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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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PK has a history of stabbing business associates and former friends in the back, so why is he so butthurt about LVP and Ken giving him the cold shoulder? He knows what he did to warrant that. Meanwhile, he stays trying to shop some PK-Mauricio 'project' that nobody asked for.


As for Rinna, she rejoices in other people's misfortune, and that's an ugly quality (like hounding Kim on her sobriety for +5 years). LVP's financial problems and lawsuits are public knowledge, and PUMP has been closed since March 2020. I cannot think of one restaurant or bar in North America which hasn't taken a hit during the pandemic.


LVP lost both her BH and VPR paychecks, but she worked to score new projects. Meanwhile, Rinna stays in her wig closet Instagramming. That Budget Hadids show she planted in the press prompted the swiftest denial from E!/NBC Universal I have ever seen. Even struggling E! wants no part of it.

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So Jackie does a redo on hubby's bday party because the original was marred by the cheating rumors...yet all they talk about during the redo is the rumor?  


The logic, or lack thereof, fascinates me.


So what are everyone's instincts saying...did he or didn't he?

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he did it and the party reaked of insecurity. The fact that Marge's husband admitted that he heard it in his house before suggests that Marge was discussing it her gfs indepedent of Teresa. Teresa didnt make up the rumor but its been circulating around town. Where there's smoke, there's fire

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Now why is it that Dallas go on a vacation and I feel meh, but Jersey is also on a trip and I'm ALL FOR IT!!! I hate to admit that I wanta party with them. lol.


I thought it was an easy breezy episode with some fun moments (Jennifer and Melissa getting along, Jennifer and Melissa playing matchmaker with the 27YO who was FOINE and Teresa, flashback to Teresa and Dolores running off) to some good moments (Jennifer following Dolores's advice from last episode and being straight with Melissa). And if there was anything, anything Jackie popped up or came up in conversation, the fun STOPPED. Thankfully, it was like stumbling over a block. You do it. Then you KEEP WALKING.

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I am so excited for next week. I think some of you know that Michelle was supposed to be a new housewife if I am not mistaken. And she is giving Joey and Melissa story for sure. And next week from preview clips looks like a MESS. Other than the Evan Cheating, it is the other running main storyline (and Teresa post-Joe) and this Michelle really was working for that spot. Not since the reunion have I've seen Melissa so triggered. 


TERESA. I'm not at all bothered by her at the moment. At least she is having fun. At least she got the ball rolling with being messy. And since she did not start said Evan rumor...which is starting to feel least like a rumor given the clues already presented...I can't fault her like she did. I think it was funny that while she is keeping the fun going, Teresa was also keeping that feud somewhat alive. Not that Melissa and Marge helped. Thankfully, she was more focused on flirting...and her pool boy (who will be at the party filming next week with the guys) is FOINE!!! 


MARGE. Side-eye. I like that everyone seem to think it was just Marge gossiping. But has anyone thought that perhaps Teresa got the rumor from someone who was at Marge? Or that basically it came from Marge in the first place, but she never thought it would turn around and be said to her by Teresa? That pot stirring. And her case isn't helped at all by her man repeating that either? But I've been side-eying her for a while. So...we'll see.


JENNIFER. STAY bringing that humor, hunni. It was so needed. And I loved that she did not get dramatic at all and took Dolores's advice. She sat Melissa down. She explained delicately how she was feeling about them getting along. And then, she gave her the heads-up, making sure to come across that she was not trying to be messy, but being a friend. That's good. However, I just hope she does not stop keeping that heel to Melissa's neck. Keep her honest.


MELISSA. Well, look at her!!! Working for her Bravo check this year!!! From feud/frenemy drama with Jennifer. Not having Tre's back. Now this drama with up and coming Michelle. Well...I guess it's better than doing nothing. And it's good to see NO ONE has her back BTS...or not enough to be sure someone is not coming for her. So


JACKIE. Where there is smoke, there is fire. And for someone who does not want to talk about a rumor and want to do a do-over birthday party...why are you STILL talking about the rumor. Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Or has nothing going on in her own life to deflect it away. Your thirst just might be showing.


DOLORES. Her and David continue to have a weird (but real) relationship. Other than that, she was just being a good friend. 


BONUS...Joey defending his sister. Good for him. A certain sister-in-law could take lessons.  


Good episode and the season is pacing nicely with a great mix of things. And it does not at all feel repetitive. Yet. 



I'm soooo ready for the mess. 


SUR has recently reopened...allowing people to already start to wonder when VPR filming will resume. So LVP might still get that paycheck before the year is out.  


Meanwhile PUMP is not however going to be due to tax problems, but I am sure LVP will handle that. I just hope it happens swiftly. 

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@TaoboiThose do look interesting. I think the cast in the first pic would be strong enough not to need friends. Truly the only people earning their paychecks this year are Tiffany, D’Andra, Kary and to a lesser extent Kameron. It would shock me if Stephanie returned, but I fear they’ll keep her as an OG. She has brought as much as Jen Davis this season. If she didn’t have talking heads you wouldn’t even notice her. 

Also, this is a very in depth article about the micro aggressions Tiffany has faced. 

It’s sad that she’s thinking of quitting the show because the level of racism was so overbearing. 


Edited by Chris B
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I've thought about how i might act if my husband was accused of having affairs and if (a) it was true and I wanted to hide it, and (b) it was false and I wanted his name cleared. Overall, I think l would act pretty similarly, which is angry AF. Having said that, the second birthday party for Evan is too much. He looked like he was not really feeling it, and she only did it to stick it to Teresa, which shows you how shook she was. The problem with Jackie is that she can be smugly insufferable, and its hard to root for her (except when she's talking with her lovely little brother). She is very focused on singlehandedly keeping this rivalry with Teresa going, and she referred to RHONJ as "my show" last week, I assume in a bid to trigger Teresa on social media. The irony is, other than Teresa beep-beep-beep-beeping all the way down Marge's driveway in Ep 1, I'm not sure she thinks about Jackie all that much, certainly not as much as Jackie thinks about her.



That is a great article by Vice, by the way, thank you for posting it. Tiffany has been dropping hints for some weeks that she is not sure she would do a second season, and in this article does not diverge from that view. It would be a shame for me as a viewer because I think she has been a game changer for the franchise and she is one of my fave newbies. I don't usually warm to newbies this fast! She is smart, accomplished, self-deprecating, and not afraid to show her own vulnerability. In doing the latter, she has exposed some of the ugliest traits of her cast members, unfortunately. However, as a human being, I completely understand her wanting to step away from a toxic environment and prioritise her vocation which means a lot to her.

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Ugh. This is why I did not bother with continuing with RHOD after the first two episodes. It was pretty clear that Tiffany was going to be targeted and I could not stomach these ignorant women going after her. I don't watch Housewives to see so much ugliness reflected. Leanne was fired for racist behaviour, what of all of these women (sans D'Andra)?

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Can I just say regardless how we feel about Latoya, Bravo was stupid as hell to not give her a full-time peach position. 


Satan works hard but Latoya works harder. Girlfriend is making sure we have ample drama this season. 


If Bravo were smart, they'd start investing in Drew v. Toya. That is your Kenya v. Porsha 2.0.


It also gets murkier (and juicier) as Toya is starting to bite the hand that fed her (Kenya). Talk about a nice twist. It does not help either that even Porsha does not trust her. 


And next week, Falynn is about to be thrown into the mix as she and Toya bump heads. Jesus!


S14 cast needs to be: Kandi, Cynthia, Kenya, Toya, Drew, Falynn, Porsha, and the return of... Sheree! 

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