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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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New York:


So in the trailer for the season, Leah called Heather a Karen...but has she looked in the mirror?

It would be one thing if Leah embraced being the villainess...but I think she believes she's the one everyone is rooting for.  I think someone had one too many shots of delusion.


Eboni seems cool..but being put out because her ex fiance put his kids first leaves me to think she's a tad selfish...perfect for the show lol.  


Ramona is so out there...but I can't help laughing at her.  Especially her misunderstanding of 'cancel culture'.


I'm not sure I can hold on for the season...Leah is just unbearable....she lacks Bethenny's ability to joke and lacks Heather's nurturing vibe.

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Two things: 

1) Going forward I might just watch this season with ice cream. Both go down soooooo good together. lol.


2) I see what that tweet I posted earlier meant. And THIS was just after two days? WOOOOOOWWWW!!! My body may be tired from work, but I was not at all bored with this fun escapade.


I don't even know where to begin in how much I enjoyed this. I continue to love Eboni and I love how game she is for anything with these women. I am shocked at how well she and Ramona are getting along, but still able to be straightforward with her and still let Ramona be Ramona. Same with her interactions with Sonja. I loved so much how she was having Sonja's back while everyone was being (except for Ramona, but Ramona was being...well...Ramona about it) 'oh that is just Sonja' with a glib air. She seem like she was actually listening and respecting Sonja. And the vindication came when she was talking to William who say word for sober word what drunken Sonja said. Meaning Sonja was right. It was not just Sonja being drunk and nutty. Early reports seem to say by the end of the season Sonja and Eboni won't be getting along which saddens me because I am loving their dynamic so far and how she handles Sonja in a way that the others IMHO do not. 




WELCOME TO WONDERLAND INDEED, ALICE. Wow. That winery lunch was bananas!!!! It started so simple. And it was so fun. And then just like that it went left. Then it went back to normal. And then it went from 0 to 100 with the quickness of a hurricane and it was crazy. If Eboni wanted a taste of what it was like to be around the girls, she got it right then and there. Liked Eboni being straight with Ramona over the help comment. I liked Ramona owning her foot in mouth. I hollered at the flashbacks of all the times Ramona has been...well Ramona...with customer service. Then you had Leah coming for Ramona over last reunion and COVID with Eboni and LuAnn as moderator. And then Sonja just off in her own little world, but still ribbing Ramona. Then Ramona having a meltdown. Then Leah having a meltdown. Just WOW.


FLASHBACKS. As you all know I didn't start NY from the beginning so those flashbacks of Ramona and Countess Luann was cute. 


MOMENTS. I liked a lot of the little moments. How to explain. Say what you will about Leah (and I will

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 ), I do respect that she is trying to walk that sober line with LuAnn and like that she is letting Lu vent about her anxieties of being around bars and being tempted to drink. And also Leah holding Lu accountable with the wineglass. Then just all the little interactions between Eboni and Sonja. They have such potential as friends. Then you have Leah and Eboni and they are a good duo...think Ex Soap Opera Star/Eileen BH S5...you know the dramatic one and the one who is not dramatic, but hold their own. Then there was LuAnn rolling her eyes during Leah vs Ramona while Eboni and Sonja had a moment where they tried to coy Ramona into just stopping the drama by saying if she did or did not do antibodies. There were just so many moments that show how much this dynamic stayed popping. Nothing felt old hat, though we know these ladies well enough to know what to expect from them. And...love them. Bringing me to...


WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH SONJA? Because her cracks are really showing. And I feel like the ladies see it, but they DON'T see it. Thinking perhaps it is typical Sonja, but it appears to be anything but typical Sonja at the same time. I like that Eboni is seeing through it. But perhaps that is why they may fall out in the future. But I am intrigued. 


GARTH. WOOF. I giggled at Sonja shading LuAnn about him though. 




LEAH AND THAT DARN SEASON 2 CURSE. It's funny that I compared her to Ex Soap Opera Star. Because she appeared to be doing what she does...starting stuff to stay relevant. Picking on Ramona for last reunion. Which would have been great if she had started from Episode 1. Since Ramona and she had gotten along so far, she just seem like starting drama for no reason. Then I was not at all liking 'the plan for Heather.' Really trying to start something with her and the ladies. Ramona MIGHT have fallen for it, but it was clear they were mostly paying Leah dust on that. 


OWN IT!!! Granted it was still funny. But for once it would be nice if Ramona owned it and did what Eboni said she should do during her argument with Leah. Either said she lied. Or not. Simple as that. Of course that would not have been fun, but Leah was winning because she would not answer the question.










