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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Larsa and Cristy, sigh. Larsa Pippen was the big 'get' on this show because of her Kardashian Konnection, but she was a dull facsimile of the actual Kardashians (and that's saying something). Bravo was wise to cut its losses with her.

'Model' Cristy Rice had no model looks to speak of and got kicked off an actual fashion show in S1 because she didn't feel like showing up on time. Nitwit had a cushy marriage with an NBA player before she was caught having an affair and her husband kicked her out of the house with a quickness.


I haven't yet seen the episode but... Gizelle's bewildered shtick is often an act IMO. It's the RHOP equivalent of Kyle's fake, open-mouthed look of shock. Gizelle's 'bewilderment' is meant to convey that Wendy got it all wrong, that she's nuts for getting it wrong, and that Gizelle has no clue what she is talking about. Gaslighty.



Apparently Bill is back in the husband clique where he belongs! From left to right --


Joe B: Poppa

Joe G: Poppa's kid

Frank: needs the bathroom



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On one hand I guess I should say it was a lot. On the other hand...


It was well paced from start to finish. Ever since last week, the conversation had been on Zen Wen. And the teams were La Dame/Wendy/Mia/Askale vs the GEB/Candiace. And then Ashley sashyed in and lit a match. And...BOOM!!!! I am only disappointed that Wendy was soooo hurt that she did not realize that Ashley was so trying for an alliance. Sorry, Wendy was so in her feelings she saw it as an attack. Thankfully, she aimed her thoughts at the right person Gizelle. And that part of the trailer WAS WORTH THE WAIT.


LA DAME. Can do no wrong. And she basically sat back and enjoyed the ride. And I LOVE those boots she had on at the pool. And WOW at how bothered everyone was at her and Wendy's growing friendship. It was so clear as day and I found it hilarious because they did not even seen to hide it. And then her and Mia throughout the episode were gif-worthy reaction queens. I LIVED!!!!


GIZELLE. I liked that she realized that she messed up with Robyn and did what she should have done and talked to Robyn on the side. Now that seem geniune. Her attacking her...and yes it was a attack right there with Candiace and Wendy...was not. And honestly, what was bugging me about her this week was the fact that she was bothered. And worse, there is a way for her to word what she was saying better, but she chose to be tactless with a hint of attitude and there was no need for that. And then Wendy dragging her was a thing of beauty. She ain't unbothered. She just mad she got caught. And as Ms. Kenya Moore would say 'don't backpedal now!!!' Cuz if you didn't believe it, Gizelle would not have tried so hard to get it on camera multiple times. Thus, why Wendy let her know WHAT*clap*TIME*clap*IT*clap*WAS!!!! 

ROBYN. I wish she saw how Gizelle was treating her last episode. Where is Season 4 Robyn? That said...same, Robyn!!! re: Whiskey. And sorry, Robyn, Dr. Wendy dragged your a$$ too and I hollered. 'Go get a cracker.' 'Want a moment so bad.' So many quoteable moments from her drag. 


CANDIACE. Poor Candiace. Outside of 'idontknowanythingabouteddie,' she did not really do much except lost it on Ashley as Ashley was unbothered at the end. Heck, Askale did more. 


ASHLEY. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!!!! Ashley has always been the chief s&it stirrer and this showed how good she is. Only there five minutes and immediately got into the drama. And while I see she was trying for an alliance with Wendy, she set it all the way off. Hopefully when Wendy is not in her feelings, she will see the olive branch Ashley was giving her. 


MIA. hehe. Her sitting there eating her food was a great gif as drama was starting. And I loved that she, Askale, and Wendy were sooooo doing a gangup on Gizelle at lunch. You saw how quick Gizelle (without Robyn around) very quickly apologized. Hm.



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    That said, I do have to say this episode I found Wendy to be at her most human. It was clear. There she is being a good trooper, knowing she is hurting from Gizelle's attack last week, and took La Dame's talk from last week and soldiering on. And then she got to be in charge of her first gang up at the lunch. And then...it was so clear on her face when she was talking to Ashley how hurt she was. I guess she really did see Gizelle as a friend. And she lashed out as only someone deeply hurt by someone you consider a close friend would be. And she was hitting RHOA Season 6 Pillowtalk Kandi vibes. That said...oooooOOOOO her destroying the GEB was great. Though Robyn was probably too drunk to notice. lol. Currently rewatching.


And next week Mia stirrrrs that pot.




Great episode

Hmmmm amen. Evan can so get it.

I was happy to say Bill with the group for sure.

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I am not quite sure I'd understand demoting Luann if Dorinda is back and Ramona stays, let alone if Bethany is lurking around.

My main theory, if there is any truth to it, is that she pissed off producers some way and I go back to what ya'll have speculated: that she was the one leaking, on the reunion and against Eboni. Maybe it backfired.
The only explanation I can think of. 

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Well, thank goodness for that. As I've said before, RHONY needs additions, not subtractions. Leah gets a lot of hate here, but who wouldn't want to see her put in her place once and for all? Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Also, these rumors seem suspect to me because Ramona really showed her ass the last two episodes, and not in an entertaining way. Many viewers are also frustrated by Eboni. Bravo knows this. So why focus exclusively on them -- and lose Sonja?? You've got to be kidding me with that.

And then there's Tinsley. I like the girl, I just don't see her as the end-all and be-all of this show. Her stories never really grabbed me and her personality was ok, but she's no heavyweight RH icon. I'm not sure the show can be built around a wispy personality like her's. Now, if you're going to make Mama Dale a cast member/permanent FOH, that may be a different story! 

I still say Dorinda will be back next season.

Bethenny as an EP -- lord. Bravo came crawling back even after she dumped them for HBOMax and Mark Burnett? Her ego is going to be out of control if that's true.

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Wendy saying "This is God paying you back for all the bullsh*t you've done" in her even-keeled tone was worth the price of admission alone. Gizelle was legit in the hot seat, and Robyn was put in her place. You know Wendy practiced in her head the delivery of that entire speech but that's ok. This particular rumor hits close to home.

Ashley had about as much involvement as Giz in stirring that pot and making the rumor an issue, so I see why Wendy got upset at her. Ashley basically told Gollum "hold that baby," jumped into a car to Williamsburg, set her phone on a 10-min timer, did some hard pot-stirring with Wendy (I notice the GEBs and Ashley targeted nobody else, not even Kurn), and then climbed back into that car. This is Messy Ashley on a time crunch.

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And it was glorious! LOL I love how she jumped right into the action like she never missed a beat. I also love how unbothered she was by Candiace coming for her as she gathered up her breastmilk from the frig. 

@Taoboi I agree this was the most authentic we've seen Dr. Wendy all season and thank goodness for it.  Gizelle can look around the room bewildered all she wants, but this was Reunion 2.0 with all of Gizard's lies and fakery exposed. I enjoyed my time as a viewer

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