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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Another great episode. And the OFFICIAL start of the Jen/Mary feud for me. For me up until now Jen has been making much ado about nothing with Mary. Mary might not understand, but she still did the right thing and apologized. But still Jen kept making it an issue. And once we got to the Met Ball luncheon...it was Jen's slight to Mary (apologizing to Meredith, but not to Mary) that really set her off. So...IT'S ON!!!


JEN. While I admit that she was not completely in the wrong, Jen was still just doing too much. And she deserved to be gathered flawlessly by Mary. She had simply had enough. And now, Jen doubled down in her talk with her husband by associating the 7-11 comment with her family when Mary did not even mention her family. AGAIN. Just...ugh. And given how she's been acting, how do we even know if it is the truth? Even their producers are shady enough to get that on film. And so far...no film. Could it just be her thirst for drama? Or is it as Mary said to Heather...black jealousy? I know Heather would not be used to that...but sadly...that's real. And a WHOLE other talk to be had on this show. That world that Monique mentioned on the POTOMAC finale where you could be too white acting for your black brothers and sisters, but whites cannot see beyond your skin color? Things to make you go hmmmm


HEATHER. Also got gathered. Glad to see her and Mary made up though. I liked that she tried to get them talking throughout. But...I think it will be too little too late. That said...I enjoyed seeing her house and family. And I continued to enjoy her (and her cousin) explain Mormon life to us. I find it extremely fascinating. Makes me think of the Amish shows on TLC.


LISA. Fabulous Ice continues to show a human side with one-liners. Though I got confused...the party was for her son or all her kids? How many does she have? And next week, we get to see her at work...with VPR's Katie and Lauren from Utah? Really? lol.


MEREDITH. That...was rough. You can see it. Her husband really does not want to do it. But it is work. Goodness knows the struggle is real since I've had to deal with duty vs love all of my life it seems. And you want it to work. And I can only imagine how that same feeling would be after 25 years given it's rough at 3, but...still sad to watch. I would have said Meredith don't care, but that last scene spoke volumes on her as well...so sad.


WHITNEY. Just like her cousin, she stays relatable. I hope her father can stay the distance, but it is worrying that the home already know her father often from his various times there. Well...one day at a time. While I did not like her Marilyn Monroe TH, I did think her brother was cute. 


MARY. I giggled at the producers doing the rollback. That said...her gathering of Jen, then Heather, followed by Whitney...who she seems very close too which is probably why she stopped there...was flawless and effortless. How can one not stan that? lol. That said...I liked the scene of her talking to her husband crossed with Jen talking to her husband. That humanized both of them going forward since it is clear they are FARRRRR from reconciling. FAR.


Let the games begin...

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Okay now Wells Fargo is suing Tom. I’m sorry, but between this and the lawsuits glossed over last season, they can’t ignore this. It’ll be interesting to see how they handle all this. What was a simple divorce is now a huge mess lol. She may earn her Diamond this year!

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Jen is acting up and taking everything so personal because she's lonely.  Her hubby travels (don't blame him) and her kids seem like they have their own stuff.  She seems overly emotional and unbalanced to me.  Part of me wonders if she's offended partly to prove to hubby that she cares about him and her family?  


Mary...I view her like I view most nouveau riche.  She is a classist..not a racist....and Jen making it about race says more about Jen than Mary.  Both are not likable...but have fascinating backstories.


Meredith is the complete opposite of Jen in terms of coping with not being with hubby.  She shuts down emotionally and disengages.  


Lisa is a New Yorker.


Heather is relatable...but I think she's stuck emotionally due to the divorce from hubby and the Mormon church.  Jen's 1 redeeming quality is that she's genuinely a decent friend to Heather...but heather wear some armour on your back so Jen's knife won't penetrate the skin.


Whitney seems like on a different show..kinda like Dina on NJ in season 6.

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I was trying to think of the right word to describe Mary (other than kooky) but yes, nouveau riche!!!


I also agree. They both have fascinating backstories. But I don't have any dislike for Mary yet. Weariness, but not dislike. Actually I don't have it yet for Jen either, but she is just doing too much without too much of a humanizing factor to balance her out.


I find Whitney, Meredith, and of course Heather the most relatable.


lol. I find New Yorkers to be more blunt than ice. Straight forward. But perhaps I should watch her now with that in mind.

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The Edelson PC lawsuit filed the previous week is a doozy and very damning for Erika. It alleges that Tom embezzled millions from the settlement of the Lion Air victims he represented, and used it to fund their lavish lifestyle. It points to her $40,000 a month glam squad as example. It alleges he transfered tens of millions of dollars this year to her company EJ Global LLC. Consequently, it alleges the divorce is a sham -- a vehicle to hide their assets from creditors. Finally, it names Erika herself as party to the lawsuit.


I cannot see Erika even choosing to return to BH next season. I am not sure she will want these multiple lawsuits (which risk stripping the Girardis of all their assets to pay the settlements) to play out over the course of the season.


@DaytimeFan Poor LVP. She and Ken adored Giggy. What a tough year for her, not to mention the restaurants and VPR on ice.


@NothinButAttitude This screams cult to me.


As watchable as Mary is on SLC, I feel like the Feds are watching that church and her lavish spending with interest.

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I agree. It screams Jim Jones to me too. 


This is why I don't register with any religion because it all boils down to profit at the end of the day. It has always bothered me how the pastor/preacher/father/priest is living better than their flock. 


And Mary's niece is on YouTube spilling tea on her too. 


Jen literally has a loaded gun and could blast Mary to kingdom come if she does her research. She better get on that Monique sh*t and start piling up receipts. 

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@Taoboi So I am all caught up on SLC!


