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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I agree. The amount of women that has been filming it sounds like RHOA Season 6 (and RHOM S2 which I'm currently binging) where you have the main cast who are dynamic alone and THEN all of these recurring characters that add even more spark. The running rumor is that we might even get SEVEN housewives. 


But yes, like you, I NEEEEED the cast photo. Especially given all the drama surrounding Cynthia's wedding and it not being production filmed after all that built-up. So...does Cynthia get a peach or...?


But I would love if they dropped it tomorrow. I am thinking Wednesday if we are lucky and Friday at the latest.


ETA: Oh, second cast trip got revealed: NOLA. 

Jen I love you, but that's MELBOURNE's Gina tagline!!! Hopefully if she uses it, she says it with flare.


I love Whitney and Lisa if true. Mary is meh.


And Heather I might like depending on how she says it. Same with Meredith.


I am looking forward to this too. 


And if we play our cards right, we might have FOUR (okay THREE since RHOP reunion will be going on)  Housewives show running at the same time again. 

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Thank you!!! La Dame has been coming out so well this year on the show and in real life with her getting airtime on tv to sell her perfume. I cannot believe how she has so turned her life around before the audience's eyes and show just about everything as a Housewife should. Given how this year has been, I find it truly inspiring as of late. 


Yes, the doctor was looking ignorant. And got called out AS SHE SHOULD. I am just sad that Candiace was not getting what Karen was trying to say.


I don't know if YT is blocked where you are, but Karen's interview on the after show about it was very informative and if you can watch it, I definitely recommend...if only for more dragging of Doctor Wendy.

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Can I also just say that I really think it is the height of pretension for someone who doesn’t provide care to patients (be they physician, dentist or psychologist) to refer to themselves as a doctor. 

Wendy is a doctor of philosophy. That is an incredible academic achievement, but that’s also what the post nominal letters Ph.D stand for. You don’t want a Ph.D attempting a tracheotomy. 

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Karen did not hesitate or deviate!


Candiace: You've made excuses for Monique. You have coddled Monique. You are choosing a side.

Karen: No.

Candiace: What I need to hear from you is that you understand that what Monique did was wrong. It is confusing to me that seeing what you saw, that you can still be this soft.

Karen: One of the things that I know about you, Candiace, is that you are brilliant, your mind is just so powerful -- but so is your mouth. I'm a little insulted that you continuously return to say that I should be against Monique. Let me tell you, young woman, that I coddled you a year ago. I protected you a year ago. I had your back. When I was holding you down, I didn't always agree with what you had done or said to others. And I am doing no more for my friend Monique than I did for you. Monique did a horrendous thing, and I told her she needed help. And I will walk with her hand-in-hand. If the shoes were reversed, I would do the same thing for you. So, as much as I can be a loving, big sister or auntie to you, I will not be told what to say or think.


I find it ironic that literally NOBODY has a problem with Ashley having Monique's back. Ashley is still invited to all the events and on cordial terms with everyone. So why is Karen different? Why are they trying to make an example out of her?


Wendy... sigh. Social media and Bravo seem to love her, and I like her family and political engagement. But she is working too hard to keep this fight alive. She is all up in it and righteous and acting like she is deeply involved -- when she wasn't even around last year when the seeds were being sown! She really wants to Be Seen in this storyline. Her angle from the beginning has been anti-Karen, and that is also her angle with this fight, to target Karen as the 'bad friend.'


Candiace is eagerly playing the traumatized victim role. Obvs a physical altercation shakes you for days, if not weeks afterwards. It takes time to process the feelings of anger and fear. Right now I am not sensing fear with Ms Candiace, but I am sensing a fair amount of self-righteousness and smugness (Not saying she isn't traumatized, but that doesn't mean she can't also capitalize on an opportunity). She has been jonesing for a confrontation with Monique since before the season started. She helped bring this altercation into the middle of the group. Now she is demanding that her friends pick her side. Has she thought about how all this might be affecting them? 


Candiace had a face like one of Michael Darby's pinched bottoms when she found out Monique was countersuing.


Monique is out, isn't she? I cannot see her surviving beyond this season, especially if nobody will film with her.

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I don't buy Karen's marriage storyline for one second. It all reeks of a storyline cooked up for the show since she didn't do much last year. I know most people think she walks on water, but I find her "grande dame" act to be just that. IT may also be that I revisited the first season where she was awful so I don't buy this Lady Bountiful routine. I do think there are moments when she is wonderful (telling the women they needed to be more compassionate to wig-impaired Katie is a highlight; bringing up last year with C and A) but like Gizelle's current relationship, I'm skeptical and not accepting it. I'm willing to be wrong, but I can't square season one Karen with the wise yoda woman she's presenting herself this season. I also think it's telling that fans seem to "worship" Karen, but Bravo doesn't do much with her outside of the show. I wonder if Karen is a Shannon who is a terror behind the scenes. 


