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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Okay...that was the fourth wall to end ALL fourth walls.


Chris dragging Gizelle, walking off for a break, and then Andy acting like that did not happen to continue the section about Ashley, Robyn, and Michael/Juan.


That said...I'm surprised NO ONE is side-eyeing the fact that those two are MIA from the reunion. 






I was meaning more about that sugar with his male celebrities and bartenders.


He would actually touch a black twink.


Color me surprised.





ETA:  @NothinButAttitudewell if Monique has truly and utterly quit. I will say this much. Season 6 will be Gizelle vs Candiace. Trust. So karma will be coming for the ladies over this is coming as well.



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Which tbf is probably the most genuine that Candiace has been with anyone this whole reunion.


As her mother figure, La Dame definitely not being completely on her side has hurt Candiace.


ETA: WAIT. What is this I hear about Monique being in the suit that Nene/Mariah are bringing against Bravo/Andy?


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Yeah...that was a lot.


And yet...much, much better than Part 3. 


I admit my emotions are going to be all over the place. The mystery right now being if Monique quit tonight or not. After watching that, if she did I can see why. I've said all year that Andy Cohen shouldn't be hosting these reunions anymore. Too bias. Too fake. Too phoney. In fact, the only reunion he did any justice to this year was the NYC reunion. Everywhere else, he sat there and sabotage the show with his need to be a housewife and not a host. Not taking the real villains to task, usually because he's buddy with them. No difference in this part.


We as viewers had her. We had her. For years, Gizelle had been getting away with being messy with her fellow Green Eyed Bandit Robyn. For years, she's been coming for people from Karen to Candiace to Ashley to Monique. Once she said that if Monique wanted to aim at her, she better not miss. Well...Monique did not miss this time. She made that face shattered. And no matter how much Andy Cokehead ran interference so Gizelle to get her hater energy back up like it was in Part 1...Honestly? It never came back. La Dame kept on her for sure. But Monique DID damage. And then Chris Samuels kept on that neck as well. 


I would love to say that she's been ended. And they truly ended her enough. But...Andy got in the way. And that...will have consequences if Nene's lawsuit comes to bear...especially since she apparently said Monique joined her and Mariah. 


But...time will tell.


For now...how did I take it? I'm surprised that I'm so calm after a second viewing when I was so angry after the first.


But...goodness knows I'm going to unpack.


GIZELLE. So close. So, so close. She was practically 'bleeding' the whole episode. If Andy had not called for that break at the start of Part 2, I think she would be truly done for. And probably wanting some payback. I just hope that Monique and Chris did enough damage that people see her for who she truly is. But I've enjoyed the unmasking. Chess instead of checkers indeed. Even Candiace threw her under the bus. And once Chris asked everyone one by one who mentioned the rumor...saving the best for last, we got the GOTCHA moment! You could have heard a pen drop. And her reaction...so 'I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those kids!' BITCH. Bonus...production did the rollback. Not that we didn't have it last week. But all that unseen footage on top of that. GOLD. The cherry on top? Chris's parting shot...what's worst to a person who enjoys hurting people? Showing they know she was behind everything, FAILED, and they still FORGAVE you. That simply made Gizelle look like a bitter, terrible person. Which...she is. LOSER.


CANDIACE. I honestly want to hate her. But...I have to give her SOME credit. We might not have gotten as much as we did from her if it was not for the fact that her Chris and Monique's Chris are such close friends. So I liked that she did throw Gizelle under the bus by saying she was messy. Also messy was her saying almost verbatim to Monique's Chris what she say in her LIVE. Saying without saying. And she finally took ownership over the fact that her mouth is what got her in trouble and was partly responsible for the fight. However, not accepting Monique's apology revealed her for what she is...FAKE AND PHONEY. LOSER.


MONIQUE. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't. I was happy that production had her back, continuing to bring the receipts each and every time Andy or Gizbelle wanted to gaslight her. And make no mistake that was GASLIGHTING. And I loved that she was adult enough that while she had already moved past it, she apologized to Candiace. Checkmate on this fight. Because Candiace either had to forgive and move forward or not and try to move forward or show that she was fake and phoney. She went with Option 3. And the fight is no longer Monique's cross to bear. What I found interesting was that her actions and talking were the talk and actions of someone who did go on a journey to figure out why she was triggered. She revealed what that was even though she was scared. That...is true progress. And I do wonder if the producers still filmed things showing this. It almost sounded like they did. And now...after carrying the season...we have the mystery of if she truly quit...and where she is going...a sign of someone who everyone wants to see...so...WINNER.


ROBYN. I have to side-eye the noticable absence of Juan and Michael. Since we know that Juan is very good at snowballing her, I could not help but think BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN on her? Other than that, she really had to reach for ways to be relevant. And yeah...she's just not important enough. Sounded like La Dame could have blown her world apart tonight...but showed her mercy. She also took Robyn's moment. Which we know she doesn't get enough of, living in Gizelle's shadow.

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WENDY. Non-factor. I hope she brings more to a second season rather than her four degrees. For very little going on WINNER. 


ASHLEY. Actually...was pretty much a non-factor. Which is funny all things consider, but I think at this point Michael and his scandal are just routine if not boring. I don't think Michael is at a wedding. I also found it hilarious that she can still throw Karen under the bus. For coming through the season more mature WINNER.


Speaking of best season...


