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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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@Cat I like the blouse personally. It gave high fashion vibes. It was just the fact that Meredith looks like she is coming in gun blazing. The fashion (and hair). The vibe cuz her and Fabulous Ice last season was almost always in sync and now...?? She is giving A game. I don't hate it at all. It's like Wendy over at POTOMAC except it does not feel forced. YET.


LOL!!!! I won't lie. I've watched the clip a few more times. Just so wild. And I'm gonna need Mary to do some great shade for it. 

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Oh def was a high fashion look, practically eveningwear. The arms are very... Carmen Miranda.

But I see what you mean about her entire vibe being stronger. The hair cut is razor sharp, and Meredith finally seems awake. Last season I wondered if stress over her marriage sapped her energy and made her lowkey depressed (which could happen to anybody). At reunion she seemed almost tranquilized and frozen by the fighting. She also got a lot of pressure to make up with Jen Shah and 'make it nice' but to her credit, she wasn't ready and resisted being pushed into insta-making-up.

Here she is assertive and clear in what she is saying and how she feels. It doesn't feel forced, it feels like Meredith has had time to reflect and is maintaining her decision to keep Jen Shah at arms length. We'll see if she gets messy and 'production's water-carrier.'

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Nene invited RHOAers to commemorate and celebrate Gregg. I see pretty much everybody except for Cynthia, which makes me sad. 

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 But Peter and Mallorie (I think she's in the final set of pics) showed up so I have hope that Cynthia is either around or simply couldn't make it and Mallorie is representing her.


Giving RHONY editors an A for effort with this opening. So... That Happened. We know it, they know it.


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Before I get to Nene, I want to say that Jennie clip was impressive! I love when a housewife has a story to tell and an interesting life. To me that’s just as important as what drama she may bring. 

Now those pictures and everything I’ve seen from Gregg’s homecoming celebration brought tears to my eyes. It was so nice to see everybody support Nene despite past issues with her or each other. To see KENYA there blew my mind. Cynthia and Kandi were out of town, but Kandi posted a beautiful tribute. 

I know it may be asking a lot, but Gregg was such a unifying force on the show that I hope his passing brings Nene closer with her cast mates. I don’t want Bravo to exploit her by bringing her back, but I hope that this can move them in a positive direction in their personal lives. 

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I know this is a bit of a "hot take" and I am not one to speak ill of the dead, but, are we just going to ignore the reasons that Greg and Nene divorced?  He was using her money, trashing her in radio interviews, and seemed envious of her fame and status.  He may have atoned, and she forgave his trespasses, but I don't perceive him as being as much of a benevolent force as he is being portrayed.  I am sure he was beloved, and will be missed, but I don't like it when a public figure's death is meant to absolve them of their past.

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Nobody knows what happens behind closed doors in a marriage, of course, and people are more complex than merely angel or devil archetypes.

But my overall impression was that Gregg was VERY supportive of Nene's dreams of show business, even before RHOA came along. He financed a modeling career and acting lessons. 

It's easy to forget now, but ATL was one of the earliest RH franchises after OC. Nene was a big hit on the show and her rise to fame was very rapid. She didn't really have anybody she could look to on the other franchises as to how to handle fame. My read on the Gregg/Nene marriage is that she changed and the fame went to her head some. Gregg felt resentful and left behind, and there were rumors that he had someone on the side. The marriage clearly went through rocky times, but it looked like Nene pulled it back from the brink. She didn't want to be alone and without her support system; he wanted her to stay in the marriage. Gregg may not have been perfect, but he seemed to really care for Nene and 'get' her. He also treated the rest of the cast with kindness and respect, even when they were at odds with Nene. The affection they had for him as a result of that is evident in those pics. 

ITA @Chris B I hope this makes for a clean slate, or maybe even closer personal ties between Nene and the cast. I hope she has good friends around her right now.

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So much hypocrisy, gaslighting, and backstabbing on tonight's episode that my head is literally spinning. But the highlights for me were Sutton and Garcelle (on 2 separate occasions) calling Kyle to the carpet. For once, I feel like Kyle is gonna be in the hot seat come reunion time. Especially, with blogs indicating that Erika is p*ssed at Dorit and Kyle and plans to call them out at the reunion. I hope they all tear each other apart while Garcelle and Sutton watch on. 

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I'm sorry, but dare I say it? Is there blood in the water? 


Daily Mail mentioned that the only person EricFake is talking to is Ex Soap Opera Star. And as mentioned above, the blogs have been mentioning more and more that EricFake is livid with Kyle and Dorit. Well after this week's episode, if she was not, she should be now.


For all of their *airquote*bonding*airquote* and *airquote*FoxForceFive*airquote*, after tonight I'm sorry Kyle and Dorit are totally railroading EricFake. Kyle trying to manipulate the dinners with her producing skills and Dorit with her jabs. At EricFake at that. And then Production with all the rollbacks that put EricFake in an extremely bad light. Add on PK this week (and looks like next week along with Mo, too) saying what WE ALL HAVE BEEN SAYING about EricFake's social media activities....AND WHAT SUTTON SAID ABOUT REPUTATION. Hmmmmm...I wonder who put him up to that? I would like to say Dorit did it alone because she wanted to keep her hands dirty, but Dorit is smart enough to see that maybe the audience would be on her side in this instance so it has to reach more...behind the scenes...and who on the cast is flawless at that...oh, yeah...KYLE. I wish I could say I felt sorry for that trifling heffa, but since I DON'T...all I wonder is how the reunion will go down. If I didn't know better, I feel like Kyle might actually be leading EricFake to the slaughter....I mean reunion. And it would be extremely well deserved comeuppance.


