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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yeah, the real world events have definitely dampened the spirit of dishing about Housewives, but here goes.... 


NJ: Great promo! Looks juicy and messy with all the couples going through stuff. Yikes. 


Their cast photo is the epitome of Jersey: overly done up and spray tanned to the max. Although same could be said for Beverly Hills' overly done glam, just with lighter shades of spray tan goo. 


Who'd o' thought we'd have another 3 straight years of the same cast, the way we thought Caroline/Jacqueline/Teresa/Melissa/Kathy would never end? Yet, this current crop of women don't feel played out yet. Good. 


ATLANTA: Okay, I know I'm going to hell for saying this, but I finally realized who Riley reminds me of... Cleveland Jr. from Family Guy. It's something about the voice. I lower my head in shame though stifling a giggle. 


OC: That was such a ho-hum finale to wrap-up a ho-hum disappointing season. It felt like the finale party on the beach was filmed weeks after everything else. So Braunwyn officially came out. Yay. So Kelly was overly harsh on Braunwyn. Whatevs. So Shannon's friendship is all about ME-ME-ME to Gina the way she was ME-ME-ME to Tamra and used Vicki as a deflection as her marriage was falling apart.  Bottom line: Shannon is a shi† friend.  I really don't think she creates any genuine friendships from this show; it's strictly for the cameras. 


Surprisingly, Gina and Emily came out this season the best. With the OG's gone, it felt kind of weird having Emily be the last castmember to get the write-up at the end. Ditto it felt weird hearing OC's iconic wrap-up music being used for this B Team. 


I dunno. It was a crappy season. They could've scrapped it altogether and I wouldn't have blinked an eye. Reunion will probably be everyone ganging up on Braunwyn. Whatevs.... 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Boohoo to Brandi and her tears. I have no sympathy to her
I LOVE Tiffany! She is the best addition to this show and ranks up there as one of the best across all the franchises. I love her closet
Kary continues to be annoying. Cant stand her ass
Deandra's father was incredibly wrong for killing himself knowing he had 2 wills. WTF?!? He planned to die but left his kids to fight it out. I dont like that
Who is that red head that keeps showing up? She did not get an intro. Was she going to be a wife? Is she an official friend? She can replace Brandi. Swap one redhead out for the next
The chicken feet looked good.I think Kameron should have been more open minded about trying it
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Originally Jennifer was going to be a new HW, and she definitely brought some drama the story goes. Also the story goes that her husband didn't want her to film. So she's just a FOH. Hopefully they show the drama she is supposed to be bringing.


Speaking of drama...over his a#$






ETA: Reunion trailer in FULL.










Well...DARN IT!!! WHOOOO????



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I heard that rumor as well. I didn't know to what extent? They really and truly have been keeping a lot under wraps this year and I have to admit that I like not knowing. Makes me seriously want to want from GO versus last season where a great season but I really didn't start much under around the ponytail pull a year ago this month. lol. 


I feel you. Today is going to be a news lite day for me. I've been keeping up thanks to the Politics thread here but even I have been needing breaks from it. But like you, when I sit down to watch HWs, I'm not all there. OC I saw in bits and pieces last night and I liked what I saw, but I was not INTO it. Meanwhile, I watched all of SLC (great episode, will write about later and the soap opera-ness turns on that...lol), but even I had moments where my mind was distracted. Actually I've behind on all my shows lol. My work schedule has slowly gotten back to normal, but I have been dozing off a lot this week. Once even with my laptop in my lap. 


As for DALLAS...I didn't like LeeAnne and D'Andra falling out. But I have not been disliking her this season really so far. I find it very interesting that when she is copying storylines on one hand, she is being like Ashley from RHOP and being transparent. She's upping her HW game and that can truly lead to longevity as long as she does not get toxic like her obsession LeeAnne. And as we know...she will do ANYTHING to keep that title of Queen Bee. She...dare I say...is becoming a fascinating oddity.

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@Gray Bunny I know, it's been hard. After what happened (and this feeling of a thugocracy closing in on us), I couldn't think of much else. Little by little, though, I am opening up to some RH silliness and hopefully you will, too, eventually, because I love reading your posts. 


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It was the RHONJ trailer which did it for me. When I saw Joe Gorga banging his fists on the table, I felt strangely comforted. We been here before, Baby Joe! And now I cannot wait for this mess of a season to start. Which will probably be in, like, March. 

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@alwaysAMC Soapy, entertaining, and it looks so beautiful! It is shot so gorgeously, the houses are insane, and many of these women look put together and stunning. Tiffany's closet was a DREAM. 


@Cheap21 Chicken feet are tasty! I love them. They're not even all that gross to eat. 