KAREN. LA DAME WINS!!!! It was great to see Ray had her back. And her tears (not fake, Gizelle) at Ray asking for revows. For their sake though, I hope it is NOT filmed. Renewing vows on these shows are the kiss of death. No for La Dame. And YAAAASSSSS GO OFF, LA DAME!!!! Her vs Candiace was pretty good. And that reveal of seeking professional help for her after Candiace said she should burn in eternal hell in secret is such a Grande Dame thing to do. Sorry, not sorry. Part humorous, part serious because she does. And just like an elder to a young'un proved she can yell more and louder than Candiace. Nice try though.   I do feel that they can repair their friendship, but I don't feel they should if Candiace cannot trust her. And still throwing good shade so QUEEN.


Tomorrow sounds like it will be interesting for sure.


How oh how will Season 6 go...



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@TaoboiIf Monique joins that lawsuit with Nene and Mariah, at least we'll know some good counsel will be added to the ranks. I wish Nene and Mariah would expand their reach and reach out to other housewives that have been done wrong by the network. Just make a damn coalition at this point. 


Bravo is problematic and needs to be called out at this point. They are no better than the main network (NBC) and the whole Gabrielle Union situation. 

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This reunion was stressful to watch. What is clear is that the group can no longer hold. It is all too toxic and Karen's plea at the end to Gizelle and Candiace was to keep the group together. A plea Candiace received but Gizelle refused to.


Does anyone truly wonder why Gizelle is alone? Is there anything remotely redeeming about her whatsoever? The coldness emanating from her, the hatred, the bitterness... for many guys, it just ain't worth it. The way she treated Chris Samuels was THE WORST. At one point he was trying to get her to understand why questioning his son's paternity was so hurtful, and she refused to acknowledge him and spat out: 'Get that motherf*cker outta here." Nice language, Anointed One. A hypocrite who hid behind religious piety and a pretty face to cover up a whole lot of ugly. She is worse than S3/S4 Jill Zarin as far as I'm concerned. Toxic and hateful, I wouldn't mind if she never returned to RHOP.


People give Robyn a lot of leeway, but I think she has the same bully instincts as Gizelle. She loves a gang up and will happily kick someone when they are down. The only moment I warmed to her was her interaction with Ray, and she and Candiace actually seemed happy for Karen. Even though she had just dissed Karen's Embezzled pics minutes before. She rode Monique harder than all of them this season, excluding Candiace. It was in her interest and her delight to bring Monique down. Next.


You guys said it all re: Andy. Of ALL the HWs to cape for, he chose that empty, cruel shell of a human, Gizelle. His picker is so off. Kyle, Kim Z, Giz -- he adores these underwhelming, uninspiring women when he should be staying strictly unbiased. But no, he loves having his ass kissed too much to do that. He is so emmeshed in the RHs that he is going to bring the whole franchise down if he's not careful. The gaslighting of Monique was worse than how he treated Carole Radziwill. She no longer talks to him, and Bethenny tears into him on her podcast every other week, so.... the knives are out. Monique says she quit? I'm still thinking she is holding out for a better offer from Bravo. We will see tonight. Chris Samuels is DONE though.


It is total bullshit that Michael, Juan and Pastor Holy Whore did not show up. Bravo should have waved their wives' contracts in their faces. Pregnant Ashley left defending Michael's cowardly ass? What a weakling. 


I understand why Candiace felt she couldn't accept Monique's apology, because it had been over a year. (I also felt for Monique talking about her father putting his finger against her forehead and that being a trigger). This is Candiace's choice. However, she is going to let her rage and anger of Monique poison her very existence if she keeps holding onto this. Monique recognised that her assault if Candiace may not have been about Candiace at all. When will Candiace recognise that her rage is tied up with her issues regarding Dorothy?

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@NothinButAttitude Ugh. Gabrielle Union. That whole situation was disgusting. 


@Cat that was something I did like. Monique had a whole arc, but we never got to see it. She found what she was looking for post-fight, what triggered her and it was nice to see. Others could do better by figuring out why they act the way they do *cough*Gizelle*cough* or how they do like that. 

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Right message, WRONG messenger.  There's no law that says you can't outlive your usefulness.  Once Kenya came, Andy Sue gradually grew less enchanted with Nene.  Nene used her power to have women fired she didn't want around any longer so she is hardly the one to bring a  lawsuit against the weapon she no longer possesses.  I'm a huge Nene fan but I cannot support her suing the network because she fell from grace.  I thought she'd used her energy to move on but I guess I was wrong.  



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Many of these women stay in the toxic environment for the check and some are bullies who enjoy trashing others (Kyle).  The Samuels are financially sound so Monique would have no challenges walking away from such a poisonous environment.  Hate that Gizzard gets what she wants but I'm happy Monique is leaving the trash behind.  No good husband should sit back and continue to support their wife working a job they do not need when said job is so harmful to them emotionally.  

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So much to process. This easily can could have been a 4 part reunion as there was still so much we didn't see. When Giselle started screeching and being overly dramatic when Chris got up I thought what a cow. She played into the worst stereotype of the "angry black man". What did she think he was going to do? Charge across the room and attack her? I'm extremely dissapointed that we didn't get to see more of Monique's receipts in her binder. Clearly she just scratched the surface and would have revealed everything if only Andy hadn't shut her down. And it bears repeating again that Andy is the worst. Never have I seen so much disdain and condescension leveled from a host. As I process the news of Monique leaving I can't help but feel legit sad. She brought so much to the table and she was underrated.  What's next because clearly the Grand Dame will have zero tolerance when they come for her so this show will have no choice but to pivot and find a new scapegoat via a new face or turn on each other.  This show was clearly a stand out from the rest. There's something about Potomac that feels real even though it's reality TV.  I feel the show is about to jump the shark fairly soon. I'll post some more when I watch a second time.

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