Karen has a point about Candaice/Ashley last year, but I always find people who remain neutral do the most damage. These tend to be the same people who say "I don't do politics." Monique's annoyance that they won't let her show her change just tells me she didn't change. No one has to give her a chance to show change when she acted violently especially when it's mainly about you getting seats in an oversold event. It's not up to them to make the effort; it's up to Monique, and clearly, Monique is not willing to do the work. Ms. Neutral is smart enough to know that if she answered the "What would you do?" question, it would be a plot point. She could have remained truly neutral, and said, "Candaice, only you know how to handle this situation, and I will support any decision you make." She knew she'd get airtime if she answered.


I would never denigrate Wendy for being educated, or for being a doctor. She put in a lot of hard work, and that is a major accomplishment. She didn't just marry a much older man to get status (that may seem like a dig at Karen but it was unintentional as I was thinking of RHOBH). She worked to get where she's at today and she should call herself Doctor any chance she gets. I would if I had the same education. If Wendy were coming after Gizelle, viewers would be cheering her in the streets. 

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People didn’t say friend so I’m wondering if she might be able to snag a diamond in the end. I just hate that Kathy is joining at a time Kim isn’t on. Based on what we know, this is the most boring time in the past 10 years they could’ve added her. Imagine Kathy in seasons 2-3 or season 5! That would’ve been New Jersey levels of fire. It seems like Kathy and Kyle are getting along fine now so we will see what she brings. I just hope we get some La Toya Jackson sightings. Kathy and La Toya had excellent chemistry on Life with La Toya. 

The one thing I do love about the upcoming season of Beverly Hills is that it looks like it won’t all be spoiled before we see it. The newbie isn’t directly in the spotlight which I think will give her that Sutton allure where we have to wait and see. I don’t want to know everything beforehand which is draining by the time the show airs. This is another reason New York always work. We never know what they have going on and we don’t need to!

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Monique has Ashley and Karen who will film with her going forward. 


It won't be hard for production to strong arm Wendy or Robyn into filming with Monique seeing as both of them are in financial strife and won't put up much a fight if push comes to shove. 


Gizelle is a blowhard and says she'll never film with Monique again, but I doubt it. Gizzy needs Monique on the show because as long as Monique is there, Gizzy has someone to rival with outside of Karen, thus further allowing her to keep her skeletons in her closet. 


Candaice is the one that is refusing to film with Monique going forward, but I don't think that will hold much clout come time of contract renewals. I personally think that by Candaice putting this ultimatum out there, it'll force the network's hand but not in a good way. For example, look at Nene. Look at LVP. Look at Dorinda. When they all pitched a fit about the network wanting to bring people they didn't care for back into the fold, it bit them all in the ass by having the network run them off in the end. 


If Monique remains calm, cool, and collected, which she normally does at the reunion, she'll come up with the upper hand. Going off the midseason trailer, I think it is gonna be hard for Candaice to play victim of violence when it appears that she and Broke Chris get buck with Ashley and Michael on the finale. 

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Thank you for laying it out like that. Seeing Monique filming mostly alone on the show and After Show, it is hard not to shake the feeling that Gizelle has triumphed in getting Monique iced from the show -- kind of like the Manzos got Danielle iced from NJ, even though she was a fan favorite. I still feel like the deck is stacked against Mo, but I also recognize that production need her. Monique *IS* the only storyline this season.


The 3 major physical altercations last season and this season have one common denominator. I actually feel empathy for Candidacy because, like Monique, she has anger issues that she is not confronting. She is trying to temper that anger, but a lot of the other women are more than happy to push her buttons in order to achieve a desired result. Candiace's rage obvs stems from her dictatorial mother and feelings of powerlessness over her own life. So she acts confrontational in order to feel powerful.


Re: the bold. Wendy is in financial strife? 



Kathy seems especially close to Kim so we will prob see more of her. I do think you are right and Kathy will be there to pull a Faye and reinforce how 'wonderful' Kyle is. I enjoyed the glimpse of Kathy, Kris Jenner and Faye together at the charity auction last season because they looked like a power triumvirate. You know it must have intimidated the sh*t out of Rinna with her paltry charity bid.


I remember in S5 when Kim's daughter was getting married, Kathy was helping Kim organise the wedding outfits. Kyle showed up pretending to be involved, and Kathy could

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 not  even  look  at her . Every time Kaftan opined about Kim's outfit, Kathy would talk over her and steer Kim back to Kathy's choices, lol. This is the Kathy we want to see!


I hope you are right about BH keeping a lid on leaks. It has been egregious the past two years. Brandi was obviously flapping her gums on Twitter months before anything aired, but I'm sure she had the thumbs-up from production to build anticipation. And from a ratings POV, it did work.


I like the look of the newbie but I also hope Sutton will be back permanently.



Speaking of RHONY:


Heather is cited by Eboni as part of the main cast. This group is looking good!



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