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Haven't watched RHOD yet but I'm going to in a few hours! Excited to watch after your report @Taoboi !



Twitter kindly reminded me about this moment, exactly 2 years ago yesterday. Ahhh, the good ole days! A simpler time, etc., etc.



Yes, it was Andy's baby shower, hosted by Kyle Richards so she could tunnel her way up his ass just that little bit more!


I consider this a turning point in RH lore. Maybe this was when it all went to Andy's head. It feels like his Truman Capote moment, with the baby shower akin to Capote's 1966 black & white ball (only low budget), and the HWs his 'swans.' Truman Capote had a pretty steep fall from grace after that, so word of warning, Andy.


The pics in this Tweet are making me laugh so hard. Look at how Lisa Rinna glommed onto Kyle and this baby shower, acting like she was the co-host -- even though Kyle put together and paid for the whole thing! And yes, there is Rinna photo-bombing the OG HWs pic -- even though she is neither. 

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 The thirst is oh so real!




Is that Andy trying a lowkey twerk on Phaedra? Not going to lie, I miss Phaedra on RHOA. How is Cynthia and her hair looking so perfect? 




So much to say about this shot (below):


First of all, it was after this very party that Giz, Robyn and Charrisse took out Candiace (but didn't invite Karen!) in order to plot against Monique and spread that Trainer Baby rumor. OOOOO. Was Ashley invited to dinner too?


Karen, Sonja, Marlo (and possibly Dolores) within close proximity of one another makes me want to see a show with just the three four of them!


Cynthia came with a wig which take 25% of the space and you know that was by design. I love her for it. She knew that the wig and yellow suit would pop in every shot!


[!@#$%^&*] Rinna worming her way into the photo next to Andy! Look at Ramona's face! You know she is pissed about that.


Vicki Gunvalson's face is also a picture, and that picture says to me 'I should be standing where [!@#$%^&*] Rinna is standing right now.'


Leeanne and Kameron trying to get in there behind Vicki like 


Jon Mayer and Tamra look like they are 30 minutes away from possibly hooking up.



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Teresa's tagline is too long, lol... I liked Margaret's the best. Overall, they're not so bad, just very wordy. I'm actually looking forward to their return. 


Oh, if those walls could talk... 


I couldn't agree more with your assessment of Rinna. Her thirstiness is written all over these photos. 


Notable no-shows: Only 2 from NYC? 


Gosh, I miss Tamra. Can't believe it because OC always flies low on my radar but she is so needed. 

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Marge and Dolores are my favorites. Sometimes it's in how you say it.

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@Cat thank you! There are even some funny moments I totally forgot to mention. lol. It was like a spoils of riches for comedy last night. And not just Brandi level humor.


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Gees Kary talked about how negative Leeanne was during the Mexico vacation and to not bring negativity into her world last year.


Flash forward one year and she's being super negative at D'Andra's event.  She is the queen of double standards.


Last season I was fascinated at the way Kary drove Leeanne crazy.  Now I realize it's because the two are so similar.

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IKR!!! This...and surprisingly RHOD now...have been my 'can't wait to see' HW shows since RHOP ended. 


I know none of us was sure when it was going to end so I figured I should posted it now. So it was a nice short season. 


On the good side, I guess we should be getting a reunion trailer soon-ish?



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Regarding SLC. I, for one, am relieved that the finale is next week. I can't take another episode of no-neck Jen Shah having a screaming fit over contrived BS. It is literally turning me off the show.


ETA: And this is exactly my point. I don't blame Living Mannequin (thanks @DaytimeFan !) Meredith Marks from disengaging yet again.




Only 2 from RHONY is shocking. I thought Dorinda would be all over an event like this. I'm bummed Luann wasn't there to sing Feelin' Jovani and make Dorinda's head explode, but this might have coincided with Lu's Can't-Be-Seen-Drinking-In-Public era. I am not at all surprised Bethenny didn't show. She thinks she is bigger than Bravo so of course she didn't want to be seen associating with other HWs. The event wasn't about her, so no point in showing up.


