Kathy on to make more comments?  The whole Richards/Hilton clan is so mysterious to me.  There is so much ill will over seemingly petty things.

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Kyle always speaks adoringly of her mother, but I wonder if Big Kathy fostered an environment of acute competition between the sisters, pitting them against each other when it came to professional success. Now it seems they have zero trust in each other. My brother and I used to have fights when we were little kids, but when push came to shove (lol, literally), I knew then and know now that he has 100% my back and I have his. There is an element of trust built up over all those years.

With Kyle/Kathy/Kim, they seem to live in fear of the other sister's imminent betrayal. And it's not just an idle fear. They really do seem to make choices where they end up betraying each other in petty ways, and big ones.

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They certainly have an interesting dynamic.  I think your analysis definitely sounds plausible and they do not seem to trust one another.  It seems so many things happen(ed) off screen and Kathy/Kyle/Kim all seem to want to keep everything very secretive.   Kyle especially presents this perfect family facade, and it ends up seeming so fake and false.  I get the feeling all the sisters are so worried dark secrets will come out, but also need the validation of being famous.  Something about the way they all interact makes me uncomfortable and it's not a normal family/sister relationship.  It's sad they seem to want to tear one another down.  Even Kathy seems to hold a ridiculous amount of anger over a tv show that aired for 1 season on freeforum or something lol.

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I can smell a flop a mile away. She is giving me Fatum, Eden Sassoon, Marissa, Askale vibes--that friend of the show that desperately tries to create drama and at the end of the day will be a dud/afterthought to the fandom. I bet majority of her scenes will be on the editing room floor b/c she's such a try-hard and the other two women (the Angies) will outshine her by simply being subtle and will upgraded over her in future seasons. 

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Well, Fatum shot her own self in the foot cuz she was giving and sad they cut all her stuff...moreso since we saw the results in the trailers for the season.


That said...I believe she will probably be a flop. However, we need someone who will always have no problem stepping to Jen and not backing down. And with Mary gone, Danna's it. Though I would rather it was Mary since she and Jen have the more interesting dynamic. 

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I tried to loop back around to this, but my computer kept eating my post. LOL!


I want them all back next season. I have greatly enjoyed the fact that these women have always given shades of gray to me so I expect them to give even more nuances. I've always said that Nina gives me strong D'Andra from DALLAS vibes and perhaps another season will reveal a kooky side to her (besides french fries) that we have not truly seem yet. Also she's one of the only ones who really and truly flexes her wealth...even if it's more a whisper than a yell. As for Sara, you know initally I found her fascinating, but I could not put my finger on it. But she drew me in. But I feel my like for her has lessened. Probably because of that police tea that Lesa and Ayan spilled. And she IS the definition of another side lurking. I look forward to seeing if it comes out in Season 2.


I can see what you mean. Lesa and Ayan definitely came on ready. Brooks who knows them better than anyone would be ready. And I'm sure she tipped off Caroline who would be ready already due to the clear fact she and Lesa do not like each other. Sara (on a rewatch) and Nina definitely did come across more surprised. That would even explain why Sara was throwing off light shade. She was not expecting them to come for her with things not shown. Or picking at all. 


I definitely look forward to Season 2 and Lesa vs Caroline. I actually think it is a case of they are too alike in a different way from Ayan vs Caroline. I don't think it's salvageable versus I could see Ayan and Caroline as friends. But a good rivalry a la Jen and Mary on SLC might not be too bad. I feel they could keep it from not getting too toxic. 


Yeah, happy to see that you see Caroline still got some fight in her. Especially now that she knows how a HW works versus LoL. 


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Nina grew up in Austin Tx...so she has to have some quirkiness... since the motto in Austin is 'Keep Austin Weird'.

Stansbury and Aylan had moments where they liked one another...but Aylan tends to misread what people say..becomes defensive and insults the other person..and then surprised when they won't talk to her.

And I think the divorce threw Stansbury off between LOL and Dubai.

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