That said...this episode was pretty good until the end where I felt it dragged a little, but I loved Garcelle showing them how a real host does it. And that food was gorgeous. Good fun. Light shade. Girl talk. See how simple it was. Oh, EricFake wants to leave because she can handle being in a room with Sutton? Well...

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You know how you were one to Sutton when she walked out? Guess what, trick? SAME.


So the tea from next week? So that preview next week of everyone appearing to gang up on Garcelle might have to do with that interview she gave where she said the others were coming or her. Allegedly. 


KYLE. GUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL!!! She was not even trying to hide it tonight at all. She was soooo talking out of both sides of her mouth. She was being one way to EricFake in the group and different in Confessional. Same with Sutton. Just self-producing like no one's business and being toooo messy...not in a good, fun way either. Sloppy in fact. I loved Garcelle having Sutton's back and calling her out at the dinner and then again at her own dinner. And Kyle wanted to sit there in her confessionals and be slick. See? Is that not what people say about her all the time...Garcelle was making a point and Kyle feels slighted when it was JUST....HER...MAKING...A...POINT? Totally glazed over it. Then again, when the point is to BE HONEST and what that ACTUALLY means and given Kyle does not know the meaning of that phrase...I guess I can see how Kyle overlooked it. I also loved that Sutton called her a*( out, too. And no amount of being a Dorit (c)Sutton and talking a lot and it being a looooooooooooooooong runon sentence that makes no sense will help. Truth? Garcelle and Sutton see Kyle for what she is doing. Now do they see her for what she is? Hmmmmmm. And I feel like Dorit and her are totally in cahoots after that talk with PK...interesting since he had EricFake's number in Season 7. 

DORIT. Speaking of her...payback must feel good. And by payback I mean PK being messy and reading the heck out of Trifling Heffa. He called it in Season 7. And for those people in the back who are STILL defending her, he explained it done in simple terms why Tom seems fake and phoney and why Trifling Heffa is looking ooooh so bad with her social media presence. At this point, if people don't get it, well...*side-eye* I liked that Dorit was subtly being on Sutton's side without being on her side. Probably because she was more in self-preservation mode. Hopefully, she will get smart enough to NOT keep coming for Garcelle. That won't end well for her.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. Speaking of people in cahoots, she has to be with Trifling Heffa. Makes me wonder if they are allegedly hiding money between them for her to be so quiet over this. They are even sharing selective amnesia now. Meanwhile, she still wants to come for Garcelle, too. And that won't end well for her either. 


TRIFLING HEFFA. In the actual iconic words of Kristen Doute...

GIF need a refill more drinks kristen doute - animated GIF on GIFER - by  Malak

...she can eat a bag of ^&*(. Running around like a rabid dog and attacking Sutton. Then being a C-U-Next-Tuesday as Sutton walked out like she don't care. Then getting bothered when Sutton was at Garcelle and doing exactly what Sutton did so now she's a little hypocrite. And sueing anyone? Her? Really? With what money? And then she said Tom will sue, not her? Oh, NO, BITCH...in the iconic words of another actual iconic person...DON'T BACKPEDAL NOW!!!! (c)Kenya Moore. She wanted to be all tough one when she ran out at the end (and was talking to Crystal about NOT talking to Sutton in a Production edit). Who's weak now?


CRYSTAL. Irrelevant.


SUTTON. I was hoping she would have stayed at the dinner and ripped Trifling Heffa a new butthole. In hindsight, the best thing she could have done was leave. She made all of those hoes look crazy for thinking she was going to sit there and be ambushed. And I loved she called them out on that. And I loved Garcelle had her back.  I am hoping going forward, she continues to keep one eye on Kyle. Especially now that she is starting to see how she works. And as usual, we got to see her glamour on display with her shutting down another store to shop. #thepowerthereallyrichhave Kyle could never...

GARCELLE. First of all, I stay looking that she continues to wear Asa from SHAHS OF SUNSET's clothes and looks fab in them. I would die if Asa cameos in since she was the most authentic of that bunch IMHO...and she married a Jackson. That said...Garcelle continue to do no wrong. Having Sutton's back. Calling out Kyle. Calling out Ex Soap Opera Star. Helped Kathy check Trifling Heffa. And as usual, we see a bit of her life. I am not looking forward to any gangup on her next week AT ALL. 


Well, I hate to say it, but it was a pretty good episode. 5 episodes I believe to go before the reunion (which films Friday) and it turns out they have not shown the San Diego/LaJolla trip that I was looking forward to. The walls are closing in that trifling heffa and I am cautiously getting excited to see it. FInally...we are going to get Kyle vs her? Maybe? Really? Truly? Feels like it. 

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