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Now THIS is much better. This conversation is full of layers. It touched on everything that came before. It had no rights and no wrongs. And it was all out there. And it illustrated what I just said above about the episode before...Eboni for good or for bad is pushing too hard. Yes, there should be a push because it is very much needed. But look at Eboni's approach with these women vs said...Garcelle's with Sutton last season on BH. They went out. Garcelle asked some blunt questions. Sutton got offended, but said so. Garcelle apologized. Then they kept it moving. A year ago, they are such BFFs and continue to be, color be damned. The closeness Eboni gets to this is her friendship with Sonja which I continue to love. But due to that fact that Eboni is showing that she can connect to someone NOT Leah (Production's IT Girl) akin to Garcelle and Sutton does make a person again question if she has an agenda and is just pushing for the sake of pushing, not for awareness.

On the other hand I felt Bershan nailed it when she said it was about delievery, not message. I also think Sonja nailed it as well in that they should bring this out into the open so they can move past it and at the same time acknowledged if it was ever just be crazy fun again. Then it felt like an attack on Ramona, but at the same time Ramona had been taking all the information in and still it does not feel like it's good enough. So again...I felt it was a layered conversation. And that is not to mention all the side agendas. Like off the top of my head...Lu almost calling Eboni a hypocrite cuz...Lu. Leah attacking Ramona for more than just being Eboni's friend. Eboni annoyed at Bershan for reasons that had nothing to do with the present talk. Sonja...I love you, but pot...my bad caldron stirring. 


THE MINGLING. There was quite a lot of it. And I didn't hate any of the combinations. Lu, Bershan, and Sonja bonding over vibrators. Sonja, Eboni, and Leah bonding over the matchmaking (see how Sonja moves among this group?). Bershan and Ramona. Ramona and Eboni when Eboni isn't trying to bait her. It was just nice. 

THE TWINS. Same, Sonja. SAME.

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SONJA/EBONI. Yaaaassss!!!! I was hoping the matchmaking comment was not a throwaway so I was happy to see Eboni and Sonja bond on the way to Jeresy to meet Eboni's matchmaking friend. I loved the sit down. And now it's like a recurring plot because I want to see the guy Eboni's friend found. And it is just interesting how well they get each other.

THE CONVERSATION. Again...layers.

BERSHAN. She really is a breath of fresh air.


THE ATTACK. That was probably the closest NY has ever come to a BH gang up and it was not pretty. Thankfully, the NY girls are not the Coven. While I liked the conversation, I did not like that Eboni was all 'I'm not meaning you LuAnn.' Since Sonja is good with Eboni and Bershan is still too new, Eboni could only mean Ramona. And Leah is all too happy to be against Ramona. Just...ugh. Leave that to BH please. I like my NY ladies fun.

THE REPEAT. And also like BH, NY has been having the same situation over and over and over again. Let's get some movement away from that. 

Well...look forward to see what starts Sonja vs Bershan since they seem to be getting along great so far. 






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This is where I am at personally - especially knowing about her mom and that her own politics are complicated. Producers are prodding her to do this.
Again, even if Eboni had been genuinely the one constantly bringing it up, the producers could choose to edit out redundant conversations. Fact they are leaning on it so much means they think this is compelling which in turn confirms that they clearly put Eboni up to it.
So I don't want to judge Eboni solely on this; but whoever produces that season needs to be out. Bad bad call: patronizing AND bad TV, a terrible combination.

Edited by FrenchBug82
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Always nice to see Harry Hamlin in an apron with his face on it. His presence makes Rinna a more relatable person, but she does seem a bit... distant with him. When he leaves, Rinna's personality goes into Life of the Party Mode and she does (as Danny Pellegrino terms it) "a lot of 'ACK! ACK!' work." 