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Alright, so I decided to watch the rest of the season on a cold Saturday last week and watched last night's finale. 


In a word: awful. What an absolute zero of a season. Joyless, entitled, disgusting. And truncated to the point that I had to question why it was even aired. 


The only people who came off well were Gina and Emily.


Gina had the most fulsome storyline and easily came off the most likeable. She felt real and accessible. 


As some have mentioned, Emily had the season that Shannon wanted to have when it came to her Covid-19 diagnosis. Shane had the comeback of all comebacks where his sense of humour and ability to roll with the punches was a highlight. Their kids were adorable. 


Shannon is just so mean and emotional and awful that she was always going to make a pandemic all about her. This season really highlighted Shannon's worst qualities and she was so unlikeable. 


Elizabeth, in any other season, might have been far more interesting than this season allowed because oh, there are more layers to her than a lasagna. 


Kelly was non-factor. She had zero storyline and is unlikeable. She is one who I can't articulate any storyline for her. 


No one is more unlikeable, however, than Brown Wind. Somehow, she was able to incinerate all the goodwill the audience would/could/should have had for her with a combination alcoholic/coming out storyline. That was a first - but she's so vacuous and self absorbed that I watched it and concluded I didn't care to hear about her and all her selfishness ever again. 




I am still absolutely loving this show. 


Heather is a dream and a delight. She gave an interview this week on Danny Pellegrino's podcast that is a very fun listen. She is just as she appears on television. 


Jen is burning through storyline like a forest fire - she comes across as unhinged and my lord Coach Shah is a patient man. 


Whitney was the bigger person to smooth things over and apologize.


I don't like Lisa. She just seems mean and like a woman who thinks she's more important than she is. 


Meredith is like a mannequin - beautiful to look at but I have not seen or heard anything of substance from her.


Mary is tacky. That house? Heaving with excess? 


NJ Trailer


It looks like an incredibly juicy season full of mayhem. The thing with NJ is that the husbands really get in the mix. Joe Gorga is as much a HW as any of them - let's get him in the opening credits at this point.  

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The RHONY with Covid I feel has to be Leah. I haven’t seen her with the ladies. Sonja, Luann and Ramona just filmed an event last week (which may have included others) and Ramona is filming today. Sonja is traveling so I don’t see it being her. 

RHONJ looks AMAZING! I had no intentions of watching, knew nothing about filming and hey blew me away! I cannot wait! Also, similar to Dallas it looks like they’ll handle Covid very well. 

RHOD - I was shocked that it’s only week two and the ladies seem to be souring on Tiffany so quick. I feel like with Stephanie and Kameron I sense some jealousy. Yes both of them are rich, but Tiffany’s husband is worth more than them combined. I feel the same with Kary. 

Also, I know everybody hates Kary, but I think she is just the perfect messy housewife. She isn’t likable to me as a person, but I just love her in the mix because she is so messy. To me she carries the villain torch better than Leanne. I look forward to what she will bring. D’Andra remains a star and I just love her progression as a HW. She truly is a soap character. D’Andra and Tiffany are my dream team. 

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RHOSLC:  Meredith had the best approach to dealing with Jen.  She said she was disengaging and left the table.  So refreshing.


Heather..if you lose Jen's friendship..it will be the best day in your life.


Whitney...if even Mary is side eyeing you...you know you messed up.

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I can see that. Kary is doing the most to poke people and she obviously doesn't care if that makes her unlikeable. Sometimes we may not want them, but we do need HWs who are ok with being villains. I suspect Kary won't be be getting a free pass for her messiness, so that kind of makes her villainy ok. As the now-greatly-missed Tamra Judge is supposed to have once said, "If you're gonna talk sh!t, you gotta learn to take sh!t."


Hope Leah recovers soon, but you know Ramona has got to be feeling smug right about now.

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Speaking of...Kary came for DTM on Twitter this week. And DTM dragged her AND flexed her money while shading Kary's jewelry. It was a thing of beauty and hopefully she has this same energy for She Who I Will NEVER Like at the RHOD reunion.


It's not about just being okay with villainy. A person can be a villain and be okay with it and be fun. Example: Kenya Moore. Regardless of how she is being this season, she has redeeming qualities that are USUALLY greater than her potstirring which she does very well.


As for Kary...Lauren Conrad said it best...


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Trash Box. 

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Ya'll here for Wendy Williams as a Friend to the Miami housewives? On her show yesterday she let it be known to Andy that she wants to join the revival in that capacity. She was dead serious. Her team approve of it and she will make the commute bc her family lives in Miami. She'd fly down on Friday and talk about it on Monday. She says the ball is in Andy's court now


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If she did this, Nene would SEETHE! Wendy would only give her a phonecall cameo (not even Facetime)

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