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@Taoboi omg I want to watch RHONY so much now! Ugh, why must I be in a different time zone. And you absolutely must do everything you can to catch up with Seasons 1-6! You will not be disappointed, I promise you.



Melissa didn't want the BH premiere to overshadow NJ Reunion tonight! She also didn't want Jennifuh to overshadow her fake ass. Team Fake really underestimated Jennifer's popularity with the fans.



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@Cat I know, I know, I know. So many shows...soooo little time.

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 But yes last night was good. 


I've been so busy getting ready to switch jobs I forgot all about NJ. HAHAHAHA!!!! So two shows tonight...I'm ready. 

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@CatIm going to keep Melissa in my prayers because Jennifer is the last woman she should want to mess with. Jennifer can tear these women up with ease. Melissa needs to chill and keep collecting her allowance for being Teresa’s sister in law. 

My thing is, I don’t think Heather is innocent, nor do I think Heather is the type to deny what she said. Heather can hold her own. My issue is that none of it has anything to do with Leah and she’s not mentioning stuff in context. It’s so obvious now that all the pre show press about Heather came from Leah. She’s doing damage control because she knows she came off bad. I have never liked Leah’s Anti-Me Too, Trump supporting racist ass so I’ll admit I’m biased, but I cannot stand her. She is so phony and such a hypocrite IMO. 

I think what we’re seeing with Sonja is a flashback to when she was having money problems with that movie lawsuit. It’s always money that gets her like this and in feelings about the past. This is also coming off her losing that Century 21 deal so she may have lost money from that. I do know that she’s closed a new deal with Walmart, but we could be seeing her worrying about her finances in the current episodes. The one big mystery for me though is why she is so mad at Luann and Ramona. Even on WWHL she said she’s not speaking to them. It’s so random!


All in all I will say:


After three episodes, New York is officially back. I feel like from here on out we’re good. Eboni has been introduced and is comfortable being open and frank with the ladies and with Heather we will have a sixth woman. Once she leaves we’ll have Bershan so that will continue to help for those who feel five wives aren’t enough. I have faith in these ladies!



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Ah! I did not think it would hit her so hard though this time. And I soooo heard about the WWHL appearance...another layer soon to come.

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Well, I hope you saw my tag yesterday because with only five, they got 2 days of footage already because the ladies are soooo good at showing so much. And Holla Girl is coming.

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See this doesn’t surprise me. New York isn’t like some cities where you film and film and can’t use the footage. They always deliver. Ramona said this season is going to be longer than last year. 

Also the Hamptons is just *one* trip. So much of the trailer is coming just from this one trip. I bet production loves working with these ladies. They make the job easy for them. 



LMAO! Like I said, Melissa picked the wrong one!



Edited by Chris B
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We are seeing a new Ramona. She must have spent extensive time with HR bc she is onher best behavior when it comes to Eboni. I was surprised how receptive she was to criticism when in the past, she'd have blown it off and clapped back. I dont like her but I'll give her credit


I love Eboni and what she brings but I hope Bravo isnt using her to check all the women about microagressions and racisms. There has to be more to her than that. Obviously that needs to be addressed but the way the edit is playing out, its like all her interactions with the ladies is about talking about how she doesnt typically hang out with white women and needs to educate them. Im cringing at how the LuAnn confrontation ends up next week


Drunk Sonja was so much fun, even if she was getting a bit uncomfortable. Girl you are an alcoholic and need to just admit it. I couldnt stop dying laughing at that ending bc it was pure lunacy


As for Leah and Heather, she does seem to have a vendetta but I never liked Heather and it appears that the stuff Leah was saying was true. If you talk sh-t then be preapred to be called out on it

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We haven’t even hit a full week of Eboni filming though. So it could be she’s working this stuff out now and trying to move forward. From the trailer we know that she felt a relief when Bershan joined because she said she didn’t wanna feel like she had to educate them. 

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Oh, yeah. I heard this season of NY should be around 20 episodes. And Oooooo I did not think about that. I only know of the Hampton trip. And wasn't there one last cast trip that got delayed because someone got CoVid, making the other ladies mad?


Jennifer said WHHHHHHHHHHHHHATTTT???????? I


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I don't think Heather has a problem standing by what she said openly. She's never been the kind to back away from it.
Problem is Leah SEEKING out what she could possibly have said that might offend the other ladies who had no problem until then. All Heather said was in public domain. If the other ladies cared, they could have followed. They didn't.

So that's just petty drama-instigating with someone she doesn't even know.

My favorite is when she says "I have to call her out on it now because if she says this of people she knows, what is she going to say about me?"
Well, Leah, I know what she will be saying about you *now*.

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