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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Sounds like Sutton got her diamond.

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Latoya is supposingly saying she ain't coming back for Season 14. Production is being mute. 

Those are both good to hear.





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@Taoboi That’s really great news to hear about Sutton. She was a delight to watch, and a major reason why I enjoyed season 10. It’s so funny how things change too. Erika was easily a favorite of mine, I never though in a million years I would be rooting for her to get dragged LMAO!


As for Latoya, I’m not sure it’s wise to lose her. She was the match that got the ball rolling for me. I enjoyed her as Kenya 2.0.

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Kary is a vacuous trashpot.


I know nothing about living a rural

life or hunting -- and neither does Kary. She was a guest in Charles' neck of the woods, and she treated him like he was trash. What poor behavior. Oklahomans on this trip have seemed nothing but lovely. Stephanie was way too nice forgiving Kary and coddling her like she's a small child. She should have insisted that Kary apologise to him also.

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Stephanie was way too forgiving of that camera-hog. She had to apologise on her behalf to Charles who apparently was hurt and upset. I would have insisted that Kary apologise to him personally for insulting him and treating him so rudely. 


Maybe Kary thought that kind of 'humor' would be amusing to a Bravo audience. However, nobody wants to see someone, who has come in good faith to show the cast around, be belittled like that.

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What the frak was that???


I admit that I got some giggles from the episode. However that was a nothing burger. Perhaps it was because it focused on everyone that I don't like. Stephanie. Kary. Brandi. Yeeeeeeah no. 


All I have to say about it really is...


THAT OPENING. Well, the first leg of LeeAndra vs Brandi is over. And LeeAndra WON. Brandi knew she was not going to win that gangup. And yep...even with everyone on her side, she was not going to win. Why? Because anyone with any common sense could see that LeeAndra was coming across sympathic and WRONG. So if she did not accept the apology, Brandi would not have been no on in the wrong.


BRANDI. And that said, I'm going to say this...FAKE A$$ BITCA. Every time I saw her I said. Something else I said...?



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I mean...SERIOUSLY. She was foul from start to finish. So I said THIS a lot last night as well. The backlash she got on Twitter was DESERVED.


And it seems the reunion is either being filmed today or tomorrow. So a sign this season is over. And I'm officially over it. They have totally lost their momentum. And unlike the NY girls, these girls cannot carry the rest of the season on the strength of their charm and personalities. They don't have any. 





@Cheap21 well rumblings are to be believed Sutton is keeping her D&C heel on Erika's neck. And being messy. As long as her and Garcelle are good, I don't care. It just seems like she's living up to her 'well are we going to be honest or not?' potential. I am curious to see if Garcelle will ask some things of Erika or will her and Sutton be like the  Ex Soap Star/Eileen duo from Season 5/6 with Ex Soap Star pot stirring and Eileen moderating somewhat/voice of reason. It also sounds like unless they do what they did with RHOA this season, the trailer will be next week.



@DemetriKane it sounds like she has some juicy drama going on with her ex right now so I think Latoya is not wanting to be showing it. But it sounds like Production sees what you see. And probably wants to film said drama. 


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That was so beautiful. *wipes a tear*


God, it was so night and day from DALLAS. But again, the difference says so much. Because we know I am Team Teresa/Dolores/Jennifer on this trip, even Team Mean Girls have enough personality to outshine the girls on this week's DALLAS. 


And again a very much special thank you to Production for taking Corona seriously. From the waiter talking about protocols for the tables (in his mask) to the cast showing up with masks on before they have to film to even the preparations for Nono's celebration, they were on it. And it really gave me such a respect for them that they are taking the protocols like soaps have been doing, but still trying to keep some normalcy to their filming. 


I choked up at the Gia montage. Sorry. I did not know how close her and Nono were. And the celebration was so beautiful. The swans. Jennifer's gift to Joey and Teresa...something a REAL friend would do and just how she would know to do that...showed some research. All the grandchildren making it. The picture with the swans. well done.




JOEY VS MELISSA. Honestly I was not sure how fake it was. Silly? Yes. Entertaining? Actually yeah. I've said that Melissa has actually be bringing some stuff this season. And what was saying was...related and makes sense. People catch in a marriage/relationship often the longer they are with someone and she married at 24? Not surprising. So I got that. And it was resolved nicely. They were being a typical feuding couple and it was...cute. She was easily the only one bringing anything out of Team Mean Girl.


EVAN. Okay, not true. Evan is hot. So there's that.


