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That's what we totally should have gotten. Porsha vs Falynn with everyone in the middle and Kenya all but willing to stir that pot. Then if Latoya was still around, a minifeud with her and ShebySheree. The season wrote itself.


As for Drew...since the tweet in question was very quickly deleted from a reliable source...I believe there is some truth to it. Unless of course something changes. There's been tea for a while there is drama going on BTS at RHOA. Sounds like chaos.




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TBH -- enough of Kenya stirring the pot on the periphery! Porsha vs Falyn OF COURSE we would need to see, but IMO Porsha vs Kenya is also the linchpin feud that has long been denied to me. After Megaphone Wig-Snatchgate, these two have been tiptoeing around each other, and Porsha in particular has studiously avoided giving Kenya any oxygen. This past season she practically ignored her, and TBH I feel robbed lol!

If it is chaos BTS on Atlanta and Porsha is refusing to film the show, then I think Drew will be back and the show will try and make Drew vs Kenya a thing. At this point, maybe ATL should do what NYC and Dallas are doing and rest for an extra 4 months while they figure out the casting which has LONG been a hot mess! (And also bring back Carlos King for some cohesion and control BTS. Also, Carlos could always sweet-talk Porsha into doing what he wanted. He was her Protector!).

Porsha and Carlos, before she got deified:

Porsha stewart real housewives kenya moore GIF - Find on GIFER

Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Recap: Porsha Goes Psycho! ~ Tamara  Tattles

Cynthia Porsha Fight | StraightFromTheA.com - Atlanta Entertainment  Industry News & Gossip

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Hmmmm I'm not sure if I want Kenya on the warpath again a la Season 12. Maybe if she is more like Team Pretty Kenya from Season 7 when it comes to Porsha. Because right now, I think they completely exhausted their feud just like Nene and Kenya's got exhausted during Snakegate in Season 12. 


Don't get me started on DALLAS if those rumors about their casting are true. Since I've heard two different things. One I liked. The other...not so much.


Since they decided to bring some production over from POTOMAC, I am definitely hopeful RHOA next season will have some potential with great followthrough given how good POTOMAC has been up to now. And we know those POTOMAC producers know how to be shady AND tell a coherent storyline.


Hehe at the gifs. 


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Yes to all.

Re: Bershan's behavior. It felt very producer-coaxed.  "You gotta get in there and mix it up!"  Her remarks were getting a little too rude (and coincidentally, the reactions were also over-the-top, i.e. Luann's "then you should just leave."), and it was funny how no one had her back, not even Ramona who felt compelled to stick by her side because she brought her into the group (quote, un quote). 

Leah turning Eboni's grandmother's death into a moment of whiny crying was cringe. Shoot, I'd welcome Aviva or Crazy Kelly back at this point, too. Even Cindy Barshop and all her teeth would be better. Lordy, how desperate we've become to jolt some life into RHONY.  Still holding out for a Jill Zarin full-time return. 

What sucks about this current cast is that it doesn't feel organic at. all.  And that was always NYC's strongest selling point (other than the Season 5 reboot, and the awkward Season 6 that followed).  NYC never felt like a bunch of random women cast to be on the same show and forced to hang out with one another. But now? Totally. And it's not gelling. 

YAY to Potomac's premiere live ratings! Well-deserved. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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I actually watched Potomac (streaming with Fubo now and it came up as a suggestion).  


Way toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Wendy and I felt Karen was uncharacteristically vicious.  Anyone calling Jiz out for the fake trash bag she is will always be wonderful, but some of Karen's words didn't seem like they would be coming out of her mouth..  Sophisticated women don't talk like that.  

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This. So so so much.
Especially because when there is no existing subtext, then they feel the need to INVENT feuds and that's how we end up with whatever Leah did with Heather and Eboni not letting go of something that should have been one episode at most (or Sutton/Crystal over at BH) and now Bershan being a tad more elephant-in-the-porcelain-store that is necessary.
Which brings me to agreeing strongly with your other point.

It was pretty obvious in Eboni's case but now that the same thing is happening with Bershan, I am actually starting to go back and wonder if Leah's questionable choices have not been, too, due to producer intervention.  
Not that Leah is not capable of being tedious on her own, but in hindsight most of what we are seeing this season seems to be housewives trying to make things happen, which is behavior producers worried about a small cast and no obvious storylines (since none of them have anything specific going on in their own lives unlike in past seasons) might try to encourage.

