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Colorism is being used by Candiace as a get out of jail free card.  I'm not watching the reunion but Michael, who is white, and Chris, who is equally white, are arguing and Candiace jumps up and talks about white privilege because 2 white men are arguing 

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 She grasping for depth and coming up empty.  

Wendy has completely transformed herself into a flake for the cameras.  I don't find her interesting in the least.  

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Oh yes definitely, the Potomac reunion is bringing it. The reunion definitely showcases that the OG's (and yes, I'll even include Robyn) know how to play the game and keep this little world turnin'.  Karen and Gizelle throw shade and digs at one another, but a visceral hatred between them simply does not exist. Yes, it got a little too dark earlier this season, certainly moreso than in previous seasons, but their exchanges on last night's episode shows they know when to pull back and lighten up. And hey, they can still have fun together. They could very well have a "make-up-and-be-BFF's" season next year, to the shock and annoyance of the rest of the cast. I say go for it. 

Ashley continues to sweep the floor with Candy's messy ass without breaking a sweat. The only sweat she's breaking is getting that post-baby hot mama body back in top form. Well done, Ashley. I know it's a mixed back here on this board regarding Ashley, but she's always been a favorite of mine. Her and The Grande Dame's friendship/understanding is always a highlight for me. 

Candaice. Girl, when even the frick 'n frack team of Gizelle and Robyn are calling you out and refusing to co-sign anything you're spewing out, you in danger gurl. She just doesn't get it and I'm not here to watch any additional "journey" she needs to go through to see the light. 

Askale. Yeah, you could've stayed home. 

Wendy doesn't sit right with me. Yes, she makes good points in some respects, but makes no sense in others. She really has no sense of herself, and again, not sure I wanna sit around and watch her "journey" either. 

Next season is already S7, and dare I say I'm ready for an OG to return, and by OG I mean Monique (just like I consider Kandi an OG of ATL). As I said at the onset of this season, the 4 vets know how to play the game, but the newer women are having trouble navigating and look a mess. 

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I hated so much being behind...especially since I was looking forward to the finale. 


And I found that so enjoyable. For all of their toxic moments, I do like that the girls can loop back around from being dark to getting back to be fun. So other than my reservation, I thought it was a good season and a nice bounce back from last season...which I loved...but I know was very divisine. I will side-eye the editing though since I did not get my La Dame/Gizelle scene that was in the promo.

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That said...it was such a good finale of POTOMAC. It was everything I liked about it. Easy and breezy. Some fun and light shade. Centered on La Dame. And there were some fascinating scenes. And of course, drama. And it should say something that the drama had to do with Candiace. Since Michael really paid her dust and she is no match for Ashley (and Ashley is living the life Candiace wished she had), I feel like if Candiace is back, it will be her karma season. The GEB aren't studying her. Wendy is not studying her due to focusing on herself. And Messy Mia can even take or leave her. She was even turning on her man. So...she either need to grow up or bounce. 


Can't wait to sit down for the reunion episodes. The clips I've seen has been fun AF. 


LA DAME. WINNER!!!! Outright. Now I am worried about the vow renewal since we know how these events work on HW shows. But I loved seeing all of La Dame's extended family. And oooh her son all grown up. I was sad for her daughter. And just to see her friends and MACY GRAY!!!! She looked lovely. And still hilarious as heck. The stairs. The twerk. (ewwww on G for drooling). The inside was breathtaking (and the scene of the girls' reaction to those stairs was a hoot). It was great seeing her so happy and the episode gave everyone time, but in the end we ended on the Queen. And that empire...still growing. 


GIZELLE. GUUUUUURL!!!! STOP SHADING LA DAME AND HER MAN. Ugh. lol. That said...it's funny with her. She did step up her fashion game at the start of the season. And she should keep that up.  But her trying to keep Pastor Holy Whore as a storyline. She needs to stop. WHAT WOULD BE MORE FASCINATING FOR HER would be if she explored WHY that is. Last episode with the therapist was really interesting and eye opening and if she would go more in that vein (and show some actual dates), she really could say herself from criticism over not having her own storyline except to try to destroy marriages and acting oblivious. A HMMMM.


ROBYN. Surprisngly also a HMMMM. Because this was the first time I didn't think (and say) SHUT UP ROBYN. It was great to see the actual drama between her and Juan. There is still so much tension there and it's also fascinating to watch. It does seem like Robyn has never forgiven him for being on the road. And they STILL have not gotten married. Why is that? Hmmmm...is the rumor about another woman and this is just for show true? And I giggled every time that Juan and Michael were on screen together.


WENDY. Say what I have about Dr. Wendy this season, but she has been dramatic. And perhaps it's because watching the last set of episodes there have been more hints of real Wendy than other Wendy. She just needs to do better. And a friendship with La Dame definitely helped her out. WINNER.


ASHLEY. A season where Michael has little to no drama? Who would have thought? I definitely would say Ashley got to eat her cake and eat it, too. She did very little, but she still pop stirred like no other and still came out smelling like roses. The fact that she got Candiace to spin out of control again and barely trying. WINNER.


CANDIACE. I was happy to see that she chose wisely to keep the spotlight on her career. Now on her mother on the other hand...smh. Ms. Dorothy was working overtime to be in it. Who does she think she is? Marlo? Yeeeah no. And then the Darbys made her spin out of control. When is she going to learn that the power she thinks she has is just an illusion. Even Chris is hip to it. He might not ever like Michael again, but it's a losing battle to be all against the group. If they are going to be around and stay, they are going to have to compromise. Example: The Hugers and the Darbys have been vicious, but look at them now.  Candiace needs to grow up or she'll go the way of Cha Cha (who I saw made a cameo this episode along with MattMatt). LOSER. 


MIA. Messy Mia, Messy Mia, Messy Mia. lol. Really reduced to comedy relief, but I've liked her overall so WINNER. 


Bring on the reunion.  

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To me..Ashley is more problematic than Candiace is..imho.  I would know what I'm getting with Candiace vs the two faced vibe of Ashley.

And Karen and Gizelle like each other deep down..that's why they can shade one another with ease.  Gizelle donning the t shirt a few seasons back bothered Karen because it was Gizelle doing it vs someone else she didn't like.  Same with Karen's shade about Jamal bothering Gizelle because it came from Karen.



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There was so much going on, I had to watch it twice.


Jen's arrest was definitely worth the wait. Waiting everyone's reaction, along with some of the real time actions of the FBI and SWAT, was something else. It was filled of tension and intrigue and I could barely look away due to the fact that I felt I would be missing some nuance. 


And there was so much on display. Heather definitely got the most real reaction to me. Her emotions were all over and did not at all feel fake to me. And she still did some humor. Whitney looked smug all the way through as if she was waiting for this moment. Something I could say about Meredith as well. And I know that a lot of fans were waiting for Mary's reaction...WORTH THE WAIT.


Meanwhile, the mystery really begins. Did someone tip the Feds off? If so...who? Whitney was really and truly dishing out that info...as if she has experience...which as @Catmentioned there have been rumors about that for a long while. Meredith really was not surprised...as if she had known it would happened, too...perhaps payback for Jen, Brooks, and the tweets? Or was it Mary...the actual archnemesis? Then again...Lisa and her 6 lawyers...WHY SIX? So much going on.




JEN. Already miles ahead of EricFake. How? Because there was no transparentness with her. She was a C&&*(. We still don't have Jen's story yet at all. And that gives this already so far an air of mystery. An air of questions...which the girls managed to ask all of them in this episode. Also miles ahead of the BH girls who outside of Sutton and Garcelle...just stood the lines. And we never see her in this episode except for the bond hearing footage. Of course, we want to learn more. And then the raid at the house...Jeannie said it best. They are going to take EVERYTHING. It was wrong what she did, and yet I just feel she will come across a lot better  than EricFake did already by already having people feel sympathy for her. And I definitely don't recall her sending mean tweets during this. Oblivious tweets, but not mean.


LISA. THE 6 LAWYERS. LOL!!! But on a serious note, outside of Heather, she is the only one that seems Team Jen. However, there goes Whitney throwing some suspicion on her. And yeah, I can see why. Then again, she is Fabulous Ice. Of course, she was going to have six lawyers. And tic for tac, she also threw some suspicion on Whitney so...good to see the feud is still on. 


HEATHER. Speaking of friend, yeah. The other member of Team Jen. The first half of the episode we were her, reacting to the shock, getting the tea, crying over our friend in disbelief. And then...she was a regular Xander Harris, trying to keep everything moving. And like her, we were down for the moment when the girls compared notes.


WHITNEY. Girl, you ain't slick.


But seriously in a game of who does it better, I am not wondering as well if it was Whitney vs RHOP Ashley for slickest potstirrer who would win. Because Whitney is slick AF. While everyone else was acting surprised (or in the case of Jeannie being grace under pressure), here was Whitney keeping the focus on Jen with tweets, finding the news article, explaining in simple terms what Jen did, letting them know where Jen was arrested at, and being sure to be clear on who might have gotten Jen in trouble. Meanwhile, she was already pot-stirring and gassing up Jeannie to go against Mary. She was relishing Jen's downfall all throughout the episode, even while comforting her cousin who is the BFF to Jen. Just...hm. Speaking of...


MEREDITH. I'm with Mary. Wow. At least Mary felt some sympathy for Jen through all the shade and ITYSs she was subtly (and not) busting out at her kiki with Meredith. But Meredith...was smiling like the cat who ate the canary. Hmmm...did she tip off the Feds? Or just happen to know what was up per the promo for next week? After all season and what was going on with Brooks, I could understand. Don't mess with Mama Bear's kids. But wow...she really was ice. (Sorry, Fabulous Ice.

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 )  And oooooooooo at the tea she dropped on the girls about the assistant. My jaw was right there with them on the floor. Because I'd not heard any of that before. She is really out to get Jen. Who would have thought that the best thing for this show was Meredith ENGAGING? She is just so fascinating to watch. 


MARY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! If there was anything that I was really and truly looking forward to from the moment the arrest happened (like most of Twitter) was Mary's reaction. She was the person who feuding with Jen most and had sparks with her the most. And like the best enemies, she had sympathy which I liked. But boy, that did not stop her from throwing some looks and so much shade (PS. thank you @Cheap21 for the picture battle the other day cuz Candiace is no match for Mary). And that kiki with Meredith was funny, even brought out a more fun side to Meredith. That said...not looking forward to those girls clearly making her the target on the trip. 


JEANNIE. I liked her being pragmatic about it all actually. And she also reveal some hard truths where I did not feel she was just doing it to snowball or curry favor with at all. But...she needs to apologize to Mary.


But yes....that episode...and we still don't have Jen's feelings yet.


Is it Sunday yet? lol.








Rinna reported that Lois has passed.




First 3 episodes are loaded up on Peapock.

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Did anyone watch RHUGT? I just saw the first episode and  here are my thoughts. The show is VERY well produced. The production value was top notched and you can tell NBC threw money into this.


Ramona is the clear star of the show. Anyone hoping for Bravo to fire her on RHONYC will be disappointed bc she is making for good tv. She is unapologetically herself and she is an a-hole. Im glad Kenya called her one. Its interesting watching all these vets interacting with this bc she is a character onto herself


Kenya. Of course she is my fave. I was ready for her to be the star but Ramona is such a overbearing personality. Still im enjoying Kenya and I see her coming across very likeable on this show. Love that we are seeing Brooklynn again and her face wasnt blurred out. Ramona constantly calling her Porsha was a microaggression and I dont like it.


Teresa. She is relatively zen from what we see on the RHONJ and unlike Ramona and Kenya, she isnt vying for Queen B status. I felt she could have said more to check Ramona and Im going to need her to have at least one blow up.


Kyle, LuAnn, Cynthia and Melissa quite frankly were boring and any one of them could have been swapped out for another housewife. Kyle especially faded into the background even when she tried to start up some mess with Kenya. LuAnn's commentary was at least funny. Melissa and Cynthia offer NOTHING

Edited by Cheap21
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Yes it is! I wish this was on Bravo and airing weekly but oh well. I still have access to it.

I finished all three episodes and Cynthia is a mess. This show is NOT a good look for her and its sad that she is going out like this as this will be her last RH appearance for a while. She can not need the room and is acting like she is still on RHOA instead of feeling things out and adjusting to the new setting and women like Kenya has. Kenya knows how to navigate this and Cynthia is jealous bc she cant. The Bailey Q dinner was so cringeworthy and tone deaf and shame on her for making Kyle feel bad for being uncomfortable with voting for such superficial things like best butt and prettiest. Most of these are grown women in their 50s. The questions were stupid and Cynthia should take the L instead of choosing this to be the hill she dies on.

Kenya fits in with the ladies so well and I could easily see her as a friend on any of the other franchises. I would be open to seeing a crossover much like we saw with Bethenny on BH.

Teresa and Melissa clearly do not like each other. On RHONJ, they at times pretend to get along for the kids and Joe but they cant do that here. Teresa tolerates her and its evident

Ramona is so damn thirsty to get laid. Her guy is attractive but she is so full of herself.

Im warming up to Kyle, especially since she is getting vulnerable and seems out of her element without any BH wife for backup. She cant stir up the same sh-t she usually does and its refreshing seeing a more genuine side to her.

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Man this has been such a bad look for Cynthia. Like you said Kenya is surprisingly the one fitting in with the group and Cynthia is having like a breakdown over something so trivial.

One thing that’s very interesting is seeing how Luann and Ramona are with Cynthia and Kenya, who are black, versus their relationship with Eboni on their own show. I’m not really seeing any of the issues they had with Eboni that made them seem racist outside of Ramona calling Kenya, Porsha.

Im glad I have Peacock for free, but this really should’ve been on Bravo for everyone to see. It’s so good and the editing/flashbacks are top notch.

Teresa loooooathes Melissa. And I love it. Like you said she’s not even pretending to more than tolerate Melissa like she does on Jersey.

This is the most likeable Kyle has been with her away from the RHOBH coven. I actually don’t hate her for once.

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