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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Which production company does RHOD? The show looks visually gorgeous. The houses alone are magnificent. D'Andra in a long white dress going into her mother's mansion clearly referenced Scarlett O'Hara in front of Tara; Tiffany sitting in the gazebo in the garden with Mama Dee and D'Andra was breath-taking.


There is a lightness and breathability to the show without Leeanne. At the same time, I found myself looking around for her, wishing she would pop up every now and then. Leeanne left the show without proper closure -- and I say this as no fan of hers. But having Brandi around confirms for me that the xenophobia charge levelled at Leeanne was merely a means to an end for Bravo to get rid of her. Her attitude last season and the way she sucked the air out of every conversation was enough for Bravo to decide that her time on the show was running out.


Kary is still the same, whiny mean girl, desperate for relevance. She's thrown her lot behind trashpot Brandi, forgetting that it totally contradicts her no-excuses stance with Leeanne last season. She looks and sounds like a total moron. I am anticipating her downfall this season.


Trashpot... I can't. Scrunching up your face real hard and farting out one dry tear is not remorse. I don't care that she had to 'go away' for 'help' to come to terms with doing the slant-eye racist gesture on social media. F*ck off with that BS. I hate the way the other women were trying to pressure Tiffany into blowing off Brandi's racist episode. "But she's SO FUNNY!" So? And she is? I've never found her remotely amusing. This is some contrived redemption BS. I am stunned Bravo thought Brandi Redmond was worth this kind of whitewashing.


Tiffany is great so far and it's funny you call her Asian Kenya -- she actually reminds me a bit of Garcelle. So I may call her Asian Garcelle. She gave a speech about how Covid really does exist at the lunch, and seriously, was I the only one who felt some of the Fox News-watching HWs... pause somewhat-disbelievingly? The lack of masks on this show was giving me secondhand stress, like, I know this was filmed in the spring, we knew less then than we do now. But the visors aren't cutting it for me, lol.


Good to see Kameron and her family back. Random note, but I found her dog trainer seriously, seriously SO HOT. (Even though he wasn't wearing a mask LOL).



I have been hoping for a Sutton-Garcelle friendship ever since their lunch together last season where Garcelle asked all the nosy questions! I especially love that they've been hanging out together off-the-clock. That happens less on BH (unless you are Kyle trying to cultivate a new minion). I am really looking forward to these two next season.


And I couldn't agree more regarding Gizelle and Robyn. I find both of them to be lazy Real Housewives. Their SLs are basic and recycled, and even their pot-stirring is lazy. They'd rather somebody else do the heavy lifting, both on the show and in their real lives, it would seem. I can't understand why Bravo picked Gizelle as their 'unproblematic' face of the network, 'educating' Gina on OC about BLM and whatnot.


As for new HWs on RHOP, I always wondered if Star Jones might be a good fit. 

Edited by Cat
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@Chris B Omarosa?  Seriously?!  Hate her but O would have those ladies crying consistently.  She is a savage, quick on her feet and easily walks over the dead bodies.  None of the HW ladies on any franchise can successfully go toe to toe with O for an entire season.  

Edited by ChitHappens
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Wow - that Dallas premiere was really good.  It was so refreshing.  Kameron has slowly become one of my favorites - she cracked me up the entire episode.  


Tiffany is great and I hope I continue loving her.  She could be one of the best new housewives if she keeps it up.  She's so impressive with how smart she is, but also able to be a housewife and mother.


Mama Dee is also the best - I love her shade to her own daughter (the donut line was hilarious).  


Brandi - I've honestly always enjoyed her, and especially her friendship with the sweetest Stephanie - so even though she did this horrible video, I'm glad she's back and we're seeing the aftermath.  Having Tiffany here really helps, and that ending cliffhanger was great - I can't wait to see Tiffany continue her story to Brandi.


I can't stand Kary and thankfully she was barely on during the premiere.  She's just not likeable for me.  


That premiere has me excited for this season though - very positive!