Everyone adores Kathy Hilton, and I enjoy her, too. But "Who is Hunky Dory?" C'mon. She knows what that means! Kathy is amping up the kooky FOH bit. As @FrenchBug82 points out, FOH is the sweet spot. All the positive attention without the full-time work and negative scrutiny. Kathy's Hunky Dory work (!) suggests to me that production is closely and carefully rebuilding BH line by line. Keeping it light and fun with just enough drama, and all the women know what to contribute. That doesn't take away from my enjoyment of BH's most improved season in a long time, but I am aware that things are carefully calibrated and curated, and that includes the image Kathy may want to project of herself. 

Oh, I saw! Did you see the blue (not green or clay) tennis court? And her blue-and-white living room? The concept was full Wedgwood china, after the blue-and-white 18th century porcelain. Even her PJs matched the theme! 

Sutton gifts things to people in order to secure friendship (peak Beverly Hills). She wants very much to be seen as thoughtful and generous. Which is why her forgetting to get Garcelle a gift was completely OOC. When it turned out Kathy, Kyle and Crystal went in on a gift together, Sutton got full FOMO, and in her mind probably thinks they excluded her on purpose (which, judging by Kyle's smirk and pot-stirring, may be correct). Sutton also fears that Garcelle will pick Crystal over her because of the gift and because they share a connection. Hence the full high-school meltdown.

Speaking of High School, remember those TV shows in the 90s/00s set in SoCal's hyper-bitchy teenage world (Buffy, Laguna Beach, etc) ? I feel like Teenage Crystal may have been honed in that kind of environment. She hit the nail on the head when she said Sutton was jealous, but truthfully Sutton imploded even before she said or did anything.

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I mentioned this before but Eboni's line "I want to know if you are aligned with white supremacy" seemed like a rather formal line taken from Twitter. I'm not sure how each woman would have answered the implied question here. Maybe I am reading too much in the statement. Maybe it was just rhetorical. In which case... was it meant to lead anywhere?

Eboni's mom and her own work at Faux News add complexity and something personal to Eboni, which I think makes the issue more layered and interesting. But production had (up until this episode when the problem of what this season has become got laid out on the table and debated by the women) initially kept talking points to more general pronouncements.  

Also Taoboi hit the nail on the head:

IA. They're not The Coven, and Ramona is slippery enough to deserve it. However, Eboni, Leah and Sonja knew what they were setting up here -- a confrontation (mainly because Ramona has actively pursued a close relationship with That Fam'bly and that is probably unconscionable, a step too far, for many). After using the language of social justice to back up Eboni, Leah's mask slipped and she screamed at Ramona that she was the worst person ever... that's when I knew she was hiding behind the issue to go after Ramona personally.

Edited by Cat
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The thing thats ruining NY is the same thing that ruined DC. Its leaning way too heavily into politics and forgetting that we go to these shows for fun. BH addressed these issues and kept it moving. NY however seems to be fixated on it and its going to be its downfall. With that said I do like the season overall but the constant politics and race talk can be draining

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Well, I see Ashley vs Candiace is back. Hehe. Coming in messy from Episode 1. Then again, I forgot about the finale fight from last season. So that makes sense.


Oh, the truth? Really? Where was this truth when 'Is Jamal Coming?' asked? lol.


Looks like it will be fun. 



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Ashley should learn that she maybe messy...but Candiace will verbally destroy her.  Has done it since season 3.  Ashley just focus on the babies and your hair...and egg on Robyn.

Karen/Gizelle has always fascinated me.  I think both hold some affection for one another...it's why they needle one another.  

Karen/Gizelle...and Luann/Ramona are the frienimies (sp?) we needed in our lives.




Leah can have a seat with lecturing anyone.  Anyone that uses the elite to get their kid into a private school needs to sit down.


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Meh. The more I watch, the less I am liking of her.

While I understand, we also have to understand: this season was filmed during a very high-profile and important election in America, and clearly it means a lot to Eboni, especially in comparison to the ignorance of Ramona. I get it can be draining, but, it's long overdue for the New York franchise. People wanted the diversity, but, they didn't want the honesty that came with it. And that's the honest truth.

I'm going to say it: the platinum blonde does not work on Karen. The darker hues are much more complimentary.

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