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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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They need to bring back Phaedra and be done with it haha.  Trailer does look good though and this series always does better with a bunch of side characters.  I'm looking forward to a Nene-less season.  


Is Atlanta the only series that still films well after the trailer drops?  Always seems odd that no other series does this...  

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I think RHOM would beg to differ


39 things Miamians are weirdly proud of

I think depending on how crazy the drama is for a season...or how boring in the case of BH last year where they had to expand the season filming, it is not unusual. And then you have POTOMAC...and I want to say NJ but I might be running where they start filming the new season almost immediately after the reunion wraps/airs/films so...


What can I say? Those Georgia peaches keep it hopping...even their down time is usually filled with drama that the producers WISHED they got on film.


ETA: So many goodies up in these last few pages. Cuz wait to get off work with a glass of wine and dish. 


@ChitHappens thanks for the heads-up about Karen and Monique getting squared. I was definitely worried. 

Edited by Taoboi
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I just don’t care about Atlanta anymore. I’m going to watch obviously but with Potomac being the gold standard now, Atlanta just doesn’t have it anymore. 

And I had to roll my eyes at millionaire and then some Kandi, complaining about child support. Didn’t she just buy her kid a Porsche?

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Potomac has definitely surpassed RHOA, but I'm willing to give it a try. I think the non-Nene season was one of the best, so fingers crossed this is going to be a good season. 


As for Kandi, I sort of see your point, but just because  Kandi is wealthy that doesn't mean Riley's father should not have any responsibilities. 

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See, I am the total opposite. I am like stack the cast. Realistically, all these shows need 7-10 housewives. That equals more drama and less filler episodes. Season 7 of NYC shows why more is best. Potomac is thriving even more because the network increased the cast. 


Atlanta needs to have a full season with 7 housewives. I've always felt like that's why season 7 wasn't as great as it could've been because the network basically edited out Demetria and should've went ahead and kept Porsha full-time that season. 


For ATL, this should've been the season where they should've dragged in the equal amount of new housewives to the vets (Porsha, Kenya, Cynthia, Kandi). This should've been a season of 8. And if Bravo would stop trying to cast folks with "clout" and instead look for nobodies, this show would pop again. 

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That was an awesome season, although Kristen Taekman could have been a “friend of” for all her little screen time. And S8 had seven women and was just as strong. No one felt neglected that season (in spite of Bethenny’s unseemly quest for dominance). I prefer an ensemble feel. It keeps the center of gravity from going too far in one direction and keeps the dynamic from getting too monotonous.

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It's definitely a reality and very relatable! Universities are prohibitively expensive. I imagine Wendy has loans for undergrad, her masters AND her PhD. Hubby probably has undergrad and grad school loans. All that bundled together must be a massive amount.


That article was a doozy. The stuff about the Nigerian caste system was something else. I don't know if that 'source' was Wendy's mother-in-law but they really are not fans of her or her mother!

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TBF, Karen would not be the first housewife to play the 'marriage in trouble' storyline. Nene got seasons (and a spinoff) out of it by allegedly faking a divorce, breakup, getbacktogether, and remarriage out of it. So I cannot pick on her for that if it's true.


I personally don't think it's true myself. I know I have said why I stand with Karen who has arguably had the best arc from Season 1 to 5 (I could also see Ashley given that up until this season she had gotten off my nerves, but like a true soap villainess, she got her comeuppance last season which might have something to do with that) from stuck up queen to just queen now. But to sum it up again...especially today of all days...nothing and I mean NOTHING will humble a person more than the loss of a parent. And Karen lost both of her...BACK TO BACK. 


I have had years to process my loss and it hurts. Moreso this year because Corona tried it with my Mother and that definitely had me in my feels. Not out of the woods but the 14 days have passed. And just worrying on top of everything going on in 2020 it definitely has put how I feel about my mother in a different life and how I am not ready to lose her. The loss of my father shattered me and it took years for me to function. Just thinking about potentially losing my mother...can't. Not strong enough.