TEAM TERESA/DOLORES/JENNIFER. God, even all of their white dresses for Nono's celebration went together. lol. But seriously, I've enjoyed all of their scenes. It just continued this week. It felt natural. Their husbands (or ex husbands) joining in was flawless...cuz I giggled at the Bill/Frank banter with Jennifer and Dolores wondering why Frank wasn't making breakfast. I hollered. They had each other's backs and yet knew when to let a member stand for herself. But knew when to say 'hey, no drama now.' And again, the sign for me that they are really, really gelling was Jennifer's gift to Joey and Teresa. You just don't know that and do something about that unless you are some real friends. JS.


GIA'S MONTAGE. God, I really loved that.


THE PUNKING. Hahahaha. I was right there with Melissa. I almost fell for it or thought it was a fake storyline. But then I caught on, too. Well played. God bless the househusbands for continuing to bring the fun. Not that the girls don't bring it, too.


TERESA/JACKIE. Wow. They talked like they had not been feuding since the start of the season. Who would have thought?


FAMILY. I continue to like the emphasis on families and how they relate. It makes me miss my extended family and awww. 




SO SHE'S MARGE? AND? I know you all like her. And I still give her her props when needed. But I just am no longer a fan of anything other than her tagline which yes does rock. I am at the point where I almost want to go and find the cabin scene where she talked about the boss again just to have receipts to back up Jennifer. It is not that serious. Jennifer is trying to explain why she did what she did. And Marge is being like Brandi with LeeAndra to me. Which means she is not coming across good to me. But to be fair, Jennifer has not issued an apology like LeeAndra did which would squash some of this. Still...not giving much right now. And we know Jackie is a non-factor...but even she was giving Jennifer the benefit of the doubt. 


CAN A MEAN GIRL HAVE A MOMENT? Speaking of giving props where props are due, THANK YOU MARGE!!! Whether it was real or not, I felt like Joey and Melissa arguing and none of Team Mean Girls leaving the room, but wanting to watch was messy. Even their men were staying as if...hello!!! private moment!!! Right when I was thinking that, Marge would say they should all beat it. So thank you.

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Overall that was a really great episode. Looks like more Jennifer family drama.



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Watching Jersey always reminds me of how the OC used to be in the first nine season.  Fun moments, husbands that were interesting(not necessarily likable though), family scenes, and some good fights.


I'm hoping during OC's hiatus, the producers study old episodes..and watch NJ to remind them of what they once were.


And I co-sign that Evan is eye candy.  Can he still appear even if Jackie is dropped?


Also, while it's nice Sutton got the best diamond on BH, I'm still remembering how well Brandi came across in her friend of season..and how nasty she was once she got a diamond.  So proceed with caution.


I haven't watched Atlanta this season..but seeing Drew in interviews...why was she given a peach?  She doesn't pop nor have that special thing that makes you want to watch.  Season 14 needs another revamp..imho

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I am pleasantly surprised to see how well New Jersey is bringing it this season, and Melissa is actually a big part of it, for once. 


Joey and Melissa's fight was very true to life and on the nose, as one of our good couple friends is literally having this same argument currently (the husband was the provider for many years while she stayed home with the kids; now the roles are reversed: he retired from the service and her career is starting to take off; the hubby can't handle her success and his newfound role as Mr. Mom).  It was interesting for Joey to mention a couple times how "the first 15 years of marriage has been great, but the last year not so much."  Geesh, men and their egos. Let your woman shine and f--k your pride with wanting to be the sole breadwinner. 


Otherwise, love the continuous fun banter between the wives and the [ex]hubbies. Dolores and Frank need to just be together and have an open marriage and let it be. They seem to be the type of couple where that would work. 


Jennifer instigated the fight last week re: Jen vs. Marge so it was tit for tat that Marge started something this time around. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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You know what it is for me? I buy the relationships between all these people. Putting the them together in two houses on the Jersey Shore was the perfect cast trip for them. We got more pathos and drama than if they'd ended up further afield. 


Also seeing this friendship group of  couples and kids hang out together made me miss the friendship groups I have which had to be paused by the pandemic. On this show, Covid intrudes on the periphery but there is comedy as well as drama and for that I am grateful. I could watch these people vibe all day, as opposed to some petty manufactured stuff over underwear. 


Was the Melissa-Joe fight for the cameras. Probably. But I didn't roll my eyes as hard as I expected to. There seemed to be a nugget of truth in some of this. Plus Joe is such a drama queen. 


The Nonno celebration brought tears to my eyes. We grew up with Nonno and Nonna on the show, and it also made me think of my grandma who lived with my family growing up. The Aydins' gift to Joe and Melissa was sweet. Anyway, I have big love for this episode because NJ is doing so much right at the moment. 

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