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I am glad to hear that production is scrambling now that Monique left. Serves them right. Just proves that they were banking on painting her the villain again and now that's gone, they have to scrap everything. 


If I were Candaice and Gizzy, I would be nervous. Why? B/c new blood coming is when the old guards catch h*ll. I hope they don't think that the new blood is gonna be like Wendy. 

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Well...I stand corrected.


I've been expecting Shannon to bring the Co-Vid realness. But in a surprise twist, it's EMILY giving it. Shannon...well...darn...that went left quickly. I guess I should not be surprised, but you know what? I'm surprised. I just felt she would really take it seriously...and she did...then she just too focused on her man. Really, Shannon? lol.


And this episode was aptly titled. Elizabeth shedded her Vicki 2.0 persona and revealed what's underneath. And...well...that was pretty dark. It explains so much about her. I've written her off after the AIDS comment she made weeks ago, but knowing her history now, that might have been general ignorance on her part now that we know she was in a cult since she was 6 up until 15(?)...and being molested on top of that. And putting on a happy, funny persona to cope with brainwashing...oooh...that's an iffy situation. And unlike this week's DALLAS...I don't feel she said it to get sympathy or is playing victim. If anything she was going out of her way to not act like a victim. So I respect her for that.


But I found this episode had a lot of moments where expectations flipped a lot. From since I watched it before work, let's see if I can remember what I thought.

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SHANNON. I just cannot. I was so hoping that Shannon would be the one to educate people about Co-Vid. She had planned. She had to put up rules. She took precautions. I don't think she went out of her way to get it so the attention would be on her. However...wow. The...entitlement. I would think she should be worried about her children...even frustrated with them for bringing it around her. But...all she seem focused on was her man and him not having it or wanting him to get it (really, Shannon?) or she would get mad at her children because he was not there. See a theme? I expect better of her I guess. And surprisingly her children were not better...just sitting around rather than do anything? But I'm old school where my parents gave me and my siblings chores. Clearly they are not used to that. Just a bad look all around. Ironically showing how SOME families have been with Co-Vid.


EMILY. And then we have Emily who ACTUALLY educated us about Co-Vid. Her worry, her tiredness, her concerns were more real. And her experiences and how she voiced were more in lining with what I heard about families dealing with Co-Vid. Was she worried about Shane? Yes. And it showed. And she had feelings. And they were real. And it was like the fear of him dying showed exactly how much they care about each other. And the kids making signs for Shane getting out of the hospital. Yes I awwwed. I admit that I had concerns about if he was out of the house longer enough. Or her interacting soon enough...but at least they seem to address some of that so I cannot hate. Much. lol. I felt like she touched on all of what it was like to have Co-Vid and a family. So much so HER FAMILY was more important than potstirring or talking everyone...something I felt Shannon kept doing this episode, talking every day to them. Emily had family. She ain't had time for that until muuuuuuuuuch later in the episode. Says a lot about her. Says a LOT about Shannon.


KELLY. Oooooooooooooh, so Kelly had a Co-Vid scare. How interesting. Even more interesting how quip she's been about the whole thing up until now and continue to be. I just don't get it. Another thing I don't get...her bringing up her Mexican heritage...unless it's a preemptive strike given she knew she would not look good during this. I know I had a moment where I was like...why is her, Jolie, and Rich that close to each other? I love that when the scare happened, Gina was like 'bye.' lol.


GINA. Again...did not really notice her much. I know that I didn't like her interrupting a deep moment but it is what it is.


ELIZABETH. So you're a Xander Harris? Who knew? Buffyspeak aside, she finally dropped another of her walls to explain why she is the way that she is. I'm still not sure if she should have told Braunwyn. Or the other ladies if I'm honest. But seeing the world through how she must be seeing it after being a cult and how that could warp your mind...it explains her so much to me. So I will maybe look at her with a better eye.


BRAUNWYN. Speaking of better eye...I see you.  Just like Candiace post-fight on RHOP, opinions have started to turn on Braunwyn. And even I find myself giving her the side-eye. It is feeling less like a journey and more about wanting attention. I am all for finding yourself, but if the person she is trying to find a bad person? 