This is going to be a potentially unpopular suggestion but maybe they should consider not sticking to a strict filming schedule. Atlanta should have resumed filming RIGHT when the Porscha thing came out in public. And inversely if nothing of interest was happening to the NY housewives it was fine waiting an extra six months to film.


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Very strong start and the live ratings speak to it. This franchise has come into its own.

I found it laughable that Gizelle continues to act like her relationshit with Jamal was anything other than the lie that it is. She was wholly and totally unmasked at the reunion and her trying to play it off as some Covid long distance romance gone awry? No. 

I don't really see the point of Robyn anymore. Her narrative hasn't changed since the first season. 

Ashley seems like the most natural, easygoing mother, it's a great look on her.

Wendy openly admitted on Twitter to having had her ass done in addition to her breasts, and says she said so during the dinner, so it seems like production edited around it to try and make her look stupid. 

Karen seems very tired of Gizelle and I agree with @ChitHappens that some of what she said was beneath her. However, she was not, for one second, going to let Gizelle steamroll her. 


The producers are really showing their asses with this season and it's not a good look.

Bershan and Eboni both appear to be taking cues from producers and it's ruining both of them. 

I have loved Sonja this season and I think she was drunk and bewildered at Bershan coming for her. It made no sense at all given that she and Bershan had been laughing all day long and even walked arm in arm after the dinner at the Italian restaurant while Ramona looked for her scarf. I *loved* the scene about Ramona's inability to control her bowels. Sonja was laughing so hard and when she flipped the bottom of her boot to the camera, you just had to know the cameraman was dying of laughter. 

Luann is clearly wary of what she's seeing production do. Today she posted on her Instagram a throwback shot of the first season of RHONY and captioned it "OGs are hard to come by..."

The Daily Mail article rings the most true. This season has been awful, producers know it, the dismal ratings speak for themselves and in my view it's all productions fault. People want escapism, they do not watch these shows to have an afterschool special every single episode, week after week. If they want to fix this show it's simple: Fire Leah, probably fire Eboni, rehire Dorinda, if they can get Bethenny pay her whatever it takes, and bring on a new person with actual ties to the cast.

RHONY has always had an edge because its cast actually knew each other and the organic relationships spoke for themselves. What we are seeing now is inauthentic producer driven garbage at its worst. 


I really enjoyed this week's episode as Erotica Lame goes for her Oscar. Camille Donatacci Grammar Meyer posted a delicious little something on her social media where she said that when they went swimming in the Caribbean that EJ's mascara stayed put...I had to ask myself the same question: she didn't wear waterproof? This is performance art for her. She is going for broke with her wronged woman / martyr act. 

Kathy continues to be this kooky presence that I love to watch. She makes Kyle look good and I suspect Kyle knows this.

Rinna has been the best version of Rinna in many seasons and I too am ashamed to admit I knew several of those designer dresses from her soap days. 

It amazes me how many times the Coven says things like "innocent till proven guilty" and "we need to believe her!" when they tortured LVP and called her a liar left, right, and centre, despite her brother dying by suicide during that period of time. They just plain hated her. 

I have to wonder when the editing might turn. I saw glimmers of it with Garcelle...time will tell. 

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Cheap said it all, but yeah...Kenya came back like a boss in Season 12, but it wasn't long before her marriage crack started to show and she was bitter AF. Snakegate didn't help.


Ahhhh Season 7...Team Pretty vs Team Beasts. Good times!!!

Claudia Jordan Shares Fun Times And Hard Times ~ Tamara Tattles



OOooooo...things are about to get good....

Lol at Camille. I saw that, too and giggled so hard. But I stand by what I said after a second watch. Erika felt her most real in her very last confessional in the episode. You know I do not even like her and I feel for the most part she is 'acting' but that last scene actually felt raw to me...which honestly surprised me. 


And I lmfao at Rinna and her dresses. I felt sooooooooo old recognizing so many of her dresses. 


I'm curious. What did you see? Cuz other than this one moment when she was talking to Kyle, I think I might have missed it.

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