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What a different a 'year' makes. 


What should have been an interesting season was a mess. So Production had to come back swinging.


And they did.


While I felt it was overproduced, what they were giving us was glamour, fun, and sun. The restaurants. The homes. That Cali-ness. And you know what? I loved it. And it is probably my writer showing, but I loved how the episode was set up. The intro to Heather and how's she's been since she was on last. The return of the regulars Emily and Gina. And then of course Shannon. hehe. And then we dived into the newbies Dr. Jen (and her enternal shirtless husband), Nicole (and her upcoming story that will probably be faded out midseason) and Noella (who has a divorce coming apparently and allegedly a secret that was not mentioned yet). And then...a cliffhanger by way of Nicole and Shannon. 


I'm definitely intrigued.




MS. OREO IS BACK!!!! And God bless her!!! And just like that WEALTH returned to the OC after a season of not. And just watching Shannon turn green, green, green as Heather's wealth is on display was delicious. And unlike Chateau Sheree, it was nice to see a REAL storyline about a house finished on screen. That mansion really was breathtaking. And watching her connections remained what it was like to watch a Housewife. From seeing the Then and Now on the kids to the flashbacks of Heather vs Shannon to the upcoming mystery of her connection to Nicole, it was great.


THE NEWBIES COMETH. I know there are various opinions on some of the newbies we have gotten on HW shows this past year. That said, I thought the intros to the newbies were pretty flawless. Dr. Jen through Emily and Gina. Nicole through Heather. Noella being Heather adajenct. Dr. Jen looks normal with resonating drama with her eternally shirtless (and foine) husband. We know Noella has drama coming if she was still filming when it hit. Meanwhile...we all want to know what the deal with the Nicole tea and how it ties into the cast trip drama. So appeared to have been brought on naturally so good.


ALL EYES ON YOU, SHANNON. Shannnon always brings the drama. But she's been a bit of a sniper from the side from years. But it seems like Emily and Gina (and Production?) might put her out on Front Street. And given that Heather is the hook this season, nothing like a rivalry between two HWs who have the history.


THAT LUNCH. I agree with everyone else. LOL!!! The contrast between wealthy heffa and middle class hoes was hilarious.


SEAN. Passed the bar finally. And Gina's shade was hilarious, too. Speaking of...


THE GLOWUP IS REAL. I LOVE Gina's makeover during last season's reunion. I was worried that she would go back to before this season, but so far, she has been keeping it up and moving forward fashion why. And she had the best confessional for me. GO, GIRL!!!!

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 She was a delight throughout with her awe at Heather's house and potential friendship with Heather.


THE PRODUCTION. Heather's walk-in was EVERYTHING. The camera angles of her mansion with secret bathroom was great. Just the pictures of fun and sun. There were so many angles at the lunches and dinner. Even if they were distasteful (Nicole and the 'dress'). It was like after being subpar last season, they really had to step it up. And...they did. Love it.




THE PRODUCTION. Yeah, I loved it, but perhaps it's because all of the BTS knowledge now after this past season of POTOMAC and especially BH, but you can tell now when something is set up. Kinda takes away from it. That said...I did SCREAM when they threw shade at Braunwyn by way of former friend Noella.


Only one? Well,  you know what that means.


Great preimere episode.






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Lord, every time I look at Whitney now I can't help but think of Closet Freak on YT when she would got THIS BITCA. Cuz...ugh.


I guess the gangup is real. And I don't want to hear no mess about how 'Ooooo we are only being more cautious because of Jen.' Because if this is the energy being aimed at Mary, then that energy better be aimed at Jen, too. Otherwise, Mary's right. 


From the outside, it looked like to me Whitney was just jealous that because Mary is...Mary, the other girls were able to move past (for the sake of the trip at least) any suspicions they might have about Mary and her church. And when Mary stood up for herself, they still was able to move past it somewhat. Meanwhile, people stay on Whitney's neck for starting stuff. Well, Whitney...YOU DO STAY S&*(!!! It does even matter if you are even right about some people (like Fabulous Ice), if you are not coming from the angle of a good friend. It really and truly comes across as you are being a jealous LITTLE GIRL, angry that your fellow outsider friend was more able to navigate the currents of the group than her. Cuz Meredith was Mary's ride-or-die. Fabulous Ice, who Whitney stays feuding it, made it to Mary's good side by being upfront enough to be seen as good. And Jeannie was bought by some 'borrowed' shoes. Even Heather was able to stay on Mary's side throughout until Whitney started the waterworks...which Mary reminded her RIGHTFULLY that she was the one who started stuff at Mary's dinner by stepping in between Mary and Jen and got her a&* handed to her. And Mary...stayed on her neck this episode, too. 