Looks like we are turning the corner on the Co-Vid episodes...time to get back to the messiness. 


BLM appears to have been a blip. Hm.




Well let them catch h#ll. It is well deserved.


Or make one of them the villain. Goodness knows one of them is.

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@Taoboi I had the same opinion of the last episode of OC. It is starting to get interesting actually. My view of some of these women has flipped too, especially Elizabeth whose life story give so much context to the way she is. She is a people pleaser and sometimes smudges the truth to give them what they want to hear. I appreciated the scene between her and Braunwyn, and credit to B that she listened to Elizabeth and made her feel supported.


IA with you about Braunwyn though. When she talks about herself, she is ALL IN about herself. She is very self-absorbed. 


Lol, I sort of love Gina's reactions to everybody. Kelly saying a group of Marines told them that blood type O was "bulletproof" against Covid -- and Gina was all 'Waiiiiiiit, wuuuuuut.' 


Love Emily and Shane. Their kids with the signs! Those boys are little mini Shane's. Emily was recently on a Juicy Scoop podcast and I enjoyed hearing her story. There is no pretension with her. She is not a fan of Tammy Sue either, so that's another reason to bring Tamra (and Lizzie) back. Tamra is currently hating on both Shannon and Emily. Not that Emily entirely trusts Shannon either... which is a good thing. Shannon is untrustworthy and all the women are starting to understand that it wasn't just all Tamra and Vicki's fault back in the day.


To think, Emily got the story Shannon envisioned for herself! Oy. On the one hand, Shannon's daughters are way too cocky with their mother, rolling their eyes and bringing Covid into the house. I find them hella spoiled. They act like David Beador used to act around Shannon: "Yes dear" while f*cking around behind her back. On the other hand, can you imagine Shannon as your mother? Drama queen sucking all the energy out of the room? Must be almost as suffocating as being around Bethenny Frankel! And her obsession with the boyfriend is going to drive his ass away, if it hasn't already. 


I have nothing to say about Kelly, except that she's an oblivious fool.



Oh Wendy basically lay back and uncrossed her legs when it came to Gizelle, Robyn and Candiace. She was hired to be Candiace's 'friend' and to beef with Karen, and Dr. Wannabe fulfilled that brief.  I can only hope any new hires don't fall in line the same way. I still say bring back Katie Rost. She actually had a mind of her own.

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I've been side eyeing Brownie all season. Throwing Shannon under the bus, blaming Gina for her hubby's creepy text, the odd co dependency between her and hubby.


However, when her daughter expressed genuine anxiety over covid and how it was affecting people...and Brownie made it about her.  I was done.  



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Yeah. I saw a tweet yesterday and I agree now. Perhaps she should have sat this season out to focus on her sobriety. Person who are going through it can be quite horrible as they are finding them and that's what viewers are seeing with no context really. And she is coming across horrible. Add on how she was liked last season, she has perhaps overestimated viewers liking her. Now that it seems like she is 'me, me, me,' I cannot help but feel she is using the show to give her the attention she is lacking elsewhere.  

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I saw this this morning and found it an incredibly plausible explanation for the fallout. At reunion, Bethenny mentioned Cassandra Grey in a jealous but vague manner and I wondered why she'd bother namechecking Carole's friendship with a woman not on the show. The only thing we knew of CG (via Bethenny) was how well-connected and wealthy she was. She kind of zeroed in on that particular aspect.


I also remember that flop of a Bethenny & Fredrik show. I am dying to know what she said to him to piss him off and refuse to film any more. B&F was trailed extensively throughout S8 and S9 of RHONY (yawn!), which coincided with Bethenny at her most rage-full and vicious. She had the fibroids and was making a point of attacking Jules and Luann continuously around this time. And of course Dorinda and John. Interesting that Bravo decided not to offer her any other production deals and felt she couldn't carry a show by herself. That may have been clear to them as early as Bethenny Ever After.

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