Is she an act? She was. Still is, but I think she is NOW in on the joke which makes her far more entertaining and more importantly relatable. Not perfect, still human. But the loss of her parents have made her a different person. Thinking about life. Thinking about things she want to see before she goes I suspect. And we see her drive. Her in the moment. And I won't fault her for that. Life is short. 


Now as for Bravo...they are always trying to manipulate who the audience should like. We all are smart enough to know better for the most part. BH should reveal how tone deaf they are that they basically kept everyone and if some singer's daughter had not gotten in trouble in real life, she might still be there, too. Gizelle is just fetch...and we all know that is not going to EVER happen. She is just proof that Andy Cohen still has some control over who we should be seeing and his bias is showing. Which is fine. More people like scene stealers anyway...which La Grande Dame clearly has done with the audience.


I said what I said. 





She's been trying to destroy her ever since.

+ 1


I feel if Monique leaves, it will be by her choice. She has basically said anyway. 


That's something else to factor in re: Monique. I don't know if you watched her IG when she revealed the BTS about the rumor and Gizelle and group's role in it, but it was clear that production LOVES Monique. Otherwise they would not have gone out of their way to contain for the better part of two years (?). You could even see that during the fight. Heck, they seem to love everybody...James with Ashley and Michael during the dinner where Michael was being dramatic and Just during the fight with the one producer trying to get Candiace in the car. Compare that to that one producer and Denise Richards over on BH. They are definitely a tight-knit crew. And that factors as well.


Well, if Kathy must be there on BH, I expect to see more of Kim so we might get the 'full' view of their sister dynamic. And I want the Kathy you showed above. But I feel we are just going to get Faye Lite since Kyle's attempt to bring back Season 1 Kyle failed.



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Agree as well. So many dynamics to work with with 6, 7...even 8. 


But isn't the tea on Bravo when it comes to hiring is that they want nobodies so that if they HIT, they can take the credit for 'discovering' them vs folks with clout or even other reality stars from other networks?

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And now to the good stuff: 




I liked that. 


Mary was easily my favorite. 


I also loved Lisa and Whitney.


I was surprised at how lurkwarm Jen's was, but I know she is going to bring it so...


I see you, Meredith! But don't get snatched like Wig did. 


Overall, very promising.




I cannot believe how middle of the road people are online about it. I thought it was pretty good. I know some people are sad about Nene, but she did that to herself. And the Neneless seasons have been good seasons too. 


Kenya still looks like she will be busy, stirring the pot, dealing with Marc, being Cynthia's wingman.


I am still looking forward to Porsha's activism though it seems like that will be the center of her reemerging feud with Kenya. Thus the producers' comments...and I cannot believe the producers are really popping up on ALL the shows this year. And then...Strippergate? Well, Kenya always wanted to get back at Tanya so let's see how that plays out.


Curious to see how Bravo will do this Cynthia wedding. I was thinking kinda like how NY did LuAnn and Tom's wedding with the before and after and we still got to see her plan her wedding. But...we'll see.


I like Drew so far. Same for Latoya. 



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ATL never lets us down even if it’s not a standout season. I feel like this will watchable, but I think people aren’t enthusiastic because they didn’t really give us much to be excited about. You don’t have a big new housewife or multiple housewives joining so it just feels flat. Now that doesn’t mean it WILL be flat, but we have to wait and see. 

What I will say, Atlanta is FULL of stars and other reality shows get big people so why can’t ATL? I think what they truly need is a new production company. For their next season they need a Garcelle and a Sutton. A big name and someone with money and lifestyle (perhaps Falynn will bring the lifestyle). They just always seem so underwhelming with their casting. 

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I've been on Twitter to know that a LOT was going on with the Peaches and most of it WASN'T in the trailer so I think they are hiding it. And as for drama, drama...I think we all know that will be the midseason trailer...especially if that Tanya stuff (and the LaToya happenings) is true.

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I agree with you. Say what you want about him, Carlos King had a direction and a focus for each season that good as the ladies are (the reality equivalent of ace soap actresses taking bad writing and turning it into gold), his successors have never been able to do as good. 



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