And Mary may be many things included a cult leader allegedly for now, but Mary is not stupid. And that's why in the confrontation at the end of the episode, Mary KEPT HER EYES ON WHITNEY. While everyone was coming (except for Meredith and Jeannie) for Mary, Mary KNEW who really was behind the mess. And Whitney...flinched. And tried to hide behind her rivalry with Fabulous Ice. And Mary SAW THROUGH THAT, TOO. And then she very quickly and swiftly gathered Fabulous Ice. She kept the heat on and if it was not for Heather getting overly dramatic (and thus getting the deflection that Whitney was trying to do with Lisa to work, Whitney would have cracked. And in any case, Team Mary on this. Cuz that bitca attitude Whitney had was not the mood of a hurt friend, but a basic bitca. She can snow (and did) her cousin, but she cannot snow Mary. And Mary definitely proved she can take and gather three on one easily. 


Come better, babe!!!


That said...it was a good episode in that they were having fun and Mary was actually letting her walls down and STILL being fun shady. It was just a shame that Mary being herself only irked Ms. Whit who was being fake, leading to the drama at the end. 


JEN. SPOILER ALERT...NOT in the espiode except for the midseason teaser at the end that I posted above.


LISA. While Whitney IS a snake, I don't think Fabulous Ice is much better at the moment. Okay, not a snake like others say, but she definitely has been giving us a show. And in this case, she played the game well. She might not be able to pot stir subtly to save her life, but that does not mean that she was in the wrong from going to Mary and saying what had been said about her. Now she should have mentioned she was the one who set up the event that brought Cameron, Meredith, and Whitney together in the first place, but Whitney could have easily been a friend and gave Mary the heads-up before Mary's party. But again...that does not make Whitney wrong that Fabulous Ice brought them all together so she could hide their hands. So Fabulous Ice simply covered her A&&. Whit's just mad she did it better. I agree. She did. 


WHITNEY. Ashley does it better, boo. Then again, Ashley is a GROWN...A**...WOMAN. And would own what she was doing. The amount of jealousy and deflecting Whitney had on display was truly sickening. And the fact that you knew she ran after Heather, not because her cousin was upset, but because between the team of Bad Weather that Heather was the weak link was sad. She can make all the good points she wants, but the truth of the matter was that she was a jealous little girl who was mad that the 'mean girls' were all ready to forgive her friend for something they would not for her. Perhaps if she had reciepts that would not be the case. And until there is actual proof, she...and they...are better off putting Jen on a cross before they put Mary on one. PERIOD. Transparent trifling heffa.


HEATHER. I cannot believe how over her I am now. As the weak link of Bad Weather and given her friendship with Jen, I could see why Whitney would follow her to gas her up. If they had stayed on the trip, you just know that Mary or the other girls might be able to get through to her and get her and Mary to come to some compromise. Shame. I was not caring for her scenes with her sister either. Here she is attacking Mary over cult claims and yet your religion kinda make you like a cult member yourself. Things that make you go hmmm.


MEREDITH. Yeah at this point, I would be ready for everyone to be transparent around me, too. But still Jeannie said it best when she basically said pot kettle black on Meredith. After all didn't she just hire a PI on Jen and now wants to talk about transparency? *shrugs* Still it did keep people being upfront to the face. And I stay liking that she has become Mary's ride-or-die. 


MARY. Team Mary. Yeah, I said it. I'll probably eat these words, but the way that they were trying to gang up on her after she FINALLY stopped being a Debbie Downer was ugh. And sadly, I already see that her words about Mexican and thugs is setting Twitter on fire when I really felt she was just not being articulate due to her being upset. Now I can't say that about the chubby comment, but hey, everyone is an adult and can say some not-nice things. And the effortlessness with which she gathered Fabulous Ice, Whitney, AND Heather was EVERYTHING. Fabulous Ice shut up real quick, Whitney could say nothing, and Heather ran at the #truthtea she got (and we got a gif of Lisa and Jeannie laughing at the shade now). That's Queen HW tier there.


JEANNIE. I liked that her and Mary started to get along. Though given the midseason trailer that will not be lasting. So basically comic relief this episode. 


I feel people are going to find it boring (well Heather with her sister maybe), but I thought it was a good episode with nice flow. 




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I'm Team Whitney/Heather in this fight.  Whitney did nothing to Mary... Mary became way too mean and offended by Whitney over nothing.  Should Whitney have called Mary back at some point, sure, but Mary took this way too far.  Regarding Cameron and Mary's church... Lisa is a snake and I felt the struggle that Whitney/Heather had to go through regarding that.  Lisa is the one in the wrong here.

I still like Mary because she's crazy AF and makes me laugh, but I prefer her in individual scenes vs. group scenes.  She's just a mean person.  She called Heather chubby?  What church leader throws immature insults out like that?  She's hypocritical.

Jeannie is a fish out of water.  Even when she makes a splash, it seems forced bc she knows she needs to make an impression.  I do enjoy her family scenes - with her kids, not her husband needing another child.

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While yes, it started with a phone call. It was when Whitney had stepped into Jen and Mary's talk at the party when she aimed Jen a question and wanted Jen to answer, they wouldn't be in this mess. 


Whitney was still her friend. And she lost that high ground when she started to talk crap about Mary behind her back.


So can't be that team. 



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Agreed; Team Whitney/Heather. 

Yes, Jeannie is just there. So much real-life drama (instead of reel-life manufactured petty stuff) is hindering the ability for her to be integrated into this cast. 

I have to laugh at people trying to gain the acceptance of Mary. It'd be like watching Jill Zarin, Bethenny, and Luaan vying for the affections of Alex McCord. LOL.  Some castmembers are just not cut out to be top dog of the group. 

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Slightly underwhelmed! Heather's was the best but a bit repetitive.

Debbie Downer Shannon is NOT Miss Sunshine, please Bravo.

Gina = casita, Emily = booze. OK. We are sticking with those SLs, huh.

Dr. Jen giving us innuendo-laden jabs? The MAGA anti-vax community will be clutching their pearls! 

And perhaps most egregiously: Noella's tagline was ripped off wholesale from Lizzie's "Standing out is much more fun than fitting in" tag!


Some BH news. The Kemsleys working hard for that diamond. They must really need that Bravo cheque to pay off the Encino home!


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Ok the OC is back!  That was one of their best episodes in seasons!  Heather is the only housewife I know that can make Shannon cower and I’m living for it.     Emily also brought it. 

I was surprised that Heather didn’t throw Nicole out - knowing that Nicole no longer is a housewife after this point, I’m wondering if she decides this after tonight, or if Heather still coordinated that behind the scenes. 

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I loved OC tonight and thought it was an excellent episode.  This did feel to me like Heather was making very calculated, well thought out moves.  Heather yelling at Gina and Shannon?  Making them the bad guys (albeit briefly with Gina) and Terry and Heather 'forgiving' Nicole?  Well played.  Heather knows what she's doing acting like all's forgiven with Nicole then pushing her out behind the scenes and letting Gina/Emily back in.  Her freak out with the initial news and pushing the cameras away makes me think she went upstairs, talked to Terry/producers, and made herself a gameplan that would benefit the Dubrows the most. It was smart, but none of felt genuine.

I loved it anyway.  That's why Heather is the queen.

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Yeah, that was very well done. The original Ice Queen knows how to maneuver her minions to do her bidding. 

I wonder what benzos Nicole was flying high on. She was definitely not all there. 

It was overall a great episode. I'm liking the groundwork they're laying out for this season's foes and alliances. The new women are kind of waffling, their heads spinning as the OC "vets" get their crazy on at the party. 

Damn, all that sushi gone to waste. I'd ask Heather for a to-go plate, but that's just me LOL. 

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Lordy...Part 2 of this reunion...


Yeah, I can see why it would be very weary for it to be a 4 parter. Especially, the tough that it would have following last season's reunion which SHOULD have been a 4 parter. I still enjoyed it all the same.


I came away from it with two things:


1) THE TAKEDOWN OF CANDIACE...? This was the second reunion where again people are bringing to Candiace's attention that her word (and her social media) are reckless. Last year, she was trying behind PTSD from the fight with Monique. And this year she tried it with Messy Mia's social media presence...something she mentioned off hand in Part 1 pre-reunion. And with an assist from Too Much Wendy, she is so far skating. Strike Two. I know we have mentioned it, but I agree with the rest of you. If she comes back next season, I would expect that next year would be her takdown season. Cuz when even La Dame AND Gizelle are no longer taking up for you...that should be a red flag for ya. Speaking of them...


2) WHY WE ARE NOT TOXIC? I said it near the beginning of the season and a few other times by clips I posted on La Dame and Gizelle. They started the season pretty dark post-Monique. But given their years long history, I did not see staying that way. Those two stay being good with each other, dragging each other, and then back again. And it definitely seem from off shows appearances they would make it to the end of this season in a great place. And...they did. While I am disappointed they did not truly show ALL the ups and downs of that happening this season (unless it was on the SECRETS REVEALED episode that I have not watched), I loved how La Dame explained it to Candiace whom she gathered a few times this part. She and Gizelle can feud all they want, but they do it with a witty, tic-for-tac, tongue-in-cheek kinda way that it's hard to dislike either for the most part. Or like La Dame said last reunion, it's like a tennis match and they BOTH serve well. For a wordsmith, Candiace...not so much anymore. Girl, gotta find the wit. And there was no farther proof of all this than when they had that montage this part. It was a great highlight. 


That said...


LA DAME. Outside of the montage, she was pretty light this part. It was nice to see her and Gizelle make up again. It was nice to see her trying her best to get through to Candiace because like a good friend, she can see that the writing is on the wall for her girl. She was nice, but firm...and not afraid to gather her. It seem (so far) to full on deaf ears though. Meanwhile, she had to play referee with Messy Mia and Too Much Wendy. I can only imagine how that is going to pan out next season if Mia indeed comes back. And I hollered at Production showing that flashback proving that La Dame was always planning on producing a wick line. 


GIZELLE. Talk about throwing someone under the bus. lol. But seriously, she talked nothing, but sense to Candiace. Gizelle might be many things, but stupid is not usual one of them. And as the 'face' of this show through Bravo's eyes, it is in Candiace's favor to follow what she says. But will she? Meanwhile, I loved Too Much Wendy staying on her neck. I could be done for a feud between the two of them because honestly that at least will keep Gizelle relevant since the old ways of doing so have honestly grown stale. And Gizelle still has her claws given she stood up for her daughter.



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Over here talking about Too Much Wendy butting into each and every topic when she was doing the same thing. SHUT UP. 


ASHLEY. I live for her 'I got my check before your a&8 sat on this couch. I made it then. Imma making it now. And I'm gonna keep making it.' BLOOP, BITCA!!!!! Let Candiace know. She don't have to do nothing to get her bank cuz Candiace will stay being jealous of everything (but Ashley's man) Ashley got. including that post baby bod that she has been rocking so far. If next season is a takedown season for Candiace, I'm gonna need Ashley there for reaction shots at the minimum. 


CANDIACE. Girl...take the hints. Granted I've enjoyed her off screen called out the cokehead, but still he does have power. And don't think he is above using it. Then again, maybe next season will like POTOMAC'S version of RHOA Season 9. Hmmmm... That said...she held her own and I cannot completely knock her for that. But I need her to get it. 


WENDY. Yes, she's too much. BUT I enjoyed every moment of it. She kept that heel on Gizelle's neck. And with Monique gone and her on good terms with La Dame, someone needs to.


MIA. Mia...lol. Stay messy. Her shade at Askale was hilarious. But one thing you can't say...she can't hold her. She had them ganging for her for her social media presence. And like Jen on SLC...yeah that is kinda bs. But again...IF it happens going forward then yes, TOTAL BS. For now, I felt her answers were good and she handled it well. For now. If Askale is back next season, I see them feuding. 


Good episode. 

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Last sesason what?


That was good.


The camera angles again stood out. And just the pacing. There was chaos and then a nice interlude as we got caught up with things, and then right back to confrontations. Well done.


Yeeeeah, I'm on the team that Heather might not have actually known. At the time. But she was clued in probably when she stormed upstairs and then turned it toward her advantage. And I agree with some questions online, but I am out of the loop. On screen so Nicole had that surgery in her early 20s and her agent pushed her into it. Off screen were Terry and Heather together then? If not, yeah, I can see why she would not know. I can also see why Nicole would not tell...that would be a dent in a long time friendship perhaps. Regardless, Heather manuvered prefectly...bringing in Terry, having it out on screen (but there was that second when Heather looked at the camera, being aware of them and putting on her actress cap), resolving it on screen (even if from here on out she tries to get Nicole removed), confronting Gina and Shannon on screen (shades of S9 with Shannon at her old house hehe), and putting heffas on notice at the end. She was in top form. Queen. 


And given how that ended...Shannon got a lot of work to do...and looks like she will be messy. hehe. Can't wait.


Again...what a difference a year makes. This revamp is definitely working.




HEATHER. Every moment. Every frame. Just watching her at work. Go, Ms. Oreo!!! 


EMILY VS NICOLE. Look at Emily trying to work for that orange. But Nicole got some good verbal licks in, too (Friend? I've known you for 20 minutes, girl.' BLOOP!). If it is true, she is still filming for a while, this would be the making of a good feud. 


SHANNON VS HEATHER. Production know they are living for these two being at odds. And they use every chance they can to show the 'Please Go. I need you to go.' clip from Season 9). 


NOELLA. I am liking her so far and I hollered at her comforting Shannon (I'm here for their friendship) one moment and running to meet Max the second. 


JEN'S HUSBAND. He's an odd one. And I was right there with her. HE HAD ON A SHIRT??? Yeah, not used to it at all either.


PACING. Because I cannot say this enough. The pacing really was EVERYTHING. 




JEN'S STORYLINE. I was all for her last week storyline with working mom balancing. But this week was just reptitive to me. If it was not for the oddity of her husband wearing a shirt, I would have zoned out.



Wow. Another week of no complaints. Great start. 



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