LVP wasn't there, either. I think was around the time she was being ousted from BH.


What's interesting to me is that three-quarters of the RHOD and RHOP casts showed up! Also, the story goes that Danielle Staub showed up and wasn't on the guest list, but made such a stink that they let her in. Why isn't Teresa Giudice in the group picture, though? She deserves to be.


Tamra looks damn amazing for her age here. It goes without saying that she is needed on OC. Some are saying that OC is so ruined now, there is just no reviving it (I think it still has potential, but Kelly and Braunwyn are poisonous for the franchise).

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I’ve been calling for this for two years and I hope Andy is serious. It’s time. I know everybody thinks the solution is to bring back Tamra, Heather and a slew of others and there may be a place for some of them, but I need a major change. I didn’t watch the season but watched the reunion and there are no redeeming factors. I’m not talking about one or two newbies, they need to take their time and come up with a fresh dynamic that works. 

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Agreed. Simply hiring Tamra back and putting it all on her shoulders to 'save RHOC' won't work. Tamra herself admitted in the Danny Pellegrino interview that OC has not felt right since Heather left after S11. Tamra seemed to imply it was due to Heather being the missing ingredient, but IMO it was more a case of OC was unable to coalesce in S12, S13, S14 and S15. If I'm being honest, OC has never fully gotten over the Brooks cancer scam.


Having said that, IMO, S14 was the best the RHOC has been in a long while -- the chemistry clicked and there was not one filler episode the whole season. It was a fun ride! And it worked because Tamra pot-stirred like a champ throughout. 


Bravo was too hasty about getting rid of the OGs in its hunt for a younger demographic. Obviously the network had no idea a global pandemic was around the corner. The pandemic has definitely affected how I view Kelly and Braunwyn today versus what I 'tolerated' before (although I always thought Rage Monster Kelly was overhyped and a disaster waiting to happen without any checks on her behaviour).


Honestly, they could have scrapped this season, we the audience would have been none the wiser! Then they could have launched a new S15 RHOC trying out a mix of current and new cast.

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Definitely ditch Kelly Dodd. I've never understood her hype from the get-go. Just a crass, sloppy-sounding, ignorant woman.  I'm over Shannon. Braunwyn murdered herself and I'm not sorry to see her go. If Tamra returned, alongside Heather (I'm down for that), I could see them keeping Shannon because Shannon and Tamra would no longer be the BFF's; they'd be enemies. Interesting to see Andy Coken (spelling error intended) chime in with the "reboot" remark. Clearly, big changes are in store for OC going forward. Good. 



On one hand, yes, it's sad to see the finale already happening next week. But on the other hand like @Cat mentioned, they really can't ride this Jen Monster Mess for anymore episodes. Other than Jen going batshi† crazy, I really liked the dynamic between Meredith/Lisa and Heather/Whitney spending time together. For awhile, I thought those two groupings would steer clear of one another, but Meredith and Lisa behaved like mature adults and accepted Whitney's apology and moved on and strived to have fun and *engage* together. 


The hypnotist woman was kinda kooky. And too many chachkis in her home. I wanted to shove everything off her crowded coffee table. 


Side note: I appreciated Meredith's confessional remark about why she disengages from intense confrontations; it triggers her upbringing, being in between two quarreling parents. Makes sense. Those lil nuggets of info help round out why they behave the way they behave.


Now as for Jen, there's no excuse for her behavior, unless having cameras surrounding her trigger a cookadoodledoo response. I swear, she has blind rage and doesn't realize the things she says and does. She looked legit confused when Heather rightfully called her out on all the awful things she said and did to everyone single one of them. LOL at everyone boldly raising their hand saying they don't trust Jen. 


Anyhow, looks like the finale at Heather's opening will be good. Glad they included Mary. 

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