I wasn't sure after the first episode whether I would take to it, especially after seeing all the high praise on social media. But Ep 2 onwards really got into its groove. It reminds me so much of RHOV, I can't even take it. Not just the mountain city locales, but the fact that Meredith looks like RHOV's Ronnie with a little Lauren Bacall (the icon in my avatar!) sprinkled in. I think Meredith must be one of the most beautiful HWs i have ever seen (next to Cynthia). And she is giving us relationship drama which I am sure we all sensed with her very first scene on the show. Meredith is mysterious and keeps her emotions under wraps, though in her scenes with Seth, there feels like a deep sadness within her. Did he cheat? Did she? Is she in love with someone else? Or are we watching the dissolution of a marriage, no third parties, quietly and for its own reasons? 


The Greek Chorus/voice of the audience are Heather and Whitney. I love them both. I saw some on social media say that Whitney should be the one to go after this season which truly shocked me. Whitney is our entry into Mormon culture. She explains things so well, so deeply, and her reactions to the Jen-Mary crazy are hilarious. I also find her a boss with the martial arts AND her SL with her father is authentic and timely. Prescription pill addiction is no joke.


Heather...LOL. I love this chick. Guard the burger and the chicken lollipops! She has her feet firmly on the ground and, like Whitney, grounds this show. She is SLC's tentpole character as far as I'm concerned. 


Lisa is fun and I love her dancing machine of a son, Henry. Other than that... I'm waiting for her to step it up. Maybe this week at Sundance.


Jen. Oh boy. My antenna went up about 2-3 weeks before the premiere of the show. Jen was retweeting all the JEN IS KWEEN OF RHOSLC comments. This is before SLC had even aired! And she was #ShahSquad on all her posts. So it turned me off a little. She's definitely in it to win it -- she wants to be the OTT queen bee who dominates the franchise, and in a way, she's a natural. The others are too quiet, too laid back or calm to really claim the crown. This ain't BH where at least 4-5 HWs hyperventilate for top spot. OTOH, when you want something too much, the audience smells desperation on you and withholds their support. And that's where Jen might be heading. It's all starting to feel a little contrived. The HW beefs, the meltdowns in parking lots, the glam squad, the Kardashian reject outfits, the rented chalet which I assumed was the weekend house but... it may be the only house. Having said that, Jen brings drama to the ensemble. And that's what this show is: a great ensemble with very different, complementary moving pieces. Without Jen, I'm not sure there would be much Drama.


And then we have Mary. Whoever scouted her and convinced her to join deserves a raise. Mary is a magic component to this show. We need to appreciate her now before the Feds arrest her and Peepaw for embezzlement/fraud/tax evasion/slavery (I'm wondering if Charlinda is even paid). Her crazy eyes and kooky awkwardness remind me of Ramona. There is something... damaged and fragile about her which i have to wonder isn't due to her family dysfunction trauma -- marrying your step-grandpa to seize control of the cult and its money from your mother. I mean, that is bananas. At the same time, we know she is ruthless, if those recordings from her 'sermons' are anything to go by. I am just fascinated by her, and there are times when i feel sorry for her and impressed by her clear-eyed lucidity. And other times when I'm like 'Hey, cult leader.'


All in all... fascinating show. Don't understand why either this or Potomac are struggling for viewers.

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Yaaaay!!!! To you being caught up, Cat.


Yeah, I love the cousins. I think people probably do think that Whitney should go, but just like the cast of POTOMAC I do feel like each one of them bring something to the dynamic...yes, even Jan...I mean Jen

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  that I don't want to take any of them away yet. 


And YEEESSS!!! It really and truly does give me RHOV vibes which is why I do like so much so far. Those views overhead of the city (especially at night) are so breathtaking. 


I hope Jen is not going to be coming for Heather next week because she wants some chocolate. That would irk me to no end. 


As far as ratings, people have been screaming at Bravo to push up the time on SLC and say that is why the ratings are so low so far. I believe they push up the time one time...and ratings followed...proof they should do that. But so far...alas. It also does not help that OC is the lead-in and that is mostly being boycotted online (not so much live since they are still doing decent ratings so far). Then you have RHOA which is down from last season's premiere, alledgedly because thought it would be too heavy because of BLM, but still higher than any other HW show. And that was a GREAT lead-in for POTOMAC which got its highest rating of the season for the finale. So I suspect the reunion episodes will be doing great tonight. 


Ha!! I think Bravo viewers have most fatigue from BELOW DECK marathons every other day than HW shows at the moment. I do think that viewers are tired of fakery and want fun fluffy with a dash of real...or actual real...but not too real. They have to find that right kind of balance.





2020 really isn't about s&*#.


Condolences to LVP.






Honestly given what has happened so far and Jen mentioning the 7-11 incident, I'm surprised Jen doesn't have receipts already to use. 


And I CANNOT WAIT to see Monique receipts. 


Between that and now Wells Fargo coming for them...it will be interesting to see if Erika returns once filming resumes.


And moreso if those hyenas are going to tear her to shreds over it. 


*looks over at Ex Soap Star*


But to be fair...if only she was as good at PR like Teresa and Joe maybe she could find a sympathic angle that might get people on her side. Might. Unlikely though.


I feel her days are numbered.



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1,000 times this. I find the BH ostentation suffocating -- as if I ate too much cake. And what monopoly money are the Kemsley's using to pay for sh*t? I also think this ostentatiousness is simply a replacement for an actual SL (20 minutes of glam squad footage and Kyle getting her new face contoured), and a replacement for an actual personality in the case of Erika and Dorit. The brands/outfits are what defines them. There is nothing else there. 



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