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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Hahaha! I still haven't watched outside of clips, but was it because they got a spinoff? I had always heard someone dropped a bombshell on her at the Season 1 reunion.


Well...she did get beat up during Season 3 filming. The question is...will they show it? 

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I mean, the Alexia-Todd-Peter scene was spine-tingling. It was about time someone told Peter that he could no longer behave like a child. Because that is what he is. And this moment stuck in my mind for ages:

Alexia is coddling Peter and enabling his toxicity : r/BravoRealHousewives


You hit the nail on the head regarding Julia. Her charm grows on you from episode to episode.

I heard about The Rumor re: Lisa & Lenny. Sadly, I don't know who else it could be but them. 


The BH Taglines. Dorit's is great! and I admit Rinna's ain't bad. But Erika's tag can go suck eggs. Diana's is from Real Housewife Taglines 101. And SHAME on Bravo for not finagling "I grew up in Beverly Hills, in this town, where I grew up and currently live" into Kyle's tagline.

These cast pictures are horrific BTW. I have never seen Garcelle, Sutton, Crystal, Rinna and Erika look this bad, EVER! What is going on with Bravo's marketing department recently? Did they fire everybody? First the eff up Atlanta's cast photo and give it no promo. Plus it took them 3 days to upload the opening episode of RHOA on the streaming sites. Then they mess up BH's launch, and don't even release the taglines properly.


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Evodia talks about it here:



Im slowly making my way through the series. I have the finale to go and then the S1 reunion.


Kyle's tagline is boring. She is always talking about it being her town or being real. Girl shut up!

Edited by Cheap21
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I smell insurance scam when it comes to Dorit. That sh-t was too heavily produced and poorly acted. Someone knew her a** was on this bubble this upcoming season and had to do something quick. 


Sutton and Garcelle continued to be the stars tonight. Garcelle asked the right questions and concluded what we all continue to suspect about Scamrika. Meanwhile, Sutton wasn't here for the bull regarding Dorit and she shaded Erika effortlessly countless times to Kyle.


Moving onto WWHL, it boggles my mind how LVP still comes up when this show is airing. For one, why would LVP reach out to Dorit after her "robbery?" Especially, after these women piled on her right after brother and later her mother dying. And Kyle saying she doesn't miss LVP's friendship... bullsh-t. If that was the case, you'd simply opt to not even talk about her when people bring her up. Still itching to be Queen B and never will be. LVP left and Garcelle and Sutton picked up the crown. 

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I am not sure about the Dorit robbery but I do think LVP might reach out to her after that story became public. 

Kyle absolutely is waiting for the day LVP would want to talk to her again.  She might not 'miss' the friendship but she can see the dollar signs in them reuniting on the show.

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Trust me. LVP is not gonna reach out to Dorit/PK. That bridge was burned eternally after they (too) joined the mob to kick her while she was down in season 9. 


I do agree with your opinion about Kyle though. I also find it sickening that Kyle stated last night she is close to Brandi despite Kim declaring the friendship was over because Brandi was being a twat (yet again) after hurting Kim with nasty comments. Kyle is such a moron and has no loyalty to her sisters. 

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BH: Okay first of all, I did love the premiere episode of Beverly Hills. Love 'em or hate 'em, there's always something good happening. I actually don't think the Dorit robbery was a scam. It felt very raw to me, and she seemed genuinely disturbed to the point that she was obsessively worrying where PK's phone was and then tried to calm herself down while waiting for him to return. It humbled her (we'll see how long it lasts), and my golly is this the first time we've ever seen Dorit with ZERO glam on her face? 

Speaking of suspicious burglaries though, I thought it strange how Kyle said she couldn't imagine going through someone breaking into her home. Um, wasn't she robbed like 2 or 3 years ago? Or is she referring to being held at gunpoint? Something about Kyle's wordings made me side-eye her. 

Erotika continues to be a cesspool of suckage and blowing the wind out of anyone's sail that comes her way. 

Rinna's confessional look with the sleek long hair. That's a keeper. I'll give her that much. Meanwhile, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't include your daughter in your promotional shots for your makeup line. Jussayin'.... (or at least choose more flattering shots. Rinna was probably only looking at herself). 

Okay, so Kyle is going to play up the idea of Sutton only being into herself and not caring about anyone else's problems. First of all, a big F-U to thinking Sutton should give a damn about Erika. And secondly, it seemed like Kyle/Sutton were playing catch-up on their own lives, but Kyle was so heavily focused on Dorit that God forbid they talk about anything else. I see you Producer Kyle. Some things never change. 

Garcelle continues to be the Queen goddess of reason and smart remarks, taking the throne from LVP. 

Oh. Hi Crystal. 

Look forward to next week!

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I'm honestly surprised that people think Dorit's home invasion was a scam.  There have been a number of robberies in Encino and Beverly Hills this past year, including the Avant murder and many follow-home attacks.  In fact, shockingly, there were two non-family-involved murders in her upscale neighborhood since January. 

Perhaps what we are witnessing as being unusual is that Dorit has had to repeat her story for the cameras which weren't able to record her immediate response; so it seems a little rehearsed or forced because she's had to re-tell it so often?

I get that PK owed money to suspicious sources, and they may have wanted to either recoup their losses or scare the family.  But, I doubt that Dorit or PK would plan anything to happen while their kids were in the house.

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I CANT with Dorit and this fake storyline. I see she got the coven involved to cosign. The excessive crying from everyone was too much. It was all fake and I cant take a whole season of Dorit crying. NEXT!

Love Garcelle and Sutton together Crystal is growing on me too.

Rinna and Erica continue to be assholes


I didnt think insurance scam. i thought storyline scam so she could stay on the show. Word on the street was taht she was on the chopping block last year but this conveniently happened just as filming begin and it definitely helped solidify her spot

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You might have hit the nail on the head for me on this.  I don't necessarily think they set it up, but maybe we aren't hearing the whole story.  Dorit/PK are so shady it's hard to know what is fake or real with them.   You have a very good point though.   I doubt they would plan anything with the kids